Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

30 May


Hey, can you please send me a PM with your Ally Code and/or your customer support ticket number so we can look into it?


22 May


Originally posted by CG_TopHat

Thanks for flagging. We are looking into it now. It may be a local issue. I’ll update soon.

Yeah, we just scanned the logs. This looks like a local service disruption. We’ll continue to monitor and see if anything on our end spikes.


Thanks for flagging. We are looking into it now. It may be a local issue. I’ll update soon.

17 May


Hi, can you DM me your ally code, so I can have a look? Thanks!

14 May


Originally posted by hesjingixen

While we have you does Extortion work with Raid Bosses? Or does it?

It works like normal. The AI will generally prioritize their Special Abilities over Extortion and using Extortion over their Basic


Originally posted by Mirrodin90

I like both of them. These are reasonable kits again. Still, why does Nute revive ?? I can’t seem to get it.

He manages to escape almost everytime he is captured! His revive is mostly based on how slippery a Separatist he is

13 May


Originally posted by Potato_in_my_veins

There's no definitive answer in that thread. I'm not sure what to do...

Edit: I kind of want to progress with this event, so if you can give me a list of steps to follow, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks in advance.

Edit: Ally Code is 698-336-336

nt to progress with this event, so if you can give me a list of steps to follow, I'd be very appreciative. Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately, there are now steps at the moment. Please wait until we release a patch to fix it.

11 May


Originally posted by porkins_sf

What is it about Jira that you loathe? Not gonna lie, I get a little concerned when I hear people on a sw project talk like that. I've worked primarily on safety critical systems my career and tools like Jira & Bugzilla & others are crucial for knowing what's going on. I can understand why non-safety critical products might not need that same level of intense attention to detail but it's always helped things run smoother and especially keep track of problems.

I don't like overly rigid structures either...for example whenever I work with a legacy products using waterfall or spiral methods I do what I can to move away from that. But we've never moved away from using Jira-like tools for tracking features and bugs.

I'm not really bagging on the tool. It's more a shorthand for my own PTSD about the times I've had people who knew how to wield a hammer (JIRA) see everything as a nail - and the hours and hours of arcane debates I've had about "what exactly constitutes an Epic vs a Story vs a Subtask?" and other esoteric conversations that would make a mystic blush.

JIRA (or any number of other systems) are great for tracking the status of tasks, features, bugs, etc. and can be incredibly powerful tools if you do the work to configure it in a way that works with your team's workflow. I'm personally much more of a visual/tactile learner, always want to jump up and diagram stuff on a whiteboard, make mind maps, user story mapping, move sticky notes around, etc.

I remember early on in my career as a Producer on a different title, a Technical Director sat me down and told me the only way I could communicate with the engineering team was to deliver a flat list of user stories strict...

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10 May


Originally posted by EACarrie

IIRC, it was in the Malak build which we made the somewhat late call to give ourselves another day to work through some beta feedback. For a good portion of the 10th though, we still thought we would have it out on time. When we moved the build, we should have put the MF up anyway but it takes some work to create a separate build and QA it and we’ve been making decisions to de-risk where we can because we’ve had some build issues of late.

But it’s a fair point, the second we made the call to move the build out, we should have posted that the MF would be delayed a day as well.

One of the things we did fairly recently is put a DD over community (not sure what kind of Dev you are or if Development Director has the same meaning that it does at EA), but he’s basically building out better organization and structure for that group. Workflows, etc. I agree it’s been especially sloppy this year, and it’s not for a lack of effort. So we are now coming in with a big process ma...

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While I loathe JIRA (and overly rigid structure that inhibits creativity), I am pretty excited to hand off the stuff I dislike (scheduling, tracking statuses) and do the stuff I am good at (?, Carrie is welcome to dispute me) at (producing content, dreaming up new campaigns, publicly harassing Crumb).


Originally posted by Wu_Tang_Financial77

Two things:

Why is it a problem to not have a guarantee that the same players are able to farm the same amount of crystals from additional game modes? Someone that performs well in all game modes outside of SA essentially gets no additional crystals. That seems unbalanced to me.

Yes, large crystal rewards in top SA spots has been a constant in the game... but in general for a vast majority of players SA is nothing but a constant source of frustration. This has been exacerbated recently with the impenetrable nature of the last 3 meta squads.

