Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

16 Jun


Hey, there! Technical friend here. If you feel comfortable doing so, please dm me your ally code so that we can investigate further and see if this is a known issue.


Hey there, fellow Android friends! I'm a SWGoH developer on the Engineering side of things (not sure how to get the "dev flair") and want to help chime in here to assuage any concerns regarding Android device support.

Whenever a mobile developer needs to stop supporting any Android devices, they have to specifically mark each device as unsupported. We don't apply a global rule against, say, a certain firmware version. As such, if the device you are using is NOT on the list that cg_sbcrumb posted on the forums, you will still be rocking, rolling, and ready for our upcoming title update!

14 Jun


u/paradigm619 Can you please send me your Customer Support ticket number via private message to have a look into it? Thanks.


Originally posted by Raiderhater52

Carrie, is the GA/TW mod glitch being fixed in the upcoming title update as previously stated?

I've seen many times and have recorded instances where the speeds of toons are not working correctly and I believe it to be different than the glitch/exploit that's been previously brought up.

Yup, we have had this fix done for a couple months, TMoney from Operation Metaverse brought it to us so we could address it without it being out in the public, and for that I'm super grateful. Glad the fix is going live soon though. People will have to l2p. :)


Originally posted by DevilsTreasure

Let’s make this the most upvoted post to balance the hate CG crumb caught for his “compensation” post. This is much better news, and also feels much more genuine and not as much a last minute back peddle.

Ugh, I did not do that on purpose. Crumb was delivering the news that was the reality of how things are that you didn't like, but were 100% my fault, and then I get to come in here after we've discussed everyone's concerns and talk about all my hopes and dreams and change things willy nilly. He's constantly advocating for the community in meetings, so feel free to direct your hate at me still.


Originally posted by CrashandCern

Mostly software/game development talk:

Internal build: The version of the game they are currently testing and debugging.

Live build: The version we play.

"crossing the t's and dotting the i's": Just an idiom meaning you need to check everything carefully

0-2: currently between 0 and 2 zetas drop (not sure what the other thing she referred to

shop tabs: She talked about reordering the shop tabs so the ones you go to more often are together

TU16 polish: I think TU16 means the 16th major release of the game (where you need to install an update). Polish meaning the last few bits before submitting the new version to the app store

reduce friction: stuff that makes the game slower and more obnoxious to play for no good reason (here scrolling between shop tabs all the time)

hope that helps

Perfectly described. Apologies for not making it more user friendly! TU16 is the (very) soon update.


Perfectly described. Apologies for not making it more user friendly! TU16 is the (very) soon update.


Originally posted by Gavstarr

With the way things are setup. It doesn't surprise me that the way Devs and player see data and drop rates is different.

Dev sees it from a total player pool perspective. They see 33% of the player base receiving zeta drops from a player base in the millions.

What they don't see is you, you who sees yourself as the individual player (being that 66%) that miss out, again, again, Again, AGain, AGAin, AGAIn, and AGAIN!!!!

This is a really good description of the tendencies we fall into in development. In many cases we walk through the player experience, either in mockup/wireframe or build where we sit there and simulate what it looks like, and this is where employees playing the game really helps (and the fact that we have many different player types - John Salera would not rest about the Ewoks until we beefed them up, because he's completely F2P and that's his main squad).

That's also why my brain shortcircuited in the meeting because you go "I definitely saw that somewhere, I remember we changed that, where did that change".

And also sometimes when we're rushed we skip the player perception step and rely on the math. And that's where we get our "Luck is probability taking personally" problems. We need to do better about touch and feel and experience... and yes, in some cases, drop rates too.


Thanks for posting this, because I was looking for an in to talk about it. In the third hour of rambling my head off, I said two things that were too close to "not necessarily true" for my comfort that I want to clarify. I usually try to give myself an out, like "I don't recall if that's live, but it should be" but I would totally understand why it seems that way. It's because I spend as much time playing internal builds and having discussions as I do playing the live build. Usually when I'm posting here, I run around and get clarity, but I didn't do that because we recorded over the weekend, and I should have fact checked the following day and asked for an edit but forgot.

