Rogue Company

Rogue Company Dev Tracker

07 Oct


Full Body scope feedback thread:



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Good Company player name/console thread:


Hi friends! Friendly neighborhood CM here, popping in to give you all an update on bugs in the Cannon update!

Good Company Achievement

As one of our engineers put it, this little bugger is one of our most troublesome and complicated achievements, and it loves to break in new and mysterious ways. How you can help: Post your player name and console below!

Cannon Sound Issues

We discovered that each bullet was playing a sound line, creating the bugs you've experienced. We have a fix in an upcoming hotfix.

Xbox Buzzing

We're pushing a potential fix for this in an upcoming hotfix. We are uncertain whether this will definitively fix the issue, but it has eliminated the problem for us in internal tests.

Aim Assist

Fix for drifting aim assist when crouching/uncrouching is coming in an upcoming hotfix.

Runway Mastery Emote

Fixed in an upcoming hotfix!

Crashes and Disc...

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06 Oct


Just checked with our design team. Looks like this was intentional and was slipped in, missing patch notes. This is a good catch - we're going to work towards ensuring this doesn't happen in the future.


Originally posted by MightyR0b0ts

PC disconnects

I've sent in some logs as well, hope they are helpful. Thank you!

Incredible. I've just sent them to the team along with a happy, dancing Kirby gif.

Thank you. 🙏🙏


We're aware of this and it is a top priority - a streamer sent us a video of this happening in their match yesterday and... big oof. I'll pass these screenshots along though so we have more info. Thank you!


Honestly, this is a blessing for me too, for when I get screenshots in the plane. 😂


Originally posted by MagicAc3_

I don't know if this was just for me but I also seemed to have the problem continue through multiple matches. The first game I played there was a Cannon and then the next game there was no Cannon on either team, yet the audio and frame bug was still there. The problem persisted past the games and to the lobby as well. I didn't think to record match ID's but if it happens again I'll make a record of them.

Send them along here!


Originally posted by Kooron_Nation

ID: efb83c1c-6b7d-40e6-8c11-7f03bcc33c8e

How can I send a video? Send it along via this form! Thank you!


Hey there! Would you mind DMing me your player name? We'd love to get some more information from you about this issue.


We're aware of the audio issues and have a fix for one of the issues that we'll likely deploy as a hotfix.

Re: Cannon lag. Definitely hearing a lot about this today and I've reported it to the team. Match IDs and videos of this would be amaaaazing!