Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

05 Nov

Hi folks,

The server issues have been resolved. Please restart your client if you are still experiencing issues.

Thank you for your patience.

22 Oct


Originally posted by Faz305

You can only crit with attacks that deal special damage.

Affirmative. The idea is you can't critically hit a slab of stone (no "weak spots"), but you can critically hit the spirits inhabiting it with special damage.

20 Oct


Originally posted by artemisnova

So you're saying that if we give you unlimited time and resources, we can have a Black Vulkars faction in-game, and Brejik as a Legendary Black Vulkar? Then why hasn't anyone given you unlimited time and resources yet?

I don't think Brejik would be a Legendary. At best he's... marginally notorious. ;)

19 Oct


The short answer is: I do the best I can with what I have available and what we can reasonably do in the time allotted.

18 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]

Based on what's in the data, this is looking like one of your best events yet - but that tier 6, people gonna wanna play that one more than once, I think. Any plans?

One thing at a time!


Originally posted by Madpup70

Umm if the gear I'm currently seeing in the rewards is the so called "rare" raid gear we we're promised as extra rewards, I'd rather get Carbantis. I have hundreds of everything being offered. Way to completely oversell that expect of your event.

There is a bug in the client causing it to only show the rewards for the first tier of the event. There's a lot more then what you see during the preview phase.


Hey everyone! I'm extremely excited to say that Revan is finally coming to the game! As you all know by now, he is dropping shortly in the event "Legend of the Old Republic" which will require Bastila, Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar, and T3-M4. This event is a Journey event, but it's a special one as it has a twist I think you'll like: Revan joins your party throughout the event! Please post your feedback about this event here. I've worked really hard on this one and I hope you all enjoy the event. And, in case word hasn't gotten around, it WILL return. Get as far as you can, I put some great rewards in there for you all. But if you can't get him don't panic! You'll get more chances. Good luck!

External link →

17 Oct


Originally posted by theMaxscart

Spoilers incoming.

It's the model for Sith Marauder but given the background, he seems like he's supposed to be Ajunta Pall.

It's the model for Sith Marauder. We're using it as a "Sith Spirit". It'll make sense once you can play the event (I don't want to give spoilers.)


Originally posted by waxdathash

One more question. This line

Final Text: While another Jedi ally is active, Revan ignores Taunt. The first time another Jedi ally would be reduced to 1% Health, if Jedi Knight Revan is active, they recover 100% of their Max Health and Protection, gain Critical Hit Immunity for 2 turns, and take a Bonus Turn. While Revan is in the Leader slot and not the ally slot, he can also be saved by Savior.

So the healing from 1 to 100%. Will that work with annihilate? Also will healing immunity impact that?

Annihilate is a "destroy" effect, which means it doesn't actually do hit point damage. So it won't be prevented by Savior, since the unit doesn't ever hit 1% health. For similar reasons, it won't stop the Rancor's Devour. If the Health recovery wasn't preventable, the ability would stipulate that the recovery can't be prevented. However the part where the unit doesn't die will still work under healing immunity (they'll just stay at whatever health value triggered the Savior effect). So to answer what I think you're asking, Annihilate will still work and Healing Immunity will stop the health recovery, but not the get out of death free card.


Originally posted by donkey_hotay

Was Marked added to the game recently? And is marked actually the invisible taunt on the mythic events? If so, is that why my jtr team's cool downs weren't reducing like I was expecting them to on tier 3 of the mythic pieces and plans?

Marked is just another word for Taunt. The prevailing thinking was that we wanted clear language for "debuff taunt" versus "buff taunt". We only actually ironed this out due to Revan and all the thinking we had to do around him. In that regard, the invisible taunt in mythic events is not marked per se. They're all "taunt". The invisible one is just there to spread out damage since I have no other way of preventing the AI from dog-piling on one unit and destroying it out of the gate. The mythic effect shouldn't have any interaction with JTR that I am aware of. What are you seeing?

