Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

25 Apr

Going to leave warning here to keep this discussion on track please. It's an interesting topic to discuss and some are trying to talk about it.

Any further posts that are clearly provoking or unneeded aggression will be removed.
Originally Posted by USMCDEVILDOG010
So essentially youre what its epi is to reddit. You have the same job. Well darn now maybe i wont have to go to reddit to actually get answers.

In a way, yeah!

What Epi used to be anyway when he was a community manager / Rep, but he's the big Community Developer now.
Hey everyone!

Thought I might as well put my bit in here, would make sense.

The recent leaving of Zoro was for their own choice, wanting to pursue another path after being with Ubisoft for quite some time.

I do however agree that the forums have been slightly under moderated recently and believe it or not, I have been here observing to see what's going on, seeing who's who and how people act. I understand you all know each other, know how certain people are e.t.c. where as I do not and I don't want to come in here, all guns blazing and demanding straight away.

I've been with Ubisoft for quite sometime and worked along side Siege for even longer, but I'm only just joining the community team for R6S two weeks ago and I'm currently in the middle of transitioning from my current position, into the Community Representative one so my time is very limited on what I can do at the moment.

As of Monday the 29th April I'll be m... Read more
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Originally posted by ♡Constance:
Originally posted by UbiBoat: I also go with the M762. It just feels so solid. The LMG-E is pretty fun when you want to cause some mayhem though.
question,are you a pro?

Not even close. I just work on the Community Team for Siege.
    UbiBoat on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I also go with the M762. It just feels so solid. The LMG-E is pretty fun when you want to cause some mayhem though.

24 Apr

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I recommend reaching out to Ubisoft Support[support.ubi.com], SpectatorX. They will be able to investigate and make sure you receive your rewards.
    UbiBoat on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I can't do anything with burst personally. I Literally always get destroyed when I try burst fire mode.
    UbiBoat on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You will have your points returned once the other two are confirmed to be cheating and therefore banned. If you remember their names, please reach out to Ubisoft Support[support.ubi.com] so they can expedite their bans and have your elo returned.


Originally posted by Kaelath_The_Red

I've been reporting people daily in game and through support with video proof of cheaters since December and haven't seen a single adjustment for my games and I've lost over 2000mmr because of it. Hell the people I'm reporting are still playing and being put into my games daily too. So your system isn't very effective if people are being reported 100 times a day with zero consequences.

There's a process in place, and I can guarantee that we do our utmost to uphold the fidelity of that process. While it may feel that your experience so far has not felt like it has been fruitful, your contribution and other players contribution via reports is still helpful and needed. The system isn't perfect, but we're continuing to try and improve effectiveness.


Originally posted by Melmoney1

How do you report cheaters? My team was hit offline by a hacker who impersonated as one of my friends who joined our party to get our IP addresses.

Bizarre story I know but it unfortunately happened

support.ubi.com. Or this should take you to a template that's partially pre-filled.

As always, attach any video/screenshot evidence and provide whatever details you can as logically as you can :D


Originally posted by Flashblaster3

i lost some points yesterday... never saw any hacker in MY team thought and reported 2 in enemy team... hopefully i'll get some back soon...

You'll only see the impact of the MMR rollback kick in when a cheater is identified, verified and banned by us. So typically it has no relation to the game you were just in. But please definitely keep reporting since they do help improve our detection process!

edit: u/PercyXLee explained it perfectly. Except - to explain further the rollback conditions: we cannot confidently determine which games a banned cheater actually cheated in so we make the basic assumption that they are cheating in all games to simplify things and therefore rollback MMR from all games they were in. We did try to test only rolling back games in which a banned cheater -won- a game (again under the assumption that they cheated in all games, win or lose) but the imbalance in MMR that was caused by this would have thrown the entire ecosystem into chaos. Hope that helps :D


Originally posted by [deleted]

The kitchen window on Coastline makes no noise when an attacker does a run out if you are close to it. If you're far away, you can hear it. But if you're under the VIP balcony or near the vending machine, there isn't any sound of boards breaking or hopping out.

There's sound bugs like this everywhere right now. It's awful for players (like me) who typically sound whore.

Hey Patrick! To clarify on this particular case, there is a glass on that window. The glass act just as a wall would (blocks sound) so if the barricade is destroyed while leaving the glass intact ( i.e. melee the bottom of it 3 times) the sound will not propagate until the glass is broken.

Thanks very much for the specificity of your feedback! And of course, all reports on sound issues in general from you all here :) It helps with repro-ing if any steps or specifics you remember are passed along in your reports!

    UbiBoat on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please reach out to Ubisoft Support[support.ubi.com] as they will be able to investigate and ensure you receive your rewards.
    UbiBoat on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by legendary potato.:
Originally posted by ExpertBreezy: When is the next season?
after this season
    UbiBoat on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, all!

The team was made aware of this first thing this morning. They are investigating and working to resolve it. I'll be sure to provide updates as soon as I hear more!

Also, as a few others have mentioned, I recommend disabling the option to queue for Hostage if you don't want to risk running into people using this exploit while the team work to resolve this.

23 Apr


The Y4S1.3 Patch will release on April 16th for PC and April 17th for console. The Y4S1.3 Patch includes the Lion rework, Capitao V2 and a number of other balancing changes which you can read about in greater detail in our Designer�s Notes.


Reduced the ability warning to 1.5 seconds (from 3 seconds).
Reduced the scanning to 2 seconds (from 4 seconds).
Replaced the scan outline by a red ping debuff.
Increased the number of charges to 3 (from 2 charges).
Reduced the ability cooldown to 15 seconds (from 27 seconds).
Vigil's ability ERC�7's cloak makes him immune to Lion's scan.

With more of a focus on intel gathering, now this predator has to play smart to catch his prey. Check out the Designer�s Notes to learn more.

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