
Rust Dev Tracker

04 Feb


Originally posted by HyDRO55

The Linux dedicated server wasn't working properly on staging so it might have something to do with that as right after this commit it started working properly again.

If this commit is not to do with the Linux server binary then no other explanation from me.


22 Jan

16 Jan


Originally posted by Spartonio

That guy was a total f**king BOT

That's a little unfair, Rust AI bots are better than that.


Fantastic work to everyone involved and who donated to a great cause!

I can't wait to see what Charitable Rust 2020 holds.

13 Jan


You can disable this by opening the F1 console and typing:

graphics.branding 0

09 Jan


This is amazing!

07 Jan

03 Jan


TrackIR support was discontinued I'm afraid.

31 Dec

20 Dec


We're currently investigating this issue but we're having issues finding a reliable method of replicating the bug - If anyone has any ideas please let us know!

17 Dec

16 Dec


Rust heavily favours CPUs with strong single-threaded performance and often will be the bottleneck in mid-high end systems.

CPUs with strong multicore performance and weaker single core will often fall behind.

12 Dec


Originally posted by Nothing4You

bloody could add a way to randomize the device ids every time the mouse is turned on (e.g. pc reboot) or even just clone those of another manufacturer

They do that by default, to me this reveals their intentions.

09 Dec


Originally posted by Anemy

[BUG] jumping off a scrap heli onto cargo ship pulls you off the ship. Here's a clip of it happening to Welyn:

Thanks, we'll take another at this issue.


Originally posted by everlast1ng_cs

Many people (me including) are experiencing mini stutters along with audio stutters after the update. The gc spikes during the stutters. Help !

Thanks for the reports - This issue should now be resolved.

06 Dec


Originally posted by korzhyk

[BUG] Random sound shuttering. Upd: probably when gc starts

We're currently looking into this issue.

Update - We've now released a fix for this issue.


Originally posted by rustapalooza

[BUG] On a Mac, bought the instrument DLC. It is showing up as purchased in the store, but not in my library. Right clicking on Rust's properties does not show a DLC tab. Tried restarting everything. Might be a Mac bug?

Thanks, we're investigating this issue.


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is intentional.


Originally posted by RoundScratch

New first person playermodels looks really janky when you're jumping around. hands get in your face. There should be a toggle to disable the whole feature

You can disable your legs (ouch!) by typing in the F1 console:

legs.enablelegs 0

Equipping a piece of clothing will update your player.

05 Dec


Originally posted by feekcheeks

[BUG] launch site elevator lifts are invisible

Thanks, we'll take a look at this.

Update - We've now released a fix for this issue.