Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

15 May


1) This is really cool, and I also like the idea of physics-heavy wheels. 2) This 100% reminds me of a tire swing that collected water in the rain.


Sick wheels, very...down to earth.


Very cool! DM'd you about using this for Fan Art Friday.

14 May


I believe we have a bug in for this, will address it in a future update. Thank you!


Originally posted by VitaeEssence

Ohhh awesome! Can't wait until the final release of 2.8. Awesome work!

You and me both. I think this will be me until July when 2.80 is "final".


Originally posted by Oliver240693

Amazing 🙌, always fun to see industry people using blender, we have a dedicated slack channel at work for blender users haha. And thank you so much. Love your work.

You're welcome! Fan art is some of the highest praise I think we can get (maybe I'm just biased as an artist?) so I really appreciate you sharing these.


Originally posted by Oliver240693

Sorry I didn’t mention it earlier. All done in blender 2.8!

Fellow Blender 2.80 user and wheel creator here. These are pretty neat! Nice job!

13 May


Originally posted by _MANSAV_

What is a large group of octane called?

A Circuit of Octanes?

Or maybe a Murder of Octanes?


Originally posted by CasperIG

No, performance looks fine. I play at solid 250fps.

So your performance graphs don't dip or change at all during the spikes?


Originally posted by CasperIG

I've been trying to record this for over a week now and it doesn't show up on video every time I clip it. I get sound cutting out for multiple times then a massive spike, then it's fine for a while (30 sec?).

If you're on PC, does it show up in your performance graphs?


Cheers, guys! Love to see stories like this on the sub. :)

09 May


Thanks for the feedback! We have actually just recently updated the challenge to be just five casual matches (non-consecutive) with the banner.


Originally posted by CymaticRL

Last summer you said you guys were considering variants of Salty Shores like Dusk, Night, and Stormy. Is this still on the table?




Originally posted by bluestreaksoccer

Can you provide any timeframe for any of this? or is it just "soon"?

Event starts next month!


Originally posted by Naisco

I ask this question every new update so here me go again, maybe I can get an answer. Are there any plans to improve clubs? There hasn´t been anything new since you introduced the club system.

We've made some improvements recently but they are behavior related/under the hood. (Banning inappropriate Club Tags, getting more Clubs verified, etc.) Definitely not the improvements you're referring to, but we'll get there.