Is utter and complete domination by one team something we should expect to continue? It seems like you’ve expressed a desire to change that but it has not come to fruition.

It's not a problem to have crystals from other sources, we add crystals all the time. The issue is the major inflow has been squad arena, and it's dependable. And it's not just one group of people, lots of people rely on it.

Singular team domination is absolutely not the intention, but it will take time. We need to message clearly and make changes incrementally. The game has been out for three and a half years, and when we make changes, they're not always well received, so messaging, describing our intent, and slowly moving that way is how we do it. I realize that in being slow, people think that means our intentions change, but sometimes it's easier to show on reflection (basically the introduction of TB/TW represents a year plus path for the gameplay involving social connections and guild play that has been very intentional, but would have sounded crazy/too slow if we tried to describe it up front).


Originally posted by mountaineer30680

Well, you could easily start by just giving out some crystals, even a small amount for top-5, top-10, whatever, in those others. Gradually make the changes to level it out. If you communicate the change and ease folks into it, you'd still lose some players, but that's the case with a) any change, or b) staying the same.

You have to admit people are going to receive this claim from y'all dubiously. Especially since you rushed in a special buff to ensure spenders couldn't be beat by FTP, telling us JKA was WAI, then nerfing him, and all the rest. You have a rather large credibility problem right now saying this, because your most recent actions make it look like all you care about is those who will spend large amounts of cash, including the "tip of the spear" comment...

Oh there are crystals in other modes, but it's about where the majority of the source comes from.

The JKA thing is interesting to me, we described the change that we ultimately ended up rolling out in the second paragraph of that section of the post, but I've seen people say "oh I didn't think the part about GR meant a restriction" and I do understand why that's so - but that's just a misunderstanding, so we'll think about that when we write the next explanation, but we just can't always convey our meaning.

Just like "tip of the spear" is just an expression to describe the people who get there first, and when I use it, I'm including the nearly 1k people who got Malak without ever spending $1 in this game. There are a lot of people who pride themselves on being completely F2P and still at the frontlines, and they are very much included in that sentiment.


This is exactly, and I mean, exactly what I want to do. While we introduced modes like TW and GA to create a value for us to diversify the meta, the only way to make them matter is to move the crystals over. Squad Arena alone distributes $300,000 of crystals to players every single day.

The problem is, there’s no way to guarantee the same people who have their crystals on farm from SA would get them from other modes. And we’d have to make sure they could earn those crystals daily.

But I’d do it tomorrow if I thought that it wouldn’t massively disrupt one of the constants of the game for a ton of players.


Originally posted by DemonOfWrath

Yeah, I don't think it has to be trying to respond to every PM or question in the world either.

What I think of when I think of this are some of the blog posts done by some of the Riot teams about things that are inconsequential to the patching process or the direction of the game. Like, one of the coolest bits of communication I read was one where they literally just talked about how they dealt with modernising their code-base and all their tech debt.

I know not everyone will think of it the same way I do, but yeah my own vision is like the forum posts for game updates you guys already do (highly visible, standalone, you get to choose the topic), but just shorter, more informal/bloggish, and about just cool random little things here and there.

Yeah. I love this. It feels a little bit like we can’t get our head above water to do it though.

Here’s what I will do, I will not make the commitment to do this and if it happens to start happening at any point, hopefully it will be a pleasant surprise. :)


Originally posted by DemonOfWrath

So the thing here is stuff like patch notes and the like don't feel like communication, and in fact what I feel could help doesn't have to be anything like that. I'm aware that it's probably not as easy to get things approved as we'd like, but that's also why my suggestions at the top were more along the lines of "here's some cool stats about the last event", or "the arena/GA has had some interesting turns, this is actually kind of cool (or, we don't like it too much)".

I actually liked the stats on the Malak release for instance. Little things that just elaborate on things in the game and how stuff is going, without needing to make promises or give info on potential future stuff.

Basically the issue is that we hear nothing from you guys unless it's either a patch note, an announcement about something new in the game, or when things are going really really bad.

At this stage I reckon you're going to have to just accept the cr...

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Great points. I think we don’t do ourselves any favors by diffusing communications. I have 300 unanswered PMs on our official forums. That’s just me, I know between a handful of other devs we get hundreds a week. Different people sit in different channels of testers and Game Changers etc and each outlet: individual person, group, forum - has a reasonable expectation of response. There’s just no way to keep up.