16 Oct


Originally posted by Broveh

another question if you don't mind.

While Revan is in the leader slot and not the ally slot, units are immune to bonus Turn Meter effects from leader abilities until the start of the first turn of battle.

Is this before the first turn of the entire battle (Maul Lead tm bonus) or before each individual character? (Rex tm gain per crit)

I'd have to look at exactly how it was implemented to know for sure. But this looks like it's removing itself (the immunity effect) as soon as any unit takes a turn. So it's likely only doing anything to Bastila and Maul for now.




@CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb does these bonuses for Revan’s Leader ability double for dual faction?

“At the start of battle, Jedi and Old Republic allies gain +5 Speed, +5% Crit Chance and +5% Offense for each Jedi and each Old Republic ally.”

Yes, it applies twice to Old Republic Jedi Sorry for the confusion, this only applies once

To rereclarify: So only once and NOT twice? Thx!

Ugh, sorry for the back and forth on this one. It applies twice the bonus for Old Republic Jedi once. You'll get +10 or 10% for each Old Republic Jedi


I’m sure you’re going to get there. But specifically will annihilate trigger savior. Or as it’s an outright kill does it by pass the Savior unique


It bypasses Savior and will still finish off the target because as you said, it defeats the unit and isn't actually dealing damage

Originally posted by Broveh

question regarding his lead, Do Bastila and Jolee count twice for it due to the being Old Repub/Jedi similar to Vader's unique counting himself and Palpatine twice

Yes. Characters that are both Jedi and Old Republic count twice.



Let’s try this again:

@CG_SBCrumb previously leader abilities would not double for dual faction, only Uniques. However, Revan’s is VERY specific. Does this portion below double up for dual faction?

“At the start of battle, Jedi and Old Republic allies gain +5 Speed, +5% Crit Chance and +5% Offense for each Jedi and each Old Republic ally.”

He answered your question above. Said yes.

Sorry I've was told that was a bit incorrect. Edited the above post to say it only applies once but you'll get 10% for each Old Republic Ally. So essentially yes

@CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb does these bonuses for Revan’s Leader ability double for dual faction?

“At the start of battle, Jedi and Old Republic allies gain +5 Speed, +5% Crit Chance and +5% Offense for each Jedi and each Old Republic ally.”

Yes, it applies twice to Old Republic Jedi Sorry for the confusion, this only applies once but the bonus is +10 or +10% for each Old Republic Jedi

And another question about the 1% life...iif a Jedi has 5k life left and gets damaged with 5100..ddoes that trigger the ability? He won't be at 1%, he would be at 0%

It should read 1% and below. They will still revive if they take lethal damage
Slightly more complicated answer after talking to the dev team. Once a character with Savior hits 1%, they stop taking damage. They never technically revive but Nihilus' Annhilate will still finish off a character

Direct Focus description doesn't really make sense. You mark a selected enemy but then all enemies target the marked enemy? Are we really going to see AI toons attacking each other?

And does the swarm assist from Direct Focus/marked translate/merge with his leadership where they recover protection and deal extra damage for attacking out of turn?

Marked is when you inflict Taunt as a Debuff. Since taunt is a buff your units apply to themselves, it would be odd to have a "debuff Taunt" so we call that "Marked". Functionally, it is the same: units are forced to attack a Marked unit. Or, if there is a Marked unit and some units that have Taunt, you can choose which of those to target just as if there were multiple Taunting units.

Originally posted by Aronael

I’m assuming Marked is running with a typo at the moment? Surely it’s not busted enough to make enemies target another enemy..

Marked is when you inflict Taunt as a Debuff. Since taunt is a buff your units apply to themselves, it would be odd to have a "debuff Taunt" so we call that "Marked". Functionally, it is the same: units are forced to attack a Marked unit. Or, if there is a Marked unit and some units that have Taunt, you can choose which of those to target just as if there were multiple Taunting units.