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There is currently a twitch drop campaign going on right now and i was wondering how long the wait time is expected to be? Got all the drops 3 days ago but have not recieved the rewards in game.

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello ernestcgurule,

Thanks for reaching out! I'm afraid that Twitch drops are exclusive items that can be obtained only through Twitch. It means, that they won't appear randomly later in the game.

If you have any additional questions, please let us know.
about 4 years ago - lama - Direct link
Not the current ones.
about 4 years ago - lama - Direct link
As mentioned on the FAQ, you need to own Rust on Steam to get drops. Family shared account do not receive drops. You can link your Twitch to an account that does own Rust and receive them there.
about 4 years ago - lama - Direct link
We had to restrict family sharing due to people abusing the system with the previous drops.

If some drops were not sent to you successfully then you can request for them to be sent on twitch.facepunch.com. Just sign in with your Twitch or Steam account and there will be a button for it.
about 4 years ago - lama - Direct link
You can send yourself missed drops using the button on twitch.facepunch.com. You will need to sign in first.

Originally posted by Profesorek: Why didn't I get drops though I won and pressed get?
6 drops did not come
Unfortunately we are no longer sending drops to family shared accounts. You will need to own Rust on Steam to receive drops.
about 4 years ago - lama - Direct link
Originally posted by Bowie: Anyone know if those drops "expire" and will desapear from the inventory at some point? I read something like that on the rust website about workshop items.
Steam items never expire.

You probably read something about the Rust item store which lets you purchase skins. The items there also last forever but can only be purchased for a week.
about 4 years ago - lama - Direct link
Originally posted by GGeorge: Nope, that's not true. In other games they just can't type that because they get their accounts terminated instantly. In rust, you kinda have that ability to use words in your advantage and annoy your enemy or destroy him mentally. You think if someone kills you in other survival game your not gonna curse him or whatever? I got called multiple times a toilet cleaner or worse but i get that they only try to annoy me so i just laugh and leave because it's not worth it. And yeah a streamer quit just because he hoped on a public server and someone streamsniped him and started saying the word, but the problem is he told thousands of people "they" are racist(reffering to rust players), but that kid only wanted attention and tought it was cool. At the end of the day you can say whatever you want but you don't know when the hammer comes around the corner :)
Just no. Your example is just banter and tame in comparison to the stuff many others say in Rust. Players do get (server) banned for being toxic or racist. It's not cool and if they want attention they can find it somewhere else.

Anyway, we've already dealt with this and will do our best to not let it happen again in the future.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hello everyone,thanks for posting.

It has been reported that some players are currently having issues receiving Twitch Drops.

We have a workaround provided in a pinned thread, please let us know in that thread if this solution works for you or not as we are adding player names to our investigation - https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthrea...g-rewards-quot
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hell Illilllilliiili, the reason we have not shared anything else with players is because we have no update on this to share. Our QA team are investigating this issue, we have acknowledged this on all Rainbow Six Siege forums and on our Ubisoft Support website where we have a banner informing players of the situation. When we have more news on a fix for this, a patch or anything else we can share, it will most likely be posted in our pinned thread above. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Wan - Direct link
Hey there! Sorry to hear about this. For this type of issue, its best we speak directly to the account owner in question. You'll want to have your friend create a new ticket with our support team so things can be sorted out.
almost 3 years ago - /u/frontier_support - Direct link

Hi there!

I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with the game.

Do get in touch with our team via https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us and we can assist!

~ Viking

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

Hey folks!

Sorry to hear that you have not received your Twitch drops. We will need to look into this directly with each of you.

You can contact us via a private message on our social media channels here:
Alternatively, you can reach out to us via a support ticket HERE or a live chat HERE.
Thank you.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

Hey everyone! Just an update that we are aware of this issue with the Twitch drops. We've had an update that only the Exotic Cache is being received. The team is still looking into the other drops that aren't being delivered. Please keep an eye on the forums for any future announcements/updates about this. 🙂

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey there @suspiciouspixel, as per my colleagues' last reply, our teams are actively looking into it. You can find this listed along with our other ongoing investigations in our Known Issues section. That thread will be edited, and we will remove certain parts once patches are released. You can find all the latest updates regarding any patches and fixes over on our News and Announcements section.

If you have any further questions or you experience any other issues, please do not hesitate to reach back out.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @Pajlave thank you for getting in touch with us.

Can you let me know what the Twitch Drop campaign name was, and when the date this was live so I can look into this for you, to see if we have had any updates? Thank you

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @Pajlave !

Thanks for providing us with the screenshot. This looks like this campaign from May: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-gb/game/the-division/news-updates/6MNV6of95iZJ8gCr6twkdY/watch-the-division-2-on-twitch-and-earn-rewards

Have you got any other Ubisoft accounts or any other accounts are accessed on the same computer? If yes, please try logging into them to see if the content has been accidentally redeemed there, thanks! 😊

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Greybeard - Direct link

Hello @Pajlave !

Thanks for the screenshot. This issue is indeed still under investigation, apologies for the delay.

I went ahead and added your information to the report to the development team, so the account can also be directly investigated. We currently don't have any additional information, however.

Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-MrM - Direct link

@Covereths Hi, and welcome to the forum !

I've taken note of your question regarding Twitch Drops in For Honor.

Once rewards are claimed, they are delivered to your in-game inventory within 48 hours of the end of the campaign.

For more information on Twitch Drops, I invite you to check our dedicated article.

Don't hesitate to let us know if you have questions, or for any other Issue !