Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

29 Oct

Hi folks,

We have sent out the missing rewards from last week's Galactic Challenge this morning. Please check your inbox for a message containing the rewards you should have earned from completing the event the first time if you failed on your first attempt.

There was an additional issue (that we have now fixed) that was causing an erroneous message to be sent to those who were unaffected by the bug. Unfortunately, some players who received the correct rewards from the event have already received this message and may be confused why it contains with no rewards. Our apologies for confusing the issue further, those players should have already received all the rewards. We are investigating if there any other problems with the inbox message but it appears to be working correctly now.

Thank you for patience.

23 Oct

Hello Holotable Heroes,

We are investigating a bug causing first time rewards to become blocked if you fail or retreat during your first attempt. Rather than pulling the event midway through, we are going to let it run its course in order to prevent additional issues.

We will provide an update early next week to keep you informed about this issue.

21 Oct

Hello Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Update contains several fixes and the November Calendar. This Update also addresses the bug that some Guilds experienced this weekend in Territory Battles.


  • UNIT - Fixed an issu...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

Here is a list of some of the upcoming events for November.

Daily Login Character for November: Boba Fett

Hi Holotable Heroes,
In the galaxy’s underground lurks all manner of unscrupulous individuals, willing to do what others might find unthinkable for an extra credit. If you have the credits, they have the resolve; our next theme is: Bounty Hunters. There’s a few feats that need some clarification as to what units qualify for them. Once again we’ll also give you an approximate start date for each of the feats so you can prepare.

Explosives (Appx 11/10)
  • Attempt to apply Thermal Detonators 20 times in Grand Arena
Lucky Shot (Appx 11/17)
  • Gain Critical Damage Up 20 times in Grand Arena
Whatever It Takes (Appx 11/03)
  • Win a Grand Arena battle using Aurra Sing and Boba Fett
  • Title: Mercenary
It Was Just a Job (Appx 11/10)
  • Win a Grand Arena battle using Zam Wesell and Jango Fett
  • Title: Hired Gun
Trapped in The Box (Appx 11/24)
  • Win a Grand Arena ba...
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Hello Holotable Heroes,

We ran into some technical issues yesterday when sending out the make good related to last weekend’s Territory Battle. Also, to clear up confusion, if you are a player in an affected guild you will be receiving rewards as well. This is a guild-wide distribution, not player specific.

All players in guilds identified as affected will receive a total of 1000 GET1, 1500 GET 2 and 250 Crystals.

Also, please note the reason some players received a message that appeared to be empty (not containing rewards) is because that message went out to all affected players first, with follow up messages containing the actual rewards.

Thanks for your patience.

20 Oct

Hello Holotable Heroes,

Over the weekend a bug surfaced preventing some guilds from fully participating in Phase 4 of the LS Geo TB. CG will be distributing the following to the affected players:
  • 500 GET 1
  • 1500 GET 2
  • 250 crystals

EDIT(10/20/2020 5:30pm): We ran into some technical issues sending out the Make Good today. We are working to get this resolved as soon as possible and will have an update for you tomorrow. Apologies for the inconvenience

18 Oct

Hi folks,

We are aware of an issue causing players to get stuck at the loading screen in today's Light Side Territory Battle. We are investigating what is causing players to get stuck in Phase 4 but we are unlikely to release a fix for this issue today. We will update you as soon as we have more information. Apologies for the inconvenience.

16 Oct

Hello Holotable Heroes,

The Dev Tracker will be triumphantly returning to regularly updated status for the community’s perusal.

While I feel like I could retire now and leave behind a solid legacy given this feat, I will endeavor to keep pushing for more community-focused goodness.

In all earnestness, the Dev Tracker is a helpful way for us to track bugs. It also reduces the amount of duplicative reports to comb through, which saves the QA team time. This is important given they have to share a laptop.

It’s also helpful for players to see the status of bugs that have been reported.

So, if you’d like to give it a look, head over to: this link

15 Oct

Hello Holotable Heroes,

To follow up on a reply I posted the other day regarding Galactic Challenge cadence, I'd like to address it here for increased visibility.

For now, the Galactic Challenges will occur on the weekends.

Obviously, not the news we were all hoping for, but the team is working on ways to increase the cadence of the GCs. That sounds nebulous, but there's a few things going on, including some complicated stuff involving the tool used to create the events.

This might invite more questions that do not have answers right now, such as "when can we expect an increase in cadence?"

But, I'll keep y'all up to date as much as I can as things change.

13 Oct

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Beginning on October 27, 2020, in order to accommodate the new features and graphics associated with the game’s next update, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes will no longer be supported on some legacy iOS devices.

