Star Wars: Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons Dev Tracker

19 Jan


Originally posted by MakeURage1

We absolutely need to see this video, if you're able to share it!

Not sure if we can share it or not, will check. :)

18 Jan


This is a thing of beauty.

15 Jan


This reminds me of our first prototype of the multi-lock missile. The programmer set it up so that it was effectively unlimited for sheer awesomeness, then recorded a video of himself taking down a star destroyer with one multi-shot--it would send a missile toward every turret, system, and hull section of the ISD all at once.

We presented the video to the team, accompanied by the 1812 Overture. ;)


Originally posted by XXXKatie-Kitty

"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick." -- That one B-Wing in the montage who's always spinning.

I love that B-wing. My favourite pilot in that video! I said the same quote in my head, haha!


That bombing run was gorgeous.


Originally posted by TheTurnsHaveTabled

Hey there fellow pilot! I was the support player in that game (TonicSpirits).

I had a mini freakout when my teammates (we were in a Discord call) told me who the enemy team was IRL and that game was a blast! Probably my favorite part was when Sam (RonRamron) made three passes to shoot torpedoes at our frigate and I shot down every one.

It was so fun to alternate between quoting the ZanMan with "Holy shit it's Darth Maul sir I am such a big fan" and shit-talking (even though they couldn't hear me lol) like "Think just because one of you is an awesome VA and others were on the dev team that you're hot shit? Hoho Imma make your lives difficult". We might've lost, but we went down swinging!

That was a fun game! I was the one flying support on the Empire and tried to keep an eye on you. You had some really great positioning, pretty much always where you needed to be, making our lives difficult. ;)


It was an honour facing off against you, pilot. I know Ian (Tiberius) feels the same. You had some good plays!

14 Jan


Hello, old friend :)


Love this little collab. SWTOR is also doing something, too, if you play that game. Use the code "SQUADRONS" to unlock something neat!

09 Jan


Originally posted by chompateef

I had made the lasers shoot from below the cockpit instead of on the wingtips but now it’s fixed! Made the explosion bigger because why not. Thanks u/Douglas_1987!

Very cool. Nice work!

03 Jan


We actually had the front/rear radar in our early prototypes, just like the old games, but ended up changing it for 2 main reasons: 1) That’s a LOT of screen real estate to burn on radar. 2) It consistently tested poorly in every non-dev playtest. We tried a few different ways of presenting it and tutorializing it, but the majority of players were always mystified by it. After a lot of testing, we simply found that the singular radar (/w outer ring) tested better with the majority of users in terms of them being able to understand it and use it effectively.

01 Jan


Originally posted by 11BApathetic

Just wanna thank you guys for creating this character, he is one of my favorites in the new canon already and I hope we get to see him again at some point! He just radiates bad-assery.

Thanks! Shen's one of my faves, he's really fun to write ^_^ His voice actor Jim Pirri deserves a ton of credit though, for doing so much with not a lot of dialogue.

31 Dec


That second picture made me laugh so hard I scared the cat :D

27 Dec

26 Dec


Well done!

22 Dec


Originally posted by aptyler308

A few additional comments: - I used the MC75 (~1,204m) as the baseline to size the background grid. - Each little square is ~5m, which makes each big square ~50m. - I have not applied any scale factors to any of these vehicle models. They are exactly as extracted from the game. - Most of them seem pretty close to their canon accepted size, with the exception of the CR90 which is a little short. - Unfortunately this is not conclusive, as it is very much possible for the game to apply a scaling factor to any of these models to suit its needs despite their original sizes.

Between the initial model and any scalars on the in-game starship entity, the ships are indeed all LFL-approved lore-accurate scale. :)

The main thing that I think keeps throwing everybody off is the FoV on our (pancake) c*ckpit cameras. For the sake of gameplay they are tuned to give players better peripheral awareness, but the down side of that is that things outside your c*ckpit are somewhat compressed. This is particularly noticeable with the width of the flagships and the hangar bays.

Cameras aside, unless we made an export error somewhere that I’m unaware of, everything is exactly as big as it’s supposed to be. Just bear in mind that the movies cheat scale when needed to get the best shots possible, whereas in gameplay our scale is 100% static.

19 Dec


Originally posted by Easy_Humor_7949

They're almost certainly not, it's done by whichever kill is registered first (I've won 30 - 30 games as Empire). I don't know how they handle two players ramming into each other for the final kill though, it could be random, it could be the person with the higher health dies 2nd, or it could be something horrible like network latency.

Whichever death happened first would trigger the end, which in the case of a MAD joust will generally be the one that was at lower hull health at the time of collision, though there are enough variables in the collision dmg calculation that that’s not guaranteed.

In the exceedingly unlikely event that both deaths were confirmed on the exact same frame then the game would actually wait for another kill before deciding the winning team, just like we do if the teams are tied when the timer runs out.

18 Dec

17 Dec


And with that, it's just about time for me to take my holiday, too. Thank you for being such a wonderful community this year. I couldn't have asked for better!

See you in the stars, pilots.

Edit: And thank you for the birthday wishes, too!