Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

29 Apr


Glad to hear that you had a positive experience, OP!


Originally posted by czaja25

can't fix the sound bug at Champion's Field though.....

Not sure how that's related... but a fix for certain sound bugs (sound mixing specifically on Champions field is included) is on its way in an update tomorrow. We'll share more information about the update just before it goes out.

27 Apr


Thanks for the feedback on this, everyone! We're definitely listening to your feedback when creating Challenges going forward.


Interesting, I'll look into this. (And some of the comments below.)


Yes! Glad to see this was finally discovered. :D


Nice work! Looks like you used Replay FX for the ball movement and GE? Anything else?

26 Apr


I looked at that match to get an idea of everyone's connection and it looks like you were the only one that saw major packet loss and a high ping spike.

While having a wired connection with decent speeds is great, it doesn't exclude you from packet loss and ping spikes, which can be completely out of your and our control. It sucks but that's just the nature of the internet and packet routing.

You can message me or our ...

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Could you send me your in-game name so I can look into your match history?


Very cool! Nice work OP.


Originally posted by Tha_Daahkness

I'm the same way, granted I'm about to go see it now so I'm not at risk.

Can we get a report option for Endgame spoilers? I figured I'd just report people for unsportsmanlike conduct.

We won't be able to add a new reason, but if you see someone trying to spoil it for others, please report them for either harassment or unsportsmanlike conduct.


It has come to our attention that Rival Series player, Demon, of the Pittsburgh Embers, has acted in direct violation of the Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS) and Rival Series player Code of Conduct. His actions will result in an immediate ban from all Psyonix-operated tournaments for the remainder of 2019.


Demon's actions in a Ranked Match on April 24, 2019 violated the Player's Code of Conduct found in Section 7 of the Official Rules: Upon further inspection of his account, we have found that Demon repeatedly violated the Code of Conduct leading up to the April 24th event. As a result and effective immediately, Demon will (i) receive a 30-day ...

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Originally posted by Tha_Daahkness

Plot twist: He just wants to know what happens in Endgame.

Lol, to be honest I don't care if it's spoiled for me, but I know that it matters a lot more to others.

25 Apr


Originally posted by fleaver12

Bug: I am invisible to others until the first goal in ranked

Platform: Xbox One X

Video from my friend's perspective:!AsxuxeAkP0rwgTz7b_Yyc5Fa3xzt

Edit: Also happens in casual. And may last longer than first goal.

Edit 2: tagging /u/psyonix_devin It seems to be tied to a specific car. Send me a PM if you are interested.

LTTP but just DM'd you!!!


Originally posted by ScienceOwnsYourFace

I mean the guy that spoiled part of endgame for me last night had it as his steam name. So I don't think you can help with that unless you want me to DM you his steam name.

You can DM it to me (please do not post in here as it would be witch-hunting) and I can check to see if they are going around playing toxic spoiler.


Originally posted by ytzi13

Does it matter? All you can do is report someone; nothing more. Just because you can't see what their name is doesn't mean you can't still report them. What anonymity does is allow you to go into a game without any preconceived notion that someone is toxic, or bad.

Some scenarios:

  • You encounter a toxic player on your team. You queue back up and get them on your team again. Anonymity means it won't automatically be toxic and tense due to the previous relationship.

  • You encounter a toxic player on the opposing team and you queue with them on your team the next game. Anonymity means neither of you will have harsh feelings and will treat each other as new, unknown players.

  • You play with someone who has an off game. You queue with them again the next game. Anonymity means you won't go into the game frustrated and expecting them to be bad. That same player can play with you again without feeling nervous or anxious because of their p...

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Interesting idea, but a name scrambler may have to be session based and not match based, and I can imagine baking this into the RocketID system (which is already a second name on top of your platform ID) would be much easier said than done.


Report said folks, DM me your platform ID (Steam ID URL, PSN, Gamertag, Nintendo ID) and we can see about muting them for a bit. Then, once again, the sun will rise on a grateful universe.


Originally posted by Jinpachi-Mishima

Great thanks, now I won't have to change my steam name! I thought it seemed a bit of a strange word to block (or I was just behind the meme-times and it had a meaning lol)

and yeah I'll send them over to you now - joining tournaments is still broken for me atm

They'll likely be broken until our cache has been purged. Until then, the new rulings won't take effect.

If it continues to be a problem tomorrow, definitely shoot me a DM.