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When doing the mission in the Tidal Basin stronghold, I've encountered a rather serious bug. I reached the point where I was supposed to kill a robodog with the cylinder on it and I think I did. Either that or it ran away - it's gone that's for sure. The problem is that the gates I have to proceed through did not open. So I couldn't continue with the mission. I tried killing myself but none of the explosives/grenades were strong enough. I left the stronghold to get killed at a control point - that didn't help either. So now I have to restart the mission. Back in 2019 this problem was reported by someone else and it hasn't been fixed yet. Why? How many times will I have to restart that mission to get past that point?

- t
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Hello Agents,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Can you please provide us with a short video of this occurring, so we can investigate it further? Many thanks and apologies for any inconvenience caused by this.

If you have any additional questions, please let us know.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey folks,

The team are aware of this but are having difficulty reproducing the issue.

If you can provide any video footage of this happening in-game, it will be very beneficial.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link
Originally Posted by Kharsikar
Please see video of the bug. Quite frustrating as I have to do the mission again.
Thank you for the video you provided I've passed it onto the devs now. Were you completing this mission alone? What difficulty were you playing on as well?

Originally Posted by DoberManPinSure
Same problem.
Can you provide a video showing the issue? Please also answer my questions above. Thanks!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Ginge - Direct link
Hi Xenons2014 and G-So93!
Would you both be able to share video footage of this
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Originally Posted by TrumanBurbankAU
This just happened to me also, for the first time after dozens of times doing the mission... solo, challenging, using true patriot x4 + memento + pestilence. The dog was there while I was killing the last tank, then once they died I ran to the EMP generator and destroyed it then went looking for the dog with no trace seen.
Sorry to hear that. Are you able to provide us with a short video, if you encounter this issue again by any chance?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link
Originally Posted by TrumanBurbankAU
Unfortunately I don't have any recording software on my PC, but if I come across something similar I'll try to video it on my phone. After switching gear to reduce my armor so a grenade could kill me the problem section worked correctly.

For what it's worth, the next mission I did (in a subsequent session) was the Tidal Basin manhunt mission, and in that the warhound was invisible for most of the time after loading it with the trap. I also remembered that a few days ago I did Liberty Island and the rocket launcher disappeared when I was supposed to be destroying the last weakpoint, with the red target indicator the only way to know where the weakpoint was to shoot, so I don't know if a recent patch or the current global event has mucked something up.
Thanks for the update! You can either record it by your phone or by using supported applications for nVidia or AMD (depending on what card you're using)

You can find more information about recording a footage below:

- for nVidia here;
- for AMD here.

I hope it helps and if you have any other questions, please let us know!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link
Hey there guys!

If you encountering this issue, please could you provide us with video footage that demonstrates this in-game? This will help us to investigate further. Thanks!

Grendel_1337 - Thanks for sharing your suggestion of fast travelling. Thanks for adding your own experience as well, TrumanBurbankAU, creating a possible workaround. We understand that this is not ideal, but I'm glad to hear you were able to complete the mission after trying this.
almost 4 years ago - UbiKoreanBBQ - Direct link
Hey there, folks. I understand that this issue is super frustrating. The team is still looking into the root of it, but I know the wait time has been long for a fix.

Karabugs: Thank you for the video you've provided, I have sent it over to them.
over 2 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @vudugan-0 thanks for commenting,

This investigation was put on hold as we were unable to reproduce it on our side and we stopped receiving contacts about this.

If this happened to you recently, are you able to list the steps you took in the mission before you got stuck and where you did get stuck exactly?

Our QA team asked us for a new video to be able to reopen this investigation if you or anyone else are able to provide one on the current TU15?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Auron - Direct link

Hi @Dayrav3n and welcome to the forums!

Sorry to hear you've also encountered this issue. Did the Warhound Convou disappear running through the gate or in a different location?

As my colleague mentioned above, our team has asked for some new videos if the issue is still occuring on the current build. If possible, please record a short video, upload it online and share a link with us here - it will greatly help us in our investigation, thanks!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey guys,

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with the Tidal Basin in The Division 2. As previously mentioned by my colleagues, we will need a video of this issue in order to forward it to the dedicated team for investigation. The video can be uploaded to any video-sharing website, such as YouTube or Dailymotion.