
Runescape Dev Tracker

29 Nov


Originally posted by Gaga_Lady

I absolutely get that, and see where you're coming from. Like I said, I really appreciate the hard effort you've put into this. However, I disagree with what the combat council has said, and I'm hoping that players showing their disinterest may allow things to change.

It's not an issue of player power or voting with your feet or anything. I'll try to expand on this point by editing the OP.


Originally posted by Nuku_

With the fact that you need a full armor set of torva and malevolent to make the trimmed armor as well as repairing it with only base materials, won't that make RotS essentially dead content? If you only need to use the pvm materials once nobody is going to go to RotS as the price of malevolent energy will drop significantly, which is where most of the money comes from. I thought the essences were a good idea, why did you change them? Maybe the amount of essence you needed could have been changed, but now making the pvm materials only needed once just doesn't make much could sense to me. It made Nex more appealing as well as kept RotS in the same state with the essence method in place. You would use the trimmed masterwork most likely for higher tier bossing, which I would expect need some sore of pvm materials to upkeep.

TLDR: the essence method was better than making people have to use a full set, why did there need to be a change (other than the amount of essence needed)...

Essences is still how it works if you check the full design. I'll reword the summary slightly to avoid this confusion.


Originally posted by Jefflex4

Set effect is awfull. Please be ashamed. I prefer nothing over this misplaced effect.

This is the sort of constructive feedback I come to reddit for.


Originally posted by NosPhoenix

And prayer bonus, right?

We have a bugfix to put a prayer bonus on masterwork.


Originally posted by Vex_rs

So you don’t need a full set of torva? 6 torva helms still give 12 essences and is cheaper than a full set

You need a "full set's worth" of essence but you don't have to get that from one of each piece. If it's cheaper to get six helms, get six helms. We expect in the long run the essence mechanic will probably bring the torva boots in line with the rest of the set.


Originally posted by mezekaldon

Will trimmed masterwork degrade in elite dungeons? Also, why are ed1 and ed2 giving t92 upgrades to existing t90 sets, but t92 melee set requires t80 AND t90, and none of it from ed3?

Because this design predates ED1.


Originally posted by VzSAurora

How would the Dot work with say enhanced devoted, would each hit have a chance to proc or only the initial hit?

You'll have to test this out on the beta. I don't know how it interacts with a lot of other effects as I didn't do the implementation (and I don't know the combat code at all).


Originally posted by HashTagDeeperino

Like Jack has said, we cannot (or rather, will not) give a damage boosting set-effect.

I'm not totally sure but I think they know, and they're just giving feedback that is, in essence, "f**k that decision".

I mean sure, and I basically agree, but that still doesn't mean I can do it.


Originally posted by JagexOrion

We'll have TAPP back next year. Who knows.



Originally posted by ghfhfhhhfg9

I am guessing blood tendrils or even taking 1-2-3 hits of damage into a defender into revenge might be really good for t92 armor's set effect for dps.

EDIT: "slayer or reaper task" sounds weird. If I had a solak reaper, would it degrade to blightbounds/manifests? Just sound's odd to code in general.

50% more up time is good. Wish it was 100% more uptime and just gave the 100% more up time to t92 armor along with set effect. I find the reaper/slayer task pretty meh and not good design. t92 armor with slayer is not what many people will do at all, and having it on reaper encourages dailyscape of doing reapers everyday and people might not boss because they don't have a reaper for that boss if this were to continue.

It's just the fact t92 armor is not big dps increase as weapons/rings/amulets/etc. (face value stats, we'll c how the set effect works with revenge) I don't see why you are so afraid of making it less expensive to use. You are afraid of the armor ...

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I can't predict 100% how it's going to interact with certain other mechanics. We've already had to change it a couple of times to account for bugs. If you have time, I recommend hopping on to the beta to see whether it behaves either as you'd expect or as you'd hope.


Based on feedback from the beta, we've made some changes and improvements to masterwork and especially trimmed masterwork armour.

  • Masterwork armour is T90 power and made entirely with smithing.

  • Trimmed masterwork armour is T92 power and made by combining masterwork with torva and malevolent armour.

You can read all the details in the Fu...

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Hey everyone,

In looking at more ways to gather player feedback I'd like to get your thoughts on the releases for the month of November.

If you can give me your feedback on the following points letting me know how you found the content that'd be greatly appreciated for my report!

I've hyperlinked to each news post that covered that update!

Read more External link →

Originally posted by [deleted]


Ah go on then... being close to Christmas and all that

/u/Dalliancae what's your RSN? :)


Originally posted by xBHx

It does look alot better than a normal black dragon :D

I don't know why i'm getting downvoted for asking something?

Other dragons clearly upset with your statement.


Edit: Tried to hashtag, regret it.... assume the above has a hashtag and I'm not reddit savvy enough to make it work.


Originally posted by WildBizzy

Expansions pls I want to farm Giant Frogs

But why?


Originally posted by Jayy-Ko


Really, i love the PoF. You made me love to do Farming!


Glad you're enjoying it, we're quite pleased with how it turned out. :)


Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

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