
Runescape Dev Tracker

05 Feb


3 active is fine, they’re just additional effects on top of what you do but we also don’t know what the finalised plan is yet so I’d avoid speculating and offering suggestions until we know fully what to expect!


You can blame me for this, months ago when I was trying out this update at the request of Mod Shogun I was smithing away and I always carried breakdown on my hammer.

When it proc’d on the +5 elder rune he thought it was too powerful in its current iteration at the time so it was changed!


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not a fan of this approach at all, no matter what you always make time to reply to players wherever possible, any acknowledgement is outreach even if it’s leaving a holding reply to say I’ve seen your posts and I’m chasing up. When there’s silence that’s what makes the criticism escalate and with there being no stream this week there should be even more external comms really


Hi :)

Freezing prizes as a mechanic has been removed for this run of Gone Yak Tracking as we are trying out a load of different mechanics when we rerun these! I'll take a look into the other issues you have observed.

Edit: I've had a look at the issue with it costing 150 oddments. It looks like the text is incorrect here. The actual price for refreshing will be free. Will get a job in to change the text. Thanks for raising this!

Mod Forza


Originally posted by Seegamega

To me ed2 appears to be the easiest. 2nd and 3rd boss have not that many mechanics. First boss can be tricky until you know what to do.

The middle takes ed1 for me. On the first boss you need to place the smokes decent if you lack dps in your first runs. Masuta is annoying and seiryu has some near Insta kills and demanding dps checks if you want to 2 cycle him. (Also those melee and range mobs that one shot you if you don't pay attention can be pretty annoying)

Ed3 appeared to be the hardest to me. Casually dieing on first boss because I'm too slow or not attentive. Taraket is quite easy if you know what to do. Ambassador is probably the hardest elite dungeon boss but also quite fun.


I'd agree with this order :D


It was originally slated for release in January (would have been the last update of the month), but has been slightly delayed (just the one delay). A new date has yet to be announced, but it should not be too long before one is.

04 Feb


Originally posted by Drakumus

Wait does this mean Mod Camel figured out Rax code? Will there be varago changes in the future?

Sadly no. This was Mod Ramen.


Originally posted by Cheddarface01

Sounds great assuming I don't get killed by a permanent darkness bug because of it.

I'd hope not as this was only a small change to wall health. I did do multiple kills on the path to make sure nothing was wrong as well as a kill each on path 1 + 2. All seemed normal =p


Originally posted by depressedgamer111

I need this! Any eta?

Aiming for ASAP. However we may hold it back slightly based on feedback.


Originally posted by munclemath

Sounds good, but I'd honestly be pretty bummed if this got implemented before they removed that awkward delay at the beginning of darkness path when you're just taking damage without any light appearing.

You have to take at least some damage during the phase :p I will mention this tomorrow and see if its a quick change :)


Hey there, apologies for being very late with the response

(i've been in a lot archaeology related meetings today #HYPE)

But this is on us, somehow we did accidentally add 1 to it. What was written on the wiki and reported to us has been correct.

The end result should be that the XP you gain from seren stones should have gone up and corrupted ore will be gained at a slower rate.


Hi everyone - we are working on the bug above - it has taken us a little longer than hoped to fix though, I'm afraid.

I did gather this though from one of our Art team that has been fixed - it's a smaller fix that may impact some who were seeing the issue:

Fixed issue where per map square cubemaps blended incorrectly resulting in a 1 to 2 second appearance of high reflection on some assets and characters. This issue has been resolved and reflection transitions between map squares appears correct.


Dialogue doesn't have to be (nor should it always be) grammatically correct, though it should be consistent with the rest of a character's dialogue. Of all the grammatical errors in the game, this isn't one that needs fixing.