Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

17 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today's server update grants the Grand Arenas Reschedule inbox to qualifying players, as well as a few fixes.

  • EVENT - Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving an inbox message stating they "did not participate" in the Grand Arenas Season and therefore do not qualify for rewards, despite the fact they participated in the season and received rewards.
  • EVENT - Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to make Conquest Battle Pass-related purchases after purchasing the Conquest Battle Pass.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of an issue some players are experiencing trying to get into the game after today's Minor Title Update.

The team is busy implementing a hotfix, but for now you may want to avoid updating the game. If you have already begun the update process, it should still work even if you are experiencing the issue. However, it may appear as though nothing is happening (or the loading wheel will spin) for around 20 minutes (or longer) before the game begins to work properly.

We will provide updates about the hotfix when that is ready to implement.

16 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s update coincides with the Forced Update for the Minor Title Update that began rolling out yesterday. You will be required to restart and download the latest version from your app store. This release contains several infrastructure updates and a few fixes.

  • UNIT - Fixed an issue with Jedi Knight Revan’s Direct Focus Special ability which was not properly counting Marked.
  • UNIT - Fixed an issue with Mara Jade’s animations.

General Known Issues can be found on the ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

This week we expect to send out an inbox related to the Grand Arenas issue that resulted in a reschedule.

The following will be issued to players who signed up for the event:
  • Crystals x 1000
  • Championship Tokens x 1000

The above is meant to cover any Crystal income changes that were delayed due to the rescheduling of the last 2 weeks of this season of Grand Arena (and thus a delay to when rewards would have been received). We are also providing Championship Tokens for gear or other items available via Championship currency that you might have purchased had the Grand Arenas ended on schedule. Lastly, we added some extra Crystals and Tokens for general inconvenience.
... Read more

15 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We have began rolling out a minor Title Update to Android users. This will continue to roll out to all players over the next 24 hours and will require you to update from your app store at the end of this period.

This title update contains several infrastructure updates and there will be several bug fixes with the forced update tomorrow but there should be no other gameplay changes or content.

09 Feb

54zuhj6cpc27.jpg Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s update brings a new member of the Inquisitorius faction, Ninth Sister, to the holotables! Also, a new Omicron character ability, additive drops, some shard shuffling, and a few fixes are included.

Keep reading for more details.

Grand Arena Championships Reschedule
After pausing Grand Arenas last week, we are relaunching the second half of Grand Arena Championships today at 2 PM Pacific (22:00 UTC). For more information ... Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are relaunching the second half of this Grand Arena Championships tomorrow (2/9) at 2 PM Pacific (22:00 UTC). Last week, we paused Grand Arena due to an issue with manually set defenses providing additional banners to their opponent. The issue will be fixed in an update tomorrow and prior to the start of Grand Arena Championships.

Since two of this season's Grand Arena events have already occurred and skill ratings have been adjusted (Skill Rating changes were frozen f... Read more

08 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are charging into this year with more characters, ships and the new Inquisitorius faction. Our team has put together an ambitious plan for 2022 that seeks to keep this game exciting for many more years. We will have more to share about some of the larger changes coming this year in future updates but in this month’s State of the Galaxy, I want to give you an update on what’s coming in the near future for Galaxy of Heroes, discuss the current meta, and the team’s goals for shaping the meta over the future. Conquest 13 has begun and we want to provide an update on where the Conquest characters are moving to. As always, there are a ton of things to cover so let's dive in!

As we move on from our Legends characters in celebration of LucasFilm’s 50th anniversary, we have another thrilling group of characters to explore, the Inquisitors. If you have played Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order or watched ... Read more
[ Developer Insights - Kit Reveal ] 8t6gccolpbyo.jpg Hi Holotable Heroes,

The Ninth Sister, formerly a Jedi known as Masana Tide, is coming to the holotables to reinforce the Inquisitorius!

Below, we take a dive into the developers’ motivations and inspirations while creating the kit for this fan-favorite Jedi: Fallen Order character.

The Basics:
  • Ninth Sister will interact with Purge in both an active and passive capacity.
  • Her Too Easy Basic and Not Worth My Time Special abilities work actively.
  • Her Can't Stop the Empire Leader and Ground Pound S...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of the new Data Disks appearing in Conquest 13. p1rhno0xeumo.png
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of an issue with the Booby Traps Ewok Conquest modifier that is potentially resulting in the game freezing or crashing.

