
Runescape Dev Tracker

25 Sep


Originally posted by No_Refrigerator647

The context of these expressions are when Osborne announced a new skill is coming ahead of runefest to take the heat off of MTX backlash

Haven’t quite forgiven myself for that one. Love you Shauny!


Originally posted by ClampsSH

I’m still not able to complete The Giant Dwarf quest because I’m not able to telegrab the Right Boot from the table in Keldagrim. I’m standing where I’m supposed to and waiting for the dwarf to turn his back, but the error in chat is telling me I’m not able to telegrab that item. Same thing is happening with the pickled brain in the Canafis pub.

Is there any fix coming soon?

I believe a hotfix has gone out in the last few minutes, can you give it a try again.


Originally posted by AnimalRemote

thank you i know you are a busy person, is there any time frame on this issue, will it be in tomorrows update or is it more likely going to be a week or 2 from now.

Hi there, I believe a hotfix for this is going out today - hopefully you can continue progressing with that fix in place!


Originally posted by Revolutionary-Toe863

Hey J-Mod team, have you guys seen the issues we're encoutering with telegrab in the Giant dwarf quest and the Brain bending area task?

Any ideas when this might be fixed? Brain bending is my very last achievement for comp x)

Telegrab is being looked into atm


It is being looked into at the moment.


Originally posted by Jchaplin2

Seems to be affecting me, RSN is Jchaplin2, also the prayer renewal and antifire buffs only last 6 mins rather than the full hour

the 6mins issue; i'm fixing as we speak, will look to hotfix when tested


Originally posted by Agrith1

u/JagexAzanna - overload buff duration is 60 minutes, prayer renewal and antifire is only 7 minutes though, could this be looked into pls

Currently being looked into by the team.


Originally posted by Blackbird_V

Old blog post before it went down said Ironmen could not get T4 luck, the post now says yes, but in-game says no?

Blog has had a little back and forth due to how the editor works with multiple people working on it at the same time.

Irons are unable to gain the t4 luck from this event. The topic of irons and how they engage with these types of things is something we are currently discussing as this event is leaning on the older more restrained idea of iron accessibility to temporary buffs and this may not resonate with the iron community.


Originally posted by Paranub

link returns 404 not found.

Updated, the article name got changed and it changed the working link.


Originally posted by ZwebYo

Like double reaper points and choice with all these soul refresh scrolls we have saved up is kinda insane. If it wasnt for the soul reaper refreshers it would be fine.

Maybe edit them so you can only use one soul refresh a day? u/JagexAzanna

Will flag it up to the team that the synergy with refreshes is a little strong.


Originally posted by TheFakestMatt

Im not getting the benefits of an elder overload salve even with them being unlocked as i used to be a comped player and have 4k in the bank

edit: I just get normal elder overload

Devs are having a look into the Elder Salve issue atm.


Could you dm me your in-game names, so we can pull your saves and take a look at whats up, as it appears to only be specific characters


Devs are aware of the issues with Telegrab and are working on resolving them currently.


Originally posted by Ik_oClock

Like, 2 things aren't available to irons. Overloads and double reapers. Everything else is available (including luck).

edit: luck also not available

Luck is not available for Iron players unfortunately.


Folks are having a look into the situation.


Originally posted by joedotphp

Combat Auras will immediately reset their cooldown when they end.

Sign of Life cooldowns will reset upon entering a Bank area...

Tier 4 Luck is active throughout the event.

I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. But now you offer all of this after you talked about wanting to have less FOMO in the game the last several weeks?

There was a concern around running a limited time event like this as inherently anything that only exists for a set time is going to have some "FOMO" feelings.

The design intent for this is that this would be a repeatable event for the future (maybe some tweaks from the feedback we gather around this run) so as to lessen these fears. We have also purposely not included anything like a rewards shop so that if you do miss this time around you haven't missed something you cant otherwise obtain.


Originally posted by sl0w_ev0

hopefully its 1hr ovls like the golems were

I believe the cauldrons should work as the Golems did, let me know if they aren't working as intended.


Originally posted by Sayonee99

Did I miss it or is there no news on clue gamejam?

Previous Gamejam projects like Mod Shogun/Dorn looking into QoL things like clue pings etc is still ongoing work, unfortunately there wasn't very much visual things to showcase on that front but they do still exist and hopefully we can get them out to players in the future.


Originally posted by haibs

Mod azanna, how do gam jam updates typically get released ? Do a few get released simultaneously or is just thrown in an update when it’s ready one at a time ?

Depends honestly, Mod Alex's Necromancer tower is a good example.

It was worked on as part of the previous game jam and naturally fit with Necromancy's launch so it got extra resources to get done in time for the launch.

Most of the time a Game Jam project has to go through a few iterations at Jams to get to a state where it is ready to push forward on. So often a bunch of projects get the push at around the same time and get worked into the upcoming content timeline so like updates to combat things may get picked up while combat is a focus etc.

There is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into each project and they all take a varying amount of time to finalize so generally they come out when they are ready.