SCUM Dev Tracker

08 Oct

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

01 Oct

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey everyone, the days are getting colder but our hotfixes are getting hotter, check it out!

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the dropship BB event would not start.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not vault through some narrow windows.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not install Motorbike battery after removing it.
  • Fixed the issue where character foot would sometimes bug out.
  • Fixed the issue where you could hear other players parachuting down.
  • Fixed the issue where flying vehicle detection would sometime give false positive reports.
  • Fixed the issue where #VisualizeVehicleTrajectory command would sometimes cause a client crash.
  • ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

30 Sep

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey hey everyone happy Monday! Hope you all have a wonderful start of the week. We're in the middle of the big move but still wanted to bring you the news in another Dev update!

This will be a different format for this week as a lot of us are in the middle of moving offices to a bigger space. That means I also lost access to my notes for alot of it but still wanted to keep you guys posted, enjoy some photos of Matofski and Daruis looking at the mess we made.

In the meantime the rest of the team continues hammering away on their keyboards on both the new stuff and the bug fixing. As soon as I can access my notes again w... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

24 Sep

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey hey everyone, happy Tuesday! Hope you are all good! Let's get this week on the road with a dev update!

You got a lot of news last week with the progress of the programming team, and mostly it continues on in this update as well. Work continues on quests and armed NPCs. With a little bit of bugfixing, mmore work on foliage simulation there is also something new brewing. Or better to say the return of the old. With the support of the animation team done, work has finally started on reintroduction of weapon malfunction. Will keep you posted on the progress.

Level design working hard on those optimizations and map reworks. Including sorting textures, replacing old assets, and touching up on POIS including airport, castle, etc.

... Read more

17 Sep

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there prisoners! Hope you're having a great Tuesday! We've got another hotfix today with a significant number of fixes and improvements to make your day even better.

  • Fixed the issue with the flickering ground textures.
  • Fixed the issue with wrong nutritional values for cooked food.
  • Fixed the issue where you were not able to fill containers on wells.
  • Fixed base building wells.
  • Fixed an issue where the cargo drop would not work as intended in singleplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not disarm suicide puppet when the mines and traps setting was off.
  • Fixed an issue with the collision on the RIS plow.
  • Fixed...
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16 Sep

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Salutations, SCUM community! Hope everyone is easing into the week nicely! Here's this week's dev update for your reading pleasure!

We understand that the past few weeks have been a bit dry in this section, as the team has been mostly focused on bug fixing. However, this week we have a lot more to share, and we can go into greater detail about what our programmers are doing. First off, work has continued on the much-anticipated quest system and the content related to it, as well as on the armed enemy NPCs that will make your survival on the prison island even more challenging!

Next, the team has (re)started work on the armband, as well as the turret you'll be able to place on your base! Remember that dead speedometer needle on the ATV? That's being taken care of too. The way small vegetation reacts to the wind is also being greatly improved, making t... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

09 Sep

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Summer is slowly coming to a close, but what isn't slowing down is the work on our game. Here's a fresh new dev blog for your reading pleasure!

The vast majority of our programmers are still hammering away at all those bugs, with the exception of a few who are continuing their work on the armed NPCs.

Our level designers are sprucing up existing POIs and other parts of the map. Over the last week, the team has been optimizing the nuclear power plant, and they've continued their work on the castle ruins and walls. Work has also started on reworking the airport hangar, the military hangar, and the prison located in sector C2.

... Read more

02 Sep

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey hey everyone, happy Monday. Let's take a break between hotfixes with a bit of an Dev update.
This one will be a shorter one as most of the team is hammering away bugs and are not very talkative.

Programmers are bug fixing, bug fixing and more bug fixing. Our code wizards are at it to resolve issues you've been reporting to us.

Level design is back on the map rework. All of the previous work you've seen in these is now being tested and bug fixed to make sure once it is ready for r... Read more

29 Aug

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Thursday! Did you know it is our 6th Early Access anniversary? Let's celebrate that with a hefty hotfix!

  • Fixed the issue where you could not use the cargo drop command more than once.
  • Fixed the issue where squad mates messing with blueprints would sometimes crash the game.
  • Fixed the issue where some animations would look broken.
  • Fixed the issue where players could spawn outside of custom borders.
  • Fixed the issue where Halloween emotes required Supporter pack #1.
  • Fixed the issue where taking a chest in hands after leaving an event would cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where players would get stuck inside vehicle...
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26 Aug

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hope you've had a blast driving around in your favorite four-wheeled machine and setting up the dream home you'll never have IRL because of real estate prices. Regardless, there's no rest for the wicked—behold this week's dev update!
We'll kick things off with a reminder about the decennial BTS video featuring our dynamic marketing duo/Italian plumber impersonators Matija and Dario. It's an entertaining watch, so it doesn't hurt to check the video out.

However, we know you're not here because our guys are contenders for Mr. Congeniality. Here's a quick look at what the team has been up to over the past week:

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

21 Aug

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, we said we would see you all soon. A new patch is here with great content and much more bug fixes check it out!
Unfortunately due to number of changes and fixes a soft wipe was necessary with this update.

Let's kick it off with the new BB elements and other related goodies.

We wish to thank you all who participated in the BB element survey we did a while back as all things featured here are direct results of it. So make sure you keep an eye out for more of these when we do them.

Starting with new BB elements!

As you can see we have tons of new elements you requested added, wit... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Aug

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Happy Tuesday! Can you believe that, it is Dev update #100. And to commemorate that, you will get a long awaited Devblog instead. Check it out and enjoy!!!

Once again thank you all for your support and reading through all 100 of Dev updates, in whatever format they are. We will see you very soon!
