
Runescape Dev Tracker

22 Aug


Originally posted by kjthoward

There is a known bug with volumetric lighting and AMD cards, it sounds like you might be hitting that issue


Originally posted by theflightofporter

Built different 😤


This Week in RuneScape - Summer Vacation!

This week's update is relatively small as there is a short summer break. As mentioned last Friday, there will be more information about Fresh Start Worlds changes later this week. Stay tuned.

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Originally posted by EFTRSx1

Hey mate, thanks for the reply. This picture was taken about 2 hours into a questing session so definitely not a fresh login. To answer your questions:

- Graphic settings are set to High on the RS3 client

- GPU is a 8GB Nvidia Geforce RTX 2070 Super

- OS is windows 10

- Normal mode

- Just logged in to test and it's not there on this session

Just want to highlight, I'm not complaining about graphics in anyway, these areas have been around since RS2 was launched in 2004 so obviously things like this crop up, in my view it's part of the charm and quirk of runescape as a whole. Still doesn't stop us having a laugh when it does happen though!

Cheers it sounds like this might be something that only happens after the game has been running for a while. I’ve raised it to be investigated


Originally posted by kjthoward

I sometimes get something similar that doesn't go away after a seconds (usually vertical blocks where things are a slightly different colour, as in OPs post). But they dissapear if I resize my window, and they stay dissapeared even when returning to the original size.

OS: Windows 10 GPU: AMD RX 6650 XT (also happened on AMD RX 580) Normal mode.

Do you have volumetric lighting enabled?


It is not supposed to look like this. Up to a few seconds after the world around you loads it should all blend together

What graphics settings, GPU and OS are you seeing this on? Normal mode or Compatibility mode? Does it happen all the time?

(The other top comment showing an underwater seam is a content bug that everyone will see. It is not related to the OP issue)

19 Aug


Originally posted by Grovve

It’s always very insightful to see the experience of a new player and it’s something Jagex should take note from if they want to find a way to bring back lapsed players. I’m sure Jagex would be interested to know about your thoughts on early tutorial too (Ashdale/Burthorpe) u/JagexJack

Thanks for the tag, will take a look.


Hi there :)

Just to confirm, if you close the chat and/or activity tracker, are the abilities still invisible for you? Turning on combat mode via the sword/shield icon may also help.

Let me know if you still have issues after trying those, cheers

18 Aug


Originally posted by Seismic_wand

Shauny, i really appreciate everything you did while at jagex, but please dont do this... Jagex do not employ you anymore, they specifically hire people to do this kind of thing and if they are unable to sort this mess out, it's on them.

I edited my main reply, I wanted to try and help but Jagex no doubt are all over it for sure :)


Originally posted by Jordanbaby1

Sorry but I don't see the point of your involvement in all this. You aren't a Jagex employee any longer. I'm sure someone there asked you to do this and felt it might sway sentiment toward FSW if you were to do so but it smacks of manipulation and that's even worse.

Jagex knows fully well what they are doing and they don't need you to sugarcoat it for them. They're trying to disguise FSW as something it is not and it didn't work. We see it for the cash grab that it is and how it is solely directed at creating a ton of new alt accounts.

And frankly given that you don't even play the game enough anymore, you really shouldn't be doing this at all. Sorry, I love you, man, I really do but please steer clear of this disaster.

I respect it 😁 just thought I could offer a medium ground to try and help the discussion but probably in retrospect it’s better handled by more engaged people for sure!

17 Aug


Originally posted by Notareditor

Retired and beloved community manager coming to make the current community manager look like a novice on his stream

Edit: I’m joking. We love both of them

Absolutely not, I’ve known Hooli for 10+ years and he’s worked on massive franchises and has got the CM game down to a tee. He’s brilliant at what he does 😁


Originally posted by cintiel

Thank you for hosting this - I like how you are gathering community constructive feedback proactively- this is really something the jagex staff (atm) should be doing - by having a discord channel, or discord thread, to gather concerns/ take feedback and address each one or at least an update that they're working through feedback and potentially making changes (because there's been silence since the FSW announcement/video which is disheartening).

I’d like to think they’re doing this already, in the past when I couldn’t add much more information I’d be gathering posts and I have no doubt Hooli and team are doing that


Originally posted by cintiel

If a retired mod cares about the state of RuneScape- it’s signalling Jagex has got it wrong really badly- whoever has been making calls on the direction of runescape and contents is out of touch with the existing playerbase.

There’s a ridiculous amount of staff there that are passion about RS, I saw that day in and out and it still shows today IMO.


Just to make this clear, I wouldn’t want to host this if it turned into pure flame towards Jagex, ideally this should be a constructive conversation on the topic and a way to give them feedback that helps them compared to the sheer amount of posts/comments lately

I don’t play enough to give an actual full view on it but the topic itself is interesting.

EDIT: I think after a lot of thinking, while a stream is a nice way to try and articulate this, I'm also pretty sure Jagex are trawling all across the replies, its what we did in the past and I have no job Hooli + team are doing a great job of that. I wanted to try and provide a middle ground to try and get more feedback, but I mean there's a ton out there anyway so :P

16 Aug


That'd be a bug. Seems like some variables aren't being cleared when the player(s) are being pulled into P7.

I'll chase it up and have a ticket raised.

15 Aug


Originally posted by Ginkow

The concept is FSW being targeted towards lapsed players is in it of itself misleading when the primary targets are clearly existing players who are interested in collecting rares/making money. The tradeable rares, specifically the inverted 120 cape tokens, and the limited Halo for being top 100 appeal to existing players.

How many lapsed players, roughly, do you think, based on the data Jagex has collected or you own opinion, will grind out 104m xp in any skill in a 4 month span even with the xp boost? People are maxing for the first time ever despite having access to double xp/mtx with 20 year veteran capes. It's very clearly targeting the diehard RS3 players that are willing to invest a lot of time/money to get the best possible xp gains and subsequently get top 100 in a respective skill, reach world firsts, so they can carry over the tradeable to their mains. There won't be a single "lapsed" player that get top 100 or a world first.

At this rate, jagex would be ...

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Your title is vague and not aimed at anyone specific. It's pretty obviously untrue (the vast majority of what we do is aimed explicitly at existing players, like you think zamorak or twilight of the gods were designed to appeal to new players?) but I get it, you're annoyed and you're venting about it in a slightly hyperbolic way. No harm, no foul, that's just how it is on reddit sometimes. Players want to give their feedback and there are a bunch of threads on similar topics not targeting anyone in particular.

But you then post a picture of me in support of your title where I'm not actually saying the thing you're claiming I'm saying in your editorialising. Maybe you're honestly misinterpreting me, fair enough, but now it's no longer targeted at "jagex", now it's a thread calling me out specifically for not caring about existing players.

This is a pretty big deal to me for three reasons. Firstly it's just insulting to me personally. I (and a lot of others) ...

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