Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

09 May


Originally posted by TheZixion

Finally, one of our long-term goals for 2019 and beyond is to make a number of under-the-hood, quality-of-life updates to our trading system.

Is this a hint to cross platform trading? I just bought Rocket league for the third time with the hopes that I could trade all my cool items I earned to my new account. Only to find out its not possible.

/u/Psyonix_Dave /u/Psyonix_Thomas /u/Psyonix_Devin Is this a technical issue or is it platforms not cooperating?

Not a hint to cross-platform trading. We want to take a look at the trading feature, and address any issues that have led to recently-seen bugs, like certifications on some items not appearing during a trade.


Originally posted by WestonHawk

No word on the Salty Shores lighting rework? I personally think most of the problem is how much warmer and unsaturated the lighting is compared to the other maps, not necessarily the brightness.

It's coming back with some changes, yes. :D


Originally posted by Size--

Salty Shores is in the blog post image, so hopefully next month's update is when we get to see it return, less blinding and with more variants.

We adjusted brightness on Salty Shores based on community feedback, and it'll be back in rotation as part of the summer event.


Blog Link:

It's hard to believe that we're almost to the halfway mark of 2019, but believe it you should, because it means that we're ready for a brand ne...

Read more External link →

The ball is 1/6th the mass of the car, but we don't translate mass in the game to any real-world unit of measurement.


Originally posted by ItsNa8o543

sweats profusely

Gotta crack your knuckles and break out the Technic hardware for this one.

08 May


Originally posted by Splatulated

wait you can do that?

can you fix my casual mmr to match my ranked mmr, losing 1000 matched to GC in casuals isnt fun when i only play like a crappy low teir diamond in ranked

Looking at matchmaking request history and altering matchmaking rank aren't quite the same. Sorry!


Hey there, I took a look at your matchmaking requests and it looks like you were searching for Competitive Doubles and Standard at the same time. Only after you landed in a Competitive Standard match did you remove Competitive Standard from your playlist queue.


Hi all, we had a brief outage in our backend, but it's recovered. Sorry for the brief downtime, all!


Are you one of the X-Men? X-Force perhaps?

PS What Rank are you?

07 May


Heads up, this should be fixed now. If you're still seeing Error 67, hard reset your Xbox One.


Originally posted by ChefSwiss

Spectrum. Upstate NY

Please power cycle your XB1 the next time you use it. This should resolve the issue now that we have worked with Microsoft to fix the problem.

Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by dantunez1213

Hi, i too am having this problem. I am on CenturyLink in phoenix as.

Please power cycle your XB1 the next time you use it. This should resolve the issue now that we have worked with Microsoft to fix the problem.

Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by NizZ8

I'm getting this issue consistently for the past couple of days on my OG Xbox One, but isn't repro'ing on my Xbox One X on the same network... both are setup using Alternate XBLive ports instead of the default 3074 Xbox live port and on the same Xbox OS Version (10.0.18362.2018)

This doesn't seem to be an end-user issue, so I wouldn't worry about your consoles ports, etc. for now.


Originally posted by Umbross13

December 18th, 2018. That's likely it.

Yeah, that seems to be the case. Sorry :(


Originally posted by Brettuss

Hey Devin, any update this morning? Thanks for looking into it!

Nothing concrete yet. We're working directly with Microsoft to address this ASAP.


How old is this replay? It's possible that Underpass has been changed since you saved it which would cause the replay to crash.


Originally posted by ChefSwiss

Spectrum. Upstate NY

Once we have a solution I will message you.

Thanks for your patience!


Congrats on the success, OP!