
Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Feb


Originally posted by DCJodon

Hey thanks for this info

Thank you for reporting this, especially after that similar report the other day we're already looking into.

The_Five-O is spot on with passing on the same steps, but I just wanted you to know the team have been passed this report directly as well so they can add it to the investigations.


Originally posted by Not_Uraby

Hello Hooli, thank you for your reply! I have now submitted an in-game bug report on the affected account (rsn: Uraby). If there is any further info I can provide, please let me know.

I also have a full 5 minute Shadowplay clip (including audio from the RS Guy video I was watching in the background) which the short clip posted above is snipped from. If that would be useful, let me know the best way to send that to you.

Thanks so much. I'll ask the time if it would be of use but getting the bug report in is the big thing. I'll get back to you if the team have any updates or needs outside the ticket.


Originally posted by timeshifter_

You can do a caps letter though.

"A good priest? No. I know A priest though."

Doesn't really work. We can use asterisks and this has crept in a lot recently (including this thread in fact) but really we shouldn't be doing that.


Originally posted by IAmFinah

Waiting for /u/JagexSponge to confirm 😭


21 Feb


Originally posted by Lightsmourne

I found the line where we ask where to find a "Good priest" and they say "No, but I know where to find /a/ priest." funny.

Gah, your phrasing is better. We can't do italics in game though.


This is honestly wonderful, thank you <3


That gave me motion sickness. Letting folks know we need to pin down the floors.

20 Feb


Hi, I'll flag this up. Do you, or others know if you were playing on a particular world?


Hey feel free to dm me over details and I can pass the details over so someone can investigate if this is a legitimate issue.


Originally posted by majkelj

The pictures included in the post don't look even a little bit like dclaws used to.

The pictures in the post are the Dragonwing, there is the original DClaw version as well that I will try get added to the post when I get a good shot of em.


Thanks for posting this. We absolutely want to take a look into something like this, both in case of there being an unexpected bug (especially as no code was changed in the Promo) and also to get what you should have had should there be a verifiable bug.

We don't have a ticket in about this however, so we're unable to help further at present.

Can you submit a ticket here so we can look into this? Dev took a look over the weekend but we'd need the report/account this happened on to properly investigate. You can submit that here:

19 Feb


Originally posted by Psymansayz

How did this work with sheep sheerer? It was once a quest that awarded a quest point but was converted to a mini-quest that no longer does.

Another quest was released (Myths of the White Lands IIRC) which then had conditional logic for whether or not you'd completed Sheep Shearer (essentially sharing quest points).

The reworked quests replaced with entirely new ones work similarly (eg if you completed Black Knights Fortress you don't get more quest points from completing The Death of Chivalry.) And TDoC consequently had to have the same disproportionately high 3 quest points of BKF it replaced.

This gets even more complicated when some quests that have eg Defence reqs can be reset by Nastroth and replayed.

TL;DR quest points are a growing pile of tech debt that we could really do without. Fortunately we're gradually digging it down as opportunities to do adjacent work go out (eg as of the latest achievement system rework, quest cape is now a list of required quests rather than current quest points).

18 Feb

17 Feb