Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

27 Apr

26 Apr


Originally posted by soxcrates

Try adding a tag for sell feature. That way the user has to click on the tag button from this screen and can bulk sell in the sell section. Requires two conscious acts to get through rather than spamming with fingers.

That’s a very good suggestion.


Originally posted by joel42000

Probably consider just the Apple's own pricing tiering?

As example (there is huge table in there with options) but something that would cost 9.99$ will cost 7.99 £ (GBR). And 9.99 EUR.

Sorry that IS what I meant. We pick the pricing tier in USD and I believe the first parties set the rest. But I’ll investigate because if you’re saying that’s not what you’re seeing in other apps, then there’s something else going on.


When we made selling easier last year we saw a huge uptick in “accidental sales” so I’d be very wary to add it in more places. And this includes people blowing through a confirmation prompt. I’ll add it to the QOL list and see if we can do something for convenience without risking it.


Not hard required. But it will be easier with the Separatist Droids because they’re much more powerful. Honestly it’s a similar strategy to Chewie where the newer Bounty Hunters made it much easier, but shortly after the event started, people were posting proof they’d done it with all the older BHs. We’ve seen some people in testing pull that off with some of the Separatists and will leave it that way for sure.


We don’t control the exchange rate at all. That happens outside of our reach. Can I ask, do you not see this exchange rate with other games though? My understanding was that is common. If I can make the case with examples, I will try for sure.


She looks very good in game. I admit I found her to look not quite the same in the trailer but I chalked that up to seeing her right after the droids (which wouldn’t ever have an uncanny valley problem).

Padme Model in game


Originally posted by Nidion001

I know this is a shot in the dark and won't happen but can we please get a comment on why CG thinks they need to dictate the meta to how THEY see fit, and not let players dictate it themselves, as it has been traditionally in this game.. and almost every game a meta takes place in. I know how I feel about this, I know how the majority of the community feels about it.. It'd be nice to get a devs perspective on it.

This is an interesting question and there are tons of nuance to sort through, so maybe this isn't the right forum, but I'll make a note and perhaps we can address it in an upcoming Q&A or dev interview.


Originally posted by joel42000

Very curious about the 50/20% numbers they cite.

I always though they have more complex balancing (or mis-balancing) logic, like offense/defense win rate tiers based on the gear levels, zetas etc. Not just an average of everything which can be skewed.

It's far more complex than the top line numbers, but these numbers are a good conversation starter.


Originally posted by QuietThunder2014

I make those sort of mistakes all the time at work and sometimes you just gotta look at and laugh. Glad you were a good spirit about it. Sorry if I came across a little mean.

Not at all, friend!


Originally posted by three-4-truth

What worries me is them saying we're going to give Anakin a zeta after Padmé is released but will monitor their performance to make sure they're not overperforming. So they're gonna release both and maybe nerf them after people have whaled/geared?

We're running a closed beta test right now to gather that data and ideally make any needed changes prior to Padme's release.


Originally posted by punbasedname

100% agree. Hope this level of communication continues.

Thank you! It's been a really respectful conversation so far - and that helps us open up further. We'll keep trying to be as transparent as we can and share our thought process.


Originally posted by Xyon888

Happy Cake Day!

Thanks! I didn't realize that was a thing.

25 Apr


Originally posted by Guardias

"...we are continuing to consider some changes to ensure his performance under Padme meets our desired performance."

Best line

Desired performance targets, will edit.


Originally posted by QuietThunder2014

Some of the changes we are considering would make him work synergize more specifically inside a Galactic Republic squad

English is hard.

Ha! I even tried reading it backwards and still missed that. Good catch!


Originally posted by Jamial

"As we addressed on Friday, some of the recent releases have had issues, and as a result we are looking into opportunities to get more eyeballs[...]"

For a few seconds there, I thought we were getting more eyeballs. Then I read the rest of it. :'(

Give me all the eyeballs!

24 Apr


Sorry to necro this old thread but I was somewhere distracting... I'll investigate how hard it would be for us to do. Seems like a good idea to me but I'll check with the team!


Thanks all for the additional information, much appreciated. Looks like it's not platform specific. We've flagged it for further investigation now.