
Runescape Dev Tracker

15 Aug


Originally posted by Borgmestersnegl

Obviously you don't want to give us false hope that it is happening, but atleast it seems optimistic that in the future we might get a true rs3 league. Psst add the collection log from osrs to rs3, infinite content.

Leagues is definitely something I'm personally keen on. No promises obviously but it's something I push for when I have the opportunity.


Originally posted by Ordinary_Peanut44

I'm curious if the mods think about the loss of current players due to the manner in which you are pursuing trying to appeal to lapsed players?

You talk about growth of the game, but if actions you take to attract new/lapsed players result in the loss of current players then are you not just unnecessarily pissing off your loyal playerbase for the 'hope' of players that might not even come.

Yes, it's something we're very conscious of. It's a topic that creates a lot of internal debate on any relevant project, and similar sorts of discussions on every project.


Originally posted by jz_wiz

Will the tokens be tradable to ironmen

We're investigating the possibility of this. Ideally yes.


Yes there will also be inverted 120 capes.

In terms of your second point that's exactly how it will work. Buying an inverted skillcape will unlock the ability to purchase the Cape on the fresh start account AND award the player one unlock token to be traded away.


Originally posted by Nessx4

Thanks for replying!

No problem :)


Originally posted by Mr_Hump

Can you elaborate? Ironmen can be traded bonds. So there is a system to allow players to trade selective items to irons

I believe that system is specific to bonds. Will have to check tomorrow when we investigate it further.


Originally posted by Nessx4

This means I can go onto OSRS, give a bond to my account, and then use it as a members account for fresh start world? Because as far as I'm aware, fresh start was members only (but, if you're saying its a tutorial option, maybe I'm mistaken?)

I've not confirmed the osrs bind transfer myself but I believe that might be an option yes.

The way account signup works is when you first log into an account it will ask you to choose a gamemode before you get into the tutorial. If you are already in the rs3 tutorial or beyond, that account won't be able to be a fresh start account.


Originally posted by Nessx4

but can I maybe transfer the cosmetic rewards to my ironman after the event is over? Let me use the skillcape tokens/halo/pet skins, etc by clicking them onto my iron account to transfer them? pleaseee

This is something we are currently discussing. We would like players to be able to trade the rewards to ironmen however we don't currently have a system in place for this.

The most recent changes to cosmetic override tokens allow them to be obtained by ironmen via the grand exchange. However that solution doesn't work in this situation.


Originally posted by OddManufacturer9327

I was wondering if you can use an old account for a fsw world but once you click "join fresh start world" it will reset you back to 0 as if you have just made a new account.

I just dont understand why they are sending out emails about it saying to renew your membership now to not miss out and to click "join fresh start world" when the event is on.

The option to create a fresh start account will only appear the first time you log into rs3. If you have entered the tutorial it is already too late.

If you have an account that you play osrs on that has never played rs3 then you should be able to use that though.


Originally posted by PM_ME_YOUR_KATARINA

I don't fully understand the technical details, or why Darkscape works differently, but that's the case as explained to me by the tech guys.

This is what was said about bank rework and placeholders.

That is what was said about trading above max cash on GE

A lot of things werent possible until they were done

That's what I said - it's not currently possible, they're working on it, but it can't be done for this year.


Originally posted by EFTRSx1

Can you make an ironman for FSW?

No, Iron-man mode is disabled.


Originally posted by VolcaronaRS

So out of curiosity, if the account I'm trading the token to has untrim attack /keepsaked/, it shouldn't need to actually check if the cape is the first cape I got as it's already untrimmed right?

No worries if you don't have the answer though, thanks for taking time as I will probably go for a few of these inverted capes :)

The inverted skillcapes are completely different items. Its not a case of taking the existing item and inverting it.


Originally posted by criipi

Was having seasonal darkscape or a proper league considered as an alternative? Apparently dmm/leagues have been really good in OSRS for current and lapsed players alike and it seems like this is a missed opportunity to introduce one. The boons and rewards already make it almost feel like a league but with potential risk thanks to Fresh Start accounts introducing items to the main game.

As they mentioned in the livestream, we can't currently create leagues in the way they work in OSRS. I don't fully understand the technical details, or why Darkscape works differently, but that's the case as explained to me by the tech guys. I believe they are currently working on it, but it's not something that we can get working in RS this year. Personally it's something I'm keen on doing (we used to have a regular brainstorming meeting just to develop alternate game modes like leagues), but I can't make any promises about future content at this stage.


Originally posted by VolcaronaRS

I understand cheers.

I'm unsure of how the tokens work (obviously, since they're not out) but would it not be possible for the token that unlocks the 99 cape to also allow untrim capes to change as well? Or is it something physically applied to the cape?

I believe its the same system as normal skillcapes in that we don't remember what cape should be untrimmed. Any capes you purchase on the main game will be trimmed assuming you have more than one 99.

If for example you only have 99 attack on both fresh start and your main. It might be possible that you'd be able to purchase the inverted untrimmed cape on your main in that instance. But i've not tested this directly so cant confirm.


Originally posted by Jublex

"try to appeal to lapsed players (as opposed to new players)"

Then why do you require people to make a new account?

As a former lapsed player, the idea of coming back to the game, just to have to start again and not carry on my old account does not appeal at all...

Oh yeah I should have clarified this, I'll edit the original post.


Pretty misleading title tbh.

I won't say it's "taken out of context" because I did say that, but it's kind of dishonest to clip part of the conversation and then title it to make it look like I'm saying something I'm not.

The intention of FSW is to appeal specifically to lapsed players. Right now it is our company policy that our best bet for increasing the health and longevity of RS is to specifically try to appeal to lapsed players (as opposed to new players). As Kalaya mentioned on the livestream, we talk to lapsed players about why they're lapsed and what would interest them in coming back.

FSW is an example of us trying to deliver to lapsed players something that would interest them. The people who are on reddit and in livestreams are not (for the most part) part of the lapsed audience we're trying to reach here - they're either existing players, or players who quit for some specific reason and are hanging around the community waiting for it to be chang...

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Originally posted by VolcaronaRS

Hey Camel, trying to ask before people bombard you, do you know if:

  • Inverted skill capes work on untrimmed capes?
  • There are individual tokens for each 99 and 120? (So you have to buy a 99 arch cape reskin and also a 120 arch cape reskin)?

So im going to look into the untrimmed stuff tomorrow morning. We have untrimmed versions that can be obtained, however I dont think they will be able to be transfered over to main accounts.

Yes there are tokens for each cape. Upon purchasing a cape in the gamemode you will receive a cape and an unlock token. IF you obtain a 99/120 during the gamemode but dont purchase the capes, I believe upon transition the token will be awarded to you as well as the inverted variable being set on your account to say you can purchase it.


Originally posted by KobraTheKing

Technical question:

How would activities that put you into different instance worlds work with the fresh servers? Like Cabbage Facepunch, Flashpowder Factory and a few others.

Right now I believe they will place you within a local instance. We wernt able to do this for Flashpowder factory though due to the way it was coded so that minigame will be disabled to prevent players from the different modes being able to interact.


Originally posted by Yurple_RS

To clarify - all the aura's will just be unlocked through game progression?

If that's the case, that's awesome!

Yup. But when the account transfers to the main game they will all be locked again unless they were directly unlocked through the store/other gameplay routes.


Not looked into this specific scenario. But as part of the gamemode players will be able to unlock all auras. They will only remain for the duration of the gamemode but will mean you have access to them even if you dont have loyalty points saved up.