The minimum required iOS version was previously iOS 10.0 and will now be iOS 11.0. The list of unsupported devices can be found below. After the update on 10/27, players on unsupported devices will be unable to download the newest version of the game, and the App Store will highlight that their device is unsupported.

At any time before or after the update, players can import their account from an unsupported device to a supported device using their in-game Player ID and/or Ally Code. Your account will still be available and ready to play on a supported device. For more information on how to link your account, please visit ... Read more

09 Oct

Hi Holotables Heroes,

Our Update yesterday did not fix the login issue that was caused by a version mismatch but we have just released another small Server Update to fix this issue.

  • GENERAL - Fixed a login issues that was causing some clients to ask for an update while the app store already shows the client has been updated.

  • UNIT - We are aware of a potential issue with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker that can cause allies to target Luke with Inherited Teachings instead of another unit.
Hi folks,

I’m excited to announce a new addition to the Galaxy of Heroes Community team! CG_Doja_Fett is joining us as a Community Manager who will be focused on engaging the community and increasing our regular interaction with you, the awesome SWGoH Community. I’ll let him introduce himself, so without further ado, please welcome Doja_Fett.

Hello Holotable Heroes,

My very first memory of going to the movie theater was to see a film my older cousin, Mark, had been raving about. He’d talk in this weird, deep, robotic tone while saying things like, “you don’t know the power of the Dark Side,” or in a froggy, gravelly voice with his words jumbled, “strong in the Force, you are.”

None of it made any sense until that day at the movies, when he took me to see Return of the Jedi.
And then it all made sense. Whatever frenzy and passion my cousin had for Star Wars was instantly implanted in me as well. The love of the film ... Read more

08 Oct

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Update fixes an issue with the Sith Raid from yesterday's Update. You can find more info here.

  • EVENT - Fixed an issue in the Sith Triumvirate Raid where Sion or Nihilus could become invincible if they are at very low health.

  • GENERAL - Players are still experiencing login issues and are sometime being asked to update while the app store already shows the client has been updated. We are continuing to investigate the cause of t...
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Hi Holotable Heroes,

We have two Updates scheduled for today. We are currenting rolling out a server fix for login issue where players where receiving a message to update their client but the app store is shows the client is already up to date. This issue should be resolved over the next hour.
EDIT 10/09: Our fix yesterday did not work and we have released another server fix today to address this issue
EDIT 10/13: The fix last week did not address all players who were impacted. We are continuing to investigate this issue and hope to have a fix as soon as possible.

There are a few other bugs we are investigating at the moment and we also are rolling out a hotfix later today to address the Sith Raid issue that we ... Read more
Hi folks,

We are aware of an issue with the Sith Raid that can cause Sion or Nihilus to become invincible if they are at very low health. We believe we have identified a fix this evening and are working to get it deployed as soon as we can. This fix is not likely tonight so please hold off on completing the Sith Raid if possible.

From our initial investigation, it appears that if a player hits this issue and then posts their score, it can lock the raid for the rest of the Guild if there are no battles by other guild members in progress. Anyone already battling should not be affected and can finish their run.

We will share more information as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.

07 Oct

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Today’s Update brings Galactic Legends Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Sith Eternal Emperor to the Holotables. Check out the Journey Guide for the event requirements and find out more in the Developer Insights for Luke and the ... Read more

06 Oct

Hi Holotable Heroes,

Tomorrow’s Update will change how Galactic Legend Event Tickets are earned. In the new system, the chance to earn Galactic Legend Light and Dark side tickets will be based on energy spent instead of a flat rate per node. The original probabilities rewarded more tickets from farming lower cost nodes. Our goal is to enable players to efficiently earn Galactic Legends tickets while they farm gear and characters on the Normal or Hard nodes of their choice. This will not change where the tickets are earned or any other qualities of the tickets.

Thanks for reading and see you on the Holotables!
[Developer Insight - Kit Reveal]


Hi Holotable Heroes,

The story of the Star Wars Trilogy is the story of Palpatine rising to power and quest for eternal life. Today's Dev Insight takes a deeper look at the new Galactic Legend, Sith Eternal Emperor, Palpatine's strongest form the universe has ever seen.

The Basics:
  • Sith Eternal Emperor is an Attacker that focuses on dealing tons of damage at the expense of whoever is in his way.
  • In lore and on the battlefield, Palpatine is initially hiding in the background, m...
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[Developer Insight - Kit Reveal]
Hi Holotable Heroes,

The second group of Galactic Legends launches this week and we kick off the Developer Insights with one of the most iconic characters in Star Wars, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker! Both of these new Galactic Legends have the unique ability to change into their Ultimate form and lay waste to their enemies.

The Basics:
  • Jedi Master Luke Skywalker is the ultimate Tank for any Jedi squad.
  • Luke protects his Light Side allies, particularly his Jedi allies, when ...
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