Although the music is great in its own right, I personally feel that it was a bad fit.
I really don't know what would be a good fit for this game, but the "slow jazz" or orchestral music usually tied in with these types of games are just used up imo.
Dark ambient synthwave could work?
Minimalist DnB?
I see your point, there's definitely a noir-type orchestral soundtrack to parts of this game (inspired by LA Noire tracks and the music of Jerry Goldsmith, at least for some of the temp tracks I was given) but you won't be hearing much orchestral stuff with brass and woodwind while breaching doors and taking out baddies - there'll certainly be much more synth and percussion-driven tracks where they're more necessary. A few of these have been written already but haven't yet been made public.
I'm aiming to support a number of different aesthetics and have strong variety from level to level, and there'll be some fairly dark, dissonant music where it'll fit. This sort of contrast should, if executed properly, end up making the various different themes even more powerful, as going from a light, noir-style orchestral track A to a disturbing synthy track B only makes the darkness of B pop out more, and ideally sound darker than it would if another dark synth track preceded it.
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