
Runescape Dev Tracker

28 Nov

27 Nov


Originally posted by TrumpGrabbedMyCat

Being a deliberate asshole here, you mean scrum or kanban right?

Sorry yes.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Haha. To be fair, this is ability is directly inspired by similar abilities from other games. There's only so many ways you can shuffle numbers around. It's a weird criticism - copying good ideas is a much better strategy than trying to come up with something completely unique and failing.


Originally posted by Hawk4Face

I would say their approach to the smithing and mining update has been using the Agile methodology. It seems that separate depts and groups within jagex use different methodology’s, rather unfortunately...

We've actually switched to kanban now we're this close to release. Teams generally use either scrum or kanban depending on their needs. To my knowledge, most project teams use scrum, but the ninja team use kanban most of the time.

EDIT: agile => scrum


Originally posted by WafflCopterz

One poll. In my 2.5 months of playing this game there has been just one avenue for providing feedback to the Dev team: that poll from about a month ago.

You're trying to show that you're agile moving to a weekly release process but the true power of agile development is quickly receiving feedback from the last week of changes and being able to incorporate that into your currently prioritized backlog of work.

As of now there is no way for any players to know if their feedback is heard or even prioritized, even if it's low priority and wont be worked on for a year at least there would be indication that the team has read it and assessed it's importance.

The main issue I see with Jaggy and its community is the lack of transparency into Jagex's current workload. Why do you wait months to hear what we think about things? Why are you making it so negative posts upvoted to the top of Reddit are your only day-to-day feedback options? Increase the channels available ...

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There are a few problems in the way you're trying to apply development frameworks here.

First, you're not a stakeholder, or a client, you're a customer. It's not "waterfall" to not submit weekly builds to the customer for their approval. Our stakeholders review builds every sprint (we use fortnightly sprints).

Second, whether or not the customer knows whether their feedback has been listened to is simply tangential to the concept of agile development. I'm not saying that it's a bad idea, simply that it has nothing to do with terms like "agile" or "waterfall".

Third, the constraints of our development environment place heavy restrictions on our ability to be agile in the slightly more colloquial sense. If I'm working in unity, I can get a basic game prototype up and running in a day or two. In runescript, that same prototype could take a week or more.

Fourth, although agile development is applicable in many ways (we use sprints, for example, ...

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Originally posted by ExtremeHunt

Jagex always say they are reading our feedback, whenever this is on Reddit, the forums blah, blah, blah. But even then I have a strange feeling Jagex staff has always a favorite place they most of the time will check upon and read. So letting one or another place to leave feedback to be less likely to be read. Though feedback/suggestions on Reddit almost have to get to the front page, else it also seems Jagex will give it an awful low priority.

You're trying to show that you're agile moving to a weekly release process but the true power of agile development is quickly receiving feedback from the last week of changes and being able to incorporate that into your currently prioritized backlog of work.

Problem with this is that Jagex has thier own scripting language, RuneScript, that doesn't/barely support any kind of testin...

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FWIW getting rid of Runescript is essentially impossible at this stage. The time investment required would dwarf anything we've ever done and totally shut down development on the game, possibly for years. It would be far, far faster to devote time to implementing features like unit tests (we actually have unit tests for some things now, the M&S rework is using it although I don't know what for off the top of my head).


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's... nothing like protect from pokemon.


Originally posted by RSBioMage

First off - emailed surveys are a time commitment. Even players who love the game often won't put in 10 minutes with no incentive, let alone player's who've already quit. Either add an incentive (e.g. players who've already quit can get 1 week of membership by filling out your survey) or make it less of a commitment. I would get an in-game polling system similar to what OSRS has, but without the voting thresholds/guaranteed content/etc; just have it for data collection (because player interaction with an event is a useless metric; that tells you how much we wanted the rewards, not how much we enjoyed the content). This is different from the "Power to the Players" interface; 3 data collection questions every month is not a useful system. If you told me I could fill out a 1 minute poll available outside every bank and get 20 runecoins or 1 spin or whatever for it every week, I'd never miss a poll, and I'm betting most other players wouldn't either. Now I know what you're thinking - y...

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That was the point I was making though. We're not ignoring active players in favour of lapsed players - that would be crazy. The absence of guaranteed content polls in the way OSRS does them doesn't mean we don't care about the opinions of active players or don't try to make content for active players.


Originally posted by solakfc

Sorry if you feel i was misrepresenting what you said i wasn't trying to. I was just trying to show what was said about polls which was why i made sure to link the entire video so people could make there own decision about it. I agree with you about most of your points about polls, however it would be nice to see in game polls way more often. It gives players a scene of control over what is happening and makes them feel connected to the community and Jmods. I have played RS for 13 years and didn't start using reddit and discord till a year ago, so the only time i ever had any input about RS was from in game surveys and the yearly survey.Maybe with in game surveys you could and a box to each question for players to give a reason to why they voted yes or no for something. Again i am sorry if you think i was misrepresenting that was never my intention. Im glad you replied to me and i hope we can continue a dialog that will help progress RS to become a even better game.

Hey no problem. Thanks for including the videos so people could see.

Can you give me some examples of things you think we should poll, or should have polled?


Originally posted by zanep0

Just got muted for selling a blazing title.

thats some bullshit.

The temporary pmod mute has been removed, it'll be looked into.


I'm going to print this and stick it on my filing cabinet beside my desk.


Originally posted by iswedlvera

What a brilliant approach! I would assume that with such a well thought out strategy the population of RS3 must be booming /s.

Maybe, some changes should be in order?

What would you suggest?


Phased practice mode had to take a backseat on the backburner I did it as a proof of concept it needs a revamp for it to go out in a nice state :)


Originally posted by solakfc

This is not my opinion im just showing what a few of the jmods said about polls.

They said on the last Q&A stream that polls don't work well on rs3 and they prefer to just do ninja fixes instead of asking if you want somthing fixed or changed.

They also said they don't do polls because they don't want to target the active player base.

If you want to watch the whole part about polls go to 57 minutes

This is a bit of a misrepresentation. What I said is that OSRS's policy is to poll everything. This makes the player base very powerful, which is good, but it also makes the game extremely static, which is bad. We don't have that policy, which means that the game is much more dynamic, which is good, but the player base have less control, which is bad. It's a tradeoff, and the two games have different tradeoffs.

The point about active players isn't that we don't care about active players, it's that polls only target active players. Again, for OSRS this is part of their policy, so it's part and parcel of the game setup, but on RS3 we want to ask "if you're not playing right now, why is that?"

As a concrete example of the latter point, if you've quit (or rather lapsed) because you don't like the current balance of skilling profit vs PVM profit, then you're not going to be around to vote in a poll which asks whether skilling's profit should be...

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Originally posted by acrylic_light

When deep wilderness was made F2P, the crashed star sites for pirate mine and mage bank were never added. Please could these be added.

Thank you

I can confirm this'll be added in the Mining & Smithing update due in January :)