SCUM Dev Tracker

20 Dec

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone happy Friday! Hope you are all good! Let us end the week with a nice little Dev update, special edition! ->

This one will be a different one to what you are used to see. AS it is more of an announcement rather than what we were doing. What we were doing are hotfixes as you could see the past couple of weeks. Now at the end of the year we will allow our selves some time to rest and look to the future.

But let us recap on 2024. and how it was for us as well. First thing that is noticeable is the slower more spaced out pace of updates, and the result was more quality in them as well. Added awesome new features, optimized old ones and long awaited stuff has finally made it into the game. Even the long awaited release window was announced.

Alas now it is time for us, after long overtimes, crunches, caffeine overdrives, to have our o... Read more

18 Dec

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Wednesday! Guess what another hotfix and return of some seasonal goodies, check it out! ->

  • Fixed the issue where you hitting dropships with explosive arrows would skip the leave animation.
  • Fixed the issue where Projectile damage disabled server setting would not prevent turret projectile damage.
  • Fixed the issue where BB elements with no owner could cause a connection lost.
  • Fixed some wrong grips on weapons.
  • Fixed the issue where the minigun turret would not deal damage to vehicles.
  • Fixed the issue where items would be dislocated when picked up.
  • Fixed the issue where shooting as a passenger on bicycles would kil...
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13 Dec

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, it is Friday! We are releasing a small hotfix for a crucial issue and also an update on the servers that were down since last update. Check it out! ->

To start off we have noticed, as you have as well, that since yesterday some of our official servers did not update correctly, This was due to G Portal update system failing to, well, update them. Hopefully this is resolved now and you will be able to play on them. Do keep in mind that due to that we have decided to do a rollback of all affected servers to exact time before the hotfix, so you do not loose anything due to this. Thank you for understanding.

  • Fixed the issue where mounting vehicles could sometimes cause a server crash.
  • ...
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12 Dec

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello hello everyone ! Happy Thursday, ready for a hot hot hotfix on this cold day! If the answer is yes sweet, if the answer is no well too bad. Check it out! ->

  • Fixed the issue where phones would spam "New Message Received" notification on quest start.
  • Fixed the issue where the First person camera would clip through player body during urinate animation.
  • Fixed incorrect descriptions for rafts and hatch door crafting recipes.
  • Fixed the issue where some purchased vehicles would spawn in without an alternator.
  • Fixed the issue where shooting with an Improvised rifle in third person would make the character twitch.
  • Fixed the issue where the quest cycl...
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10 Dec

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! We have a hybrid post for you today, a bit of a com showcase and a survey for you all! So check it out! ->

Getting into the holiday spirit, or getting some spirits into yourself for the holidays, the difference is minimal.

praise the sun
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09 Dec

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there, SCUM community! Hope you've started preparations for the holidays and that you're enjoying the new update. Here's a quick look at what the team's been up to last week!

This will be quick. There are still some things that need to be taken care of since the release of the new update, which is why the programmers are exclusively focused on bug fixing. And when I say 'programmers,' I literally mean all of them. It's all hands on deck to make the update and all the features that came with it work as smoothly as possible.

The level design team continues their gargantuan effort of reworking the landscapes across mul... Read more

05 Dec

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Thursday! Hope you are enjoying 0.96! We are deploying a hotfix for the more critical issues with an unfortunate announcement as well. Check it out! ->

Since the release of the 0.96 we have seen an increase of feedback as well. This is awesome as it helps out a lot for our GD to make changes and balance things out, so keep it coming. We would also like to ask you, if possible to have screenshots and even better videos, ready so we can nail it down.

One thing we saw was happening was overwhelming exploit to take down mechs and get high end loot easy. This will be fixed this update and unfortunately we will have to take a measure here. Hence all high end loot gained from mechs in this way will be removed. This was a better option as the alternative would be another wipe and we do not want to punish legitimate players.

... Read more

03 Dec

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hooowdy ho everyone, while we collect your feedback from the update let's check out how you've been enjoying it with a Community showcase! ->

"I swear bro, when I see red there's no stopping me" 🤓

This thing still creeps the poop outta me. Ki...
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29 Nov

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Friday! Hope you are all enjoying the update. As promised here is the list of bugfixes from yesterday so check it out! ->

hey everyone, hope you are enjoying the new update. As for us we are passing out and looking at all the feedback from you guys so keep it coming.

Another thing we would like to ask is regarding this years Steam Awards! As every year we have been nominated for the Labor of Love category! So if you want to, it would be really cool to give us your vote. Appreciate yall! You can do so here... Read more

28 Nov

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, the time is here! The new update FAME SEEKERS is live! Check it out! ->

And if you have not already done so, check out the new trailer!

Let's start with the big one, quests are finally in! There are more of them and more ways to get them so listen up!

First of all, let's look at how to obtain them, there are 3 ways:
  • Quest boards in POIs.
  • Quest books at the traders themselves.
  • Mobile phones.

... Read more

26 Nov

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! Back with another Community showcase and as promised another announcement, check it out!

please don't tell Shrek

*fakes batman voice* "It's a big island. I can't be everywhere. But they don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when I'm needed."
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25 Nov

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Happy Monday! Let us start this special week with a Dev update and an announcement! Check it out! ->

To start we have a new BTS video that released last Friday! Check out what our QA Cheese and animator Stella have been up to and some insight in their departments.

Some of you that have hawk eyes might have even noticed a leak or 2 in the video. Well we are here to confirm it. There will be a new update coming at the end of this week! That is the good news! And now, for some of you, bad news there will be another soft wipe coming with the new update.

So get to buying gold and fire off any extra rounds you have saved for rainy weather.

... Read more

20 Nov

    Perito on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention inmates! There's a new sheriff in town and his name's Perito. It looks like I'll be taking over this segment, since Beda is too busy plottin' and schemin' behind the scenes these days. But this isn't about us, it's about you, the community. So let's go check out what shenanigans you guys have been up to recently ->

Never squat with your spurs on

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19 Nov

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone! Another week another update from us, but this time a special Infogamer edition! Check it out! ->

As is every time Infogamer comes around, we have been there talking with all of you both veterans and new players that came to our booth! 4 days of energy drinks, beer and homemade rakija some of you brought us later here we are. For the rest of you here is what you missed!

We had a special build showcased in our booth with some unreleased goodies in it. You were able to see early stages of multiple features coming your way! For those who were not there do not worry, you will not wait long to see them as well.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

12 Nov

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, It is Tuesday which means another Community showcase. We do have some unfortunate news as well, so please check it out. ->

This week we do not have videos for you but rather an unfortunate event.

One of our community members, a person who was loved by many in the community Tim Kwass, also known as 321 Spiele unfortunately passed away. It shocked many of us and surely many of you as well. So, we would like to acknowledge him and his love he showed to the community and to the game. Rest in peace our friend you will be missed.

His close friends have decided to start a gofundme... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

11 Nov

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there, everyone! Hope you're all doing well! We have a new dev update to help ease those Monday blues.

Be sure to check out last Friday's BTS video, featuring a duo consisting of one our programmers and one of our game designers!

The programming team has been heavily invested in bug fixing. And when we say "heavily," we mean almost the entire team has been focused on it. What could that mean? Alongside bug fixes, work has continued on prisoner camouflage, puppet sleepers, and puppet encounters. The team is still hard at work on quest systems, NPC reload functionality, turrets,... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

06 Nov

    Beda on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello everyone, we hope you tricked and treated to your hearts content for the past few days. Since the devs hogged all the attention on Monday, it's time we show the community some love! Check it out!

Sometimes being a camper is not that bad.

Stop horsing around.
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