Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

19 Oct

18 Oct


Well that's enough internet for me today...


Originally posted by cheeeze50

It takes you to hirez bug reporting website

Deep cut there, /u/cheeeze50


Ok, I admit. I laughed.

Then I submitted this as a bug. Which platform and were you able to jump before interacting with the wall?

I am still laughing...


Originally posted by Pr1nceV1p3r

It's the briefcase.

It's where she keeps all her secrets.

17 Oct

16 Oct

15 Oct

14 Oct

13 Oct


Originally posted by MonsterYumYum

This happens not only in ranked demo but Pubs too. Before Cannon update 9/10 chance not working. Now it's 50/50. Also when you rejoin after that you lag out completely and the match breaks for you mostly. Got a video if you need it

Thanks for the extra info. A video would be fantastic!


Originally posted by OrangeReddot

Its been happening since the runway update and when the weapon mastery came out. This crash happens almost every ranked game i play. The only way to avoid it is not to open the mastery menu in game which sucks because i dont want be forced to use e.g. Gl1tch's shotgun.

Please fix these game-breaking bugs and glitches. You guys have made a brilliant game and it would be a shame to let it die.

Thanks for the follow up info. I'll get my people on it straight away! Sorry for this to have been going on for so long without any resolution.


Originally posted by OrangeReddot

Theres a game breaking issue in ranked. Second half of the match i cant change my gun and if i open the guns menu, the game freezes. Close and open the game, it wont load fully and the players will teleport. And sometimes if i go back in the game, it stays on the loading screen and if i wait long enough it kicks me out of the mstch and i get a penality.

I play european servera on ps5

Thank you for the report! I just heard about this yesterday. Did this start happening with the Cannon Update or did it just start happening after the hotfix yesterday?

12 Oct


Originally posted by johanpaulin14

I had this happen to me too. I play on NAE

Thank you for the report! What is your in-game name?


Originally posted by RazorBlade9x

Thanks Xienen. No problem. I play on Europe server.

I have been seeing the "someone left" issue quite frequently from past few days and thought it was highly unlikely that people would leave that often just before entering a match.

Yeah, there are two separate issues that we're trying to track down (which still have confusingly similar messages in the Cannon update, but will be more clearly separate in our next update): "Someone left" which happens prior to transitioning into the map/match and "Someone went missing" which happens after map transition, before or after character selection.

I'm fighting really hard right now to get these two issues resolved, but there are legitimate reasons that each of them happen despite us knowing that they are clearly happening more frequently than they should. The signal to noise ratio is definitely making this more of a needle in a haystack type issue.