We are aiming to implement a fix for this issue later this week.

07 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of some confusion with the "I Want My Armor" Conquest feat. Currently, the feat's description states, "Win X battles with The Mandalorian and Boba Fett" which refers to The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor) and Boba Fett, and does not include Boba Fett Sion of Jango or The Mandalorian.

We will update the feat description prior to the beginning of the next Conquest to properly reflect the qualifying units are The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor) and Boba Fett.

Also, the "Unguarded" feat in Hard Mode states the player needs to "Win 5 battles with no Tanks in your squad" in order to be completed. However, this should state ""Win 14 battles with no Tanks in your squad" to be completed in Hard Mode.

05 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We have released a hotfix to turn off Grand Arena Championships within the next hour. This event will be rescheduled as soon as possible. All end of event and season rewards will not be distributed at the moment (they have been temporarily changed to 1 credit). These rewards will be addressed in a future make good. You can find more details about this issue here.

04 Feb

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are investigating an issue with Grand Arena Championships where some players are granted extra Banners at the start of the Attack Phase. Please follow this thread for any updates on this issue.

Thank you for your understanding.

02 Feb


Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s update brings the speedy and nimble TIE/IN Interceptor Prototype to the holotables! With Second Sister as its pilot, the TIE Interceptor provides a boost to Empire fleets.

Along with TIE Interceptor, Princess Leia will be getting an Omicron ability, Darth Vader’s TIE Advanced x1 is getting a touch-up, some shard shuffling, multiple fixes and updates have been implemented, and more!

New Conquest Unit
TIE Interceptor will be the new Conquest obtainable unit! Keep an eye on the forums for more information.

TIE Advanced x1 Kit Touch-Up
TIE Advanced x1 is getting a touch-up to its kit. The new final tier of Advanced Targeting System now reads: “At the start of battle, if all allies are Empire, Inquisitorius, or Sith and TIE/IN Interceptor is in reinforcements, allied E... Read more
[ Developer Insights - Kit Reveal ]

Hi Holotable Heroes,

The TIE/IN interceptor Prototype piloted by Second Sister is landing on the holotables! While the ship is already a fast-attack craft that is as nimble as it is deadly, Second Sister's Force powers allow it to perform maneuvers many would consider…unnatural.

Below we take a deeper dive into the inspirations and motivations of the designers as they worked to bring this lethal Imperial craft to Galaxy of Heroes.

The Basics:
  • Works well with Empire fleets. TIE ...
Read more
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of potential balance issues involving Lord Vader after a recent fix (Lord Vader's My New Empire Leader ability was applying Critical Hit Immunity to all allies instead of the target ally). We are investigating if this merits any changes and will let you know in advance if changes are coming.

This is in addition to the investigation that we posted about previously here.

27 Jan

Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of an issue connecting Galaxy of Heroes to Facebook, particularly with the “find allies” feature. Players who have linked their game to Facebook and are attempting to search for allies among their Facebook “friends” will see a message stating “App is in Development Mode.”

We are working on a fix for this issue. In the meantime, players can log in and make progress without issue. However, social interactions that use Facebook will encounter errors. Also, players not logged into Facebook cannot link their accounts until we resolve the issue.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

We are aware of an issue connecting Galaxy of Heroes to Facebook, particularly with the “find allies” feature. Players who have linked their game to Facebook and are attempting to search for allies among their Facebook “friends” will see a message stating “App is in Development Mode.”

We are working on a fix for this issue. In the meantime, players can log in and make progress without issue. However, social interactions that use Facebook will encounter errors. Also, players not logged into Facebook cannot link their accounts until we resolve the issue.

Thank you for your understanding.
Hi Holotable Heroes,

This hotfix addresses the issue with Jedi Master Kenobi. Galactic Republic tanks should now Taunt as intended under a Jedi Master Kenobi lead.

Also, there is some confusion relating to Admiral Ackbar's Omicron ability, which states "If all allies are Rebel, whenever an ally's buff expires, they gain 3% Turn Meter."

In this case, "they" refers to the ally whose buff is expiring.

We will change the text in a future update to provide more clarity.