But because this team is made of people who care, we try to hit those individual touchpoints. It’s why I respond to people on Twitter sometimes, but then it highlights we aren’t saying enough. And that it’s been scattered.

Also, when we talk about intention, I think things can be misconstrued. It’s much easier to be either completely black/white or informal/low-key. Therein lies what I think the community issue is with us.

And you’re right. We just have to talk through it. But it’s challenging to face that head on. Two years ago I didn’t post ever. ...

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Originally posted by StarSon_

I did a quick search and found 4 threads and a mega thread. Even though your forums are hard to navigate, there were so many posts about it, I can't believe you didn't see them.

And, the first thread about it was on April 10th. Leviathan didn't post until just before 10:00 AM Pacific the next day. If the Community Manager can't be around for whatever reason (Celebration, vacation, whatever), how do you not have someone else to watch the forums? I believe there was an Answers post as well.

Edit: And this is just one example. It happens more and more lately. So many details slipping through the cracks. I understand that it happens (I am a developer, I get it), but after it happens, we feel we are ignored. At the top end of this game, we spend so much time and energy that when we feel like you don't care, we stop caring. But in the meantime, it is so very frustrating.

I always try very hard to keep it civil when I complain, but damn if you guys haven't made t...

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IIRC, it was in the Malak build which we made the somewhat late call to give ourselves another day to work through some beta feedback. For a good portion of the 10th though, we still thought we would have it out on time. When we moved the build, we should have put the MF up anyway but it takes some work to create a separate build and QA it and we’ve been making decisions to de-risk where we can because we’ve had some build issues of late.

But it’s a fair point, the second we made the call to move the build out, we should have posted that the MF would be delayed a day as well.

One of the things we did fairly recently is put a DD over community (not sure what kind of Dev you are or if Development Director has the same meaning that it does at EA), but he’s basically building out better organization and structure for that group. Workflows, etc. I agree it’s been especially sloppy this year, and it’s not for a lack of effort. So we are now coming in with a big process ma...

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Originally posted by StarSon_

I take issue with you guys calling Crumb a "Community Manager," when his last reply to a thread was over a week ago. He doesn't "manage" anything, he just posts blurbs. Perhaps you need him to be an actual community manager?

The issue is largely that you'll go hours and hours without saying anything, like a few weeks ago when the Falcon event didn't show up. Your Twitter feed was the first mention of it, about a day after we noticed, and it was at least 6 hours after that before it got posted officially on the forums. When that stuff happens, it feels like no one is even reading the forums.

That’s a great example for us to compare notes. Crumb was at Celebration that week (along with a few other people) and running the booth at a convention is a LOT of work. So Leviathan was handling the day in and day out that week. Here’s where the note was posted. Is it because the forums are too hard to navigate?


Originally posted by -WDW-

I have similar feeling and will always maintain that their lack of ability to communicate will be there undoing. There are other EA Star Wars games where they have a strong community manager in place dealing with, interacting with and generally sorting out little niggles.

If I had any advice to Carrie it would be to put in a really clear and obvious structure for communication.

So my advice:

1) A monthly dev post, this could be from any of the team that gives us some stats on what’s happened the previous month and a bit of a heads up on anything coming in the month ahead. 2) A proper PVE calendar and PVP calendar of events, not this outlook calendar nonsense a proper professional post, similar to the battlefront ones so people can see what’s happening. 3) An on going list of known bugs and where they are in terms of fixing them, updated weekly. 4) Monthly or BiMonthly community polls asking for people’s views on some things they are looking at and gathe...

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There’s a lot to say here but I agree with a good amount of the sentiment of this thread but I’m responding to this part because it’s basically identical to a calendar we are working up.

For a year we have been staffing to and making the case for why communication like this is needed. I usually make the MMO analogy. But we now have dedicated staff to handle cheating complaints, a community manager, a video artist, a 2D artist, a couple others working on the communications team. But the strategy is a ton of different vectors from Star articles to talking to beta players to in-game messaging to the forum posts to a lot of single touchpoint complaints and concerns. Reddit and Twitter are supplementary, not strategy, and most of us do it to try to help but not in an official capacity. (Also it’s a little weird for me to think of it in terms of a quota.)

But it’s also been harder and harder to be on these platforms because the discussion is getting more volatil...

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09 May