Rocket League

Rocket League Dev Tracker

06 May


We're looking into this, currently hearing from a number of Xbox One players about Error 67.


Originally posted by ChefSwiss

Still getting the Error 67. This problem is not affecting my friends in the same town/provider if that means anything. Not a tech Guy.

Good luck and thanks!

Thanks for the update.

Could you share which ISP do you have?


Originally posted by ChefSwiss

I am not using a custom DNS. I have tried power cycling twice. Hard resets. Restarted router and nothing has worked. I am currently 33 percent into a reinstall. Will update if you want.

That would be appreciated. We will update you when we have more information or a solution.


Originally posted by ChefSwiss

I have been unable to log into Xbox servers all morning. Connection timed out Err. 67. Tried all playlists and console tester. Even tried switching server locations

We're currently investigating the increase in error 67's we're seeing from Xbox One players.

Can you confirm if you have a custom DNS set up or if you have tried power cycling your console?


Originally posted by ytzi13

All fun, casual activities you could introduce by updating custom training (hint hint).

Point taken!


Originally posted by Pesto_Power

Whoops sorry, haven't tried that yet. It's persisting but maybe I will try reinstalling. Will this get rid of all my sick replays (not that I'm ever going to watch most of them again) and workshop stuff, though?

I've noticed it only ever crashes on the loading screen just before a match. The Windows cursor always appears about 2 secs before the game screen 'vanishes' and leaves me back on the desktop, with no error messages.

It's doubly annoying because RL then usually has to sync up, and if I try to relaunch RL before it has synced, it won't start at all (even after it's finished syncing) and I have to restart Steam, too.

You can back up replays and workshop content before you try a reinstall. Just move the folders out before you begin!


Thanks for the suggestion! This makes me think of all the time I invested in Wii Sports bowling...and boxing...and tennis...that whole game, really. :D


Oh, poor Merlin...


Hey all, we briefly ran into issues with Google Cloud Services that ended up disrupting PsyNet. While brief, it did prevent players from matchmaking and logging into the Rocket League servers.

Thanks for your patience and sorry about the inconvenience!

03 May


Originally posted by terrarum

I wouldn't want to play Rocket League without it :D

Do people actually report other people for demoing them? I've been threatened with that and know it's nonsense, but do people ever actually do it?

It's tough to tell because we've never had (nor would we ever have) a report reason for demoing/bumping. I imagine there are some being filed under Unsportsmanlike Conduct, though.

02 May


Originally posted by HoraryHellfire2

"A bunch".

Literally only 2. Psyonix_Dave and Psyonix_Thomas. Dave is the CEO and hasn't done a single mod action in god knows how long. Since before the game released for sure. Thomas hasn't been active in a year and also hasn't done a single mod action.

Psyonix_Devin used to be a mod, but he would only sticky his own posts with updates on the game. I think Corey was too, but I could be mistaken.

FYI, I was never a mod. Mods would/still do sticky my posts.

30 Apr


Originally posted by carnitastacosRL

Any updates to the future rocket pass challenges: play X games on some field?

We're investigating some changes for future Challenges in RP3 and beyond.


Originally posted by Pesto_Power

Bug: Game Crashed with no warning nor error message.
Platform: Steam, Windows. (PC)
Evidence: None (Unless you want a screenshot of my desktop!)
Log: Pastebin - I'm not a coder but it says "Fatal Error!" on line 556 which I assume has something to do with it.

If it helps, I think the game was just about to load a new arena (on Casual after everyone had readied or left), and also I pressed Shift+Tab to open game overlay at about the same moment.

Try verifying game files or a reinstall, let me know if it persists!


Originally posted by drumbago

So when are us Xbox peeps getting our Dominus back?

We fixed this the day after the Esports Shop update.


Originally posted by strikan33

Bug or Glitch: The Game freezes for 2 seconds every 30 or so seconds.

Platform: PC

No logs and currently can't upload a video, but if it will help I can provide it. The game ran perfectly before.

Not seeing much on this issue - can you try verifying game files and let Dirk and I know if it still persists?


Love it! Definitely looking forward to seeing what else you have up your sleeve :)