
Runescape Dev Tracker

29 Nov


Originally posted by xBHx

Granny P, ehhm sorry, Sir Raven,

Could you check something for me when you have the time? My Royal dragon refuses to breed with another dragon... Since you are kindof the go-to guy for PoF, is this intentional, am I extremely unlucky with 20% fail rolls, or is something in the code blocking it from having bebes?


Likely just unlucky. The dragons (last time I looked at the code) should be breeding the same as black dragons. There's no advantage to using a royal dragon as a breeding pair though, so if you're feeling its not pulling it's weight, swap it out. ;)

28 Nov


I approve of this obviously efficient use of a clan login message...


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Originally posted by Slavilavi

EDIT: I have a bugged out buff bar, not debuff bar.
First of all I am using NXT client, and I've attempted to reinstall it as a fix to no avail. It shows things like familiar timer, and overload effect, but it wont show how long my perfect juju potions last, or any abilities with a lasting effect like anticipation, freedom, death swiftness. I've submitted multiple bug reports already this week. This has been going on for about a month. I tried to uncheck and save it in advanced edit layout mode, but when I come back it's always checked.Has anyone experienced anything similar? I found a similar past post from Apr 2017, but no solution was posted there. My RSN: Cheeb Cheeba.

EDIT2: Here is a screenshot displaying my issue. Swiftness is up, but buff bar doesn't show it's effect.

I’m slightly confused

Cracking cool down is a debuff icon yes, however the effects you’ve listed are for the buff bar not the debuff bad :)




We've actually got a big improvement for this on the way, in the mean time you can delete ShaderManager.jcache in your cache folder to reset the shader cache (which can become bloated if you switch graphics settings a lot)


Originally posted by TheCrystalJewels

would take some of the grind out of the boss

The grind is the most satisfying part of Telos

I died multiple times in my climb to Warden, adding a +50% thing IMO is a bit silly, as the real reward is when you get that done.


Originally posted by michael7050

Tbh, at least in this case, 'Dark' and 'Light' are a heck of a lot more accurate than 'Good' and 'Evil'

Eh both are wishy washy.

Good and Evil are totally subjective terms anyway.


I don't think this is very accurate. There are two main problems I can see:

1) Replacing good and evil with light and dark doesn't fix the problem that most of our gods are not strictly good or evil.

2) Whatever chart you can come up with, the gods aren't neatly going to fit into the nine segments. Some gods are separated morally, some by methodolody, some by ideology. For example, Zaros and Saradomin are quite similar in their method (control the whole world) but their motivations are quite different. At the same time Saradomin and Armadyl are quite similar in their motivation (make the world a better place) but their methods are quite different. You could build a "selfish/selfless", "control/liberty" chart out of that, but then Bandos (selfish control) would be in the same box as Zaros.


Originally posted by TheFaithfulZarosian

"Also where's Brassica Prime? Bestest god."

As a loyal adeptus astartes would say; "Cease Your Heresy!"



Originally posted by killer89_

I'm generally not a fan of the D&D esque alignment charts. It's too simple and narrow focused. It assumes a general sense of morality, that we are all broadly one thing or another, when morality wise we're not all black and white, nor even shades of grey, but a vibrant kaleidoscope of colours.

On the loosest level this seems about right. Though "dark" and "light" as moral concepts is a tad confusing. Dark and Light are both elements that are part of the world of RuneScape and are as vital as one another for a balanced world.

But our gods are a bit more nuanced than this chart suggests and will deviate from their "alignment" in the right circumstances.

Also where's Brassica Prime? Bestest god.