So we started investigating where that ended up, we DID end up taking 0-2 off things that you never saw, so that doesn't get me any brownie points. And so I sincerely apologize for not being clear when I should have checked or at least followed up and requested we edit out my babbling nonsense. The reali...

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11 Jun


Apologies for the confusion. The Double Drops are the additional events we scheduled to make up for the lack of GAs this month. This is not designed to be a one to one replacement for all the materials you would have earned from GA but it gives you the option to focus on farming whatever gear and squads you need to prepare for Grand Arena Championships.

10 Jun


Thanks for the report, we've now flagged it as a bug with PVE Nute Gunray Special 1 animation.


Oops, thanks for the report, we've now flagged it as a bug with PVE Nute Gunray.

08 Jun


Awesome. Simply, awesome.

07 Jun


Originally posted by _DarthTaco_

So you’ve never heard of this patent but your bosses have asked you about implementing the exact patent regularly? Hard to believe...

This is one of the most deceptive practices you could implement in a business model that already relies on withholding key info from players.

You’re too honest Carrie which is a good thing for consumers at least.

I want nothing to do with anything remotely like this.

I know nothing about patents. The CONCEPT is very common in video games. I’ve been asked if we would offer dynamic purchases, etc., and we said no and that’s the end of it. But I left the door open that there are many people more powerful than me so I can’t say “never ever” (I made this mistake once talking about Real ID to Eurogamer and had to write profuse apologies to the BioWare doctors, so I’d like to avoid if possible).

If we do it, we will communicate it.


We are removing this immediately and will be patching it into the build this evening. My sincerest apologies that this is in the game, I have no earthly idea why it happened, but we will be looking into it.

05 Jun


Originally posted by bbluma17

The Monte Carlo system would be a welcome QoL change some day. Dota 2 uses a similar mechanic for bashes with a % chance. I believe they call it "pseudo-random" chance

I agree. Mostly so I can stop talking about probability and randomness with people. :) Randomness isn’t a perfect spread across variables. It’s random. And it isn’t “fair”. I’d like to nudge towards fairness if we can.


Originally posted by rustyshackleford7508

“Does that mean we’ll never do it? I can’t say that...”

The fact that I gave myself the out should be proof positive that I’m telling the truth. If I were lying why bother with the caveat? I gave myself that out because I have a lot of bosses and this is something we have been asked for regularly. Many F2P mobile games do it (I can’t speak to which ones, it’s just considered industry standard); and the team does not want to do it.

And as I said in other posts, because we’ve talked about changing drop rates in the player’s favor (Monte Carlo system), that would be a dynamic pricing change. So there are always chance we will use it in a positive way.

If we ever make this change we will announce it in advance so people know.


I’ve never seen that patent before so I can’t speak to it, but let me clarify - we do no difficulty tuning or targeted offers at all. All drops are a fixed rate.

We have talked about a Monte Carlo system which actually increases your odds if you don’t get a drop after a few rolls. But that isn’t in the game because we don’t have the tech.

The only targeting we do is that we have some “lifecycle packs” that get offered to people as they’re leveling up, but they can only be bought once and they get offered to all players.

01 Jun


Originally posted by ImSoBasic

I mean, it seems more like a CG marketing exercise. We give to charity, they don't give to charity, yet they reap the PR rewards from an event branded as the "Capital Games Charity Event."

I don't normally address responses like this but I feel the need to defend my coworkers hard work to make this happen. This is entirely driven by a handful of employees who feel passionate about helping those in need. Besides the satisfaction of doing something to dramatically change a kid's life and some late nights planning, we get nothing. This isn't some line item in a spreadsheet for an exec. Its about helping God damn kids who desperately need support. If you could stream games for a day and revolutionize the health of children in your community, would you do it? Because you have that power right now. We all do. Don't donate through our page if you don't want to, give another way or through another charity.

30 May


Gear 13 is not coming with the new Geonosian Territory Battle. CG_Cyanides only is referring to the last piece to finish off G12. This will get you to G13 with a shiny new portrait (just like completing G11 gets you to G12) but there are no G13 gear pieces being released with the Geonosis Territory TB.