
Runescape Dev Tracker

02 Sep


The battle with the Lord of Chaos himself is finally over and the Edicts are firmly back in place. Phew! Now that things are under control, it's time to dive deep into the loot tables of a god.

External link โ†’

Originally posted by freshlyhot

Hi, thanks for your note! The only reason I get frustrated at times is because Iโ€™m eager to play again. I appreciate the updates, so thank you!

I can relate to your frustration. I'm hoping to get more information soon.


Originally posted by Frits420

Please any updates?


We're working directly with some players to fix it as soon as possible. The engine team is prioritising this issue. I will keep you updated. Please accept our sincere apologies.


Hi there,

We're working directly with some players to find a rapid solution. The engine team is prioritising this issue. I will keep you updated.

We bring our sincere apologies to players who were impacted by this issue.

01 Sep


Originally posted by JoshOliday

Yea I actually like both for different reasons. I personally think the remastered fits better with existing/newer cosmetics, but if someone wanted to rock the classic with their fashionscape, I could see it.

Why not having both?


Originally posted by Lewney

hahaha aw i'm sorry.. i got excited and posted it immediately!

No worries :))) I am glad it was noticed. I am very passionate about this little project.


Originally posted by dazeychainzz

I have a question -- do I only get the premier rewards if I have a premier pass? Will I get the cosmetics (volc tele, lava tsunami etc) if I am a member without a premier pass but I still complete the task?

do I only get the premier rewards if I have a premier pass? Will I get the cosmetics (volc tele, lava tsunami etc) if I am a member without a premier pass but I still complete the task?

Hi there, you only get the premier rewards if you have the premier pass (either through the upgrade or Premier membership).


Originally posted by noobonfiree

You are a "bad" person!!! I swear ๐Ÿ˜œ

I am not. I swear.


Originally posted by 1MJ0SH1NGY0U


If anyone else gets stuck at this point, all you need to do is go get the sieve from the chemist in rimmington by asking him about impling jars. follow the rest of the steps as if you had talked to elena and BAM! bobs your uncle and you're done! plz upvote so some poor googler like myself finds this answer!!!!

Hey there, please send me your RSN if you don't mind. You can do it via private messages here or on discord.


Originally posted by Mod_Miva

I know that it is being worked on. No updates yet.

I have nothing more to say than "it is still being investigated." To the impacted players, please accept our apologies.


Originally posted by Lashdemonca

HEy miva! Just a passing through Good faith comment. I hope you all in the jagex offices are well and not getting too depressed about this. I absolutely adore the game and all of you.

PS: I think shauney spoiled all of us, hes an amazing man and frankly we didnt deserve him.

Hello, and thanks for your comment. I absolutely like being a community manager. Even after ten years of doing it, I still think it's my favourite work.


Originally posted by TaifurinPriscilla

First off, sorry for "butting in", but I'd like to echo Josh' opinion. I know all these posts can take up vast amounts of extra time, and I know that said time isn't always (read: never, as with all jobs) a commodity the team has an overflowing abundance of, but just the feeling of having a little insight and feeling a little prepared helps tremendously.

To use a recent example, FSW would've been a fantastic longer-term conversation topic - maybe not for a BTS or Month Ahead, but in general as a talking point. Imagine if you'd had 3 months to go into FSW, the logic behind it, maybe even saying "we're going to try something new here, these few things (probably mtx and enticing exp rates) are going to be part of it and the event is aimed at lapsed players, but we also want existing players to feel like they can participate without feeling it's a waste of their time (insert the cosmetic rewards)" and then discussing the finer print like the highscores, world firsts and such ...

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I appreciate your feedback a lot. We need to discuss it with the team. I enjoy working on creative blogs, and we have many ideas for additional ways to communicate with our players. I agree that having blogs like "Month Ahead" and "Behind the Scenes" is a good touch, and as I already said, we will talk about it internally to see what can be done.

31 Aug


Originally posted by JoshOliday

Mod Jack,

See my comment to Mod Miva earlier today here. I can get behind a lot of what you've said here. I work in a production style environment with crunch periods and tight deadlines. Some days it gets frustrating hearing from a customer rep that someone was something as simple as not satisfied. Largely, I'm insulated from dealing with anyone directly and certainly wouldn't have to read that someone thinks I did a shit job, so my experience diverges from yours there. However, if I heard from anyone that customers in general were largely unsatisfied because orders kept being shipped out incorrectly, I'd start to think that there's a breakdown in our policies or communication somewhere. And from a lot of perspectives here,...

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Communication in the sense you mean is a tricky one and I largely agree with where you're coming from. It's essentially partly a factor of the relationship between design and marketing (which I just need to resolve internally, no one is doing anything wrong it's just the responsibilities are not well defined) and the other is just that I'm basically new to the job. I've been spending the last few months developing what is essentially a vision statement for RS3 (and chatting about it a bit on discord with players) but I don't have anything "ready to go" yet. My rough plan is to do something like weekly fireside chats talking about various topics, most importantly like what my job even is, and in principle that could be a good way be a lot more communicative. Essentially the same as what I do on discord but to a wider audience. That's not a trivial thing to set up, but it's still my plan for the medium term.


Originally posted by EndlessWandererCh

I completely understand what you're saying. But yet again you seem to gloss over the reason why people are upset, in favor of purely focusing on the fact that they're upset.

Runescape has a massive problem with MTX and exploiting player's FOMO. You know this. I know you're smart enough to get it. And that's why people are upset because you refuse to address it. And then there are bugs like Fire Giants that have yet to be addressed as well, amidst three weeks of concentrated predatory MTX events.

This is exactly what I'm talking about in the final paragraph. Whatever I can comment on, I comment on (on discord at least, where I'm pretty open to talking about almost - almost - everything). You're "calling me out" for not talking about the topic you (and to be fair, the majority of the sub) want to discuss, and essentially implying that I shouldn't discuss anything else in the meantime. The only possible outcome of that is no communication at all.