The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

03 Aug


Thank you for reporting this! I have passed on this information to the team so they can look into it.


So sorry to hear that you've had these previous experiences with clans. It is really frustrating to keep swapping clans due to this. :(

I hope you find a clan you can feel at home in soon!


Ohhh they look amazing! Are you going to paint them? :D


Hey there,

We have forwarded some reports we have received about this issue to the team and they are currently investigating it. Thank you for your report too!


Thank you for this, I have seen others mention the same and it was also passed on.

I will make sure to let them know the scanner pulse is a possible cause of this and hopefully, this should make it easier for the team to investigate. 🙂

02 Aug

01 Aug

31 Jul

30 Jul


Originally posted by lord2800

As long as you're asking, a lot of attributes don't show as maxed when they are. Notably: repair skills on gloves, rate of fire on LMGs, etc. I'll see if I can get a full list later today of the attributes I have maxed (I'm down to just a few weapon attributes to max out).

Do they not show as maxed in the Recalibration library, the inventory screen, or the weapon screen? Any additional info you can provide is super helpful, even if it's just a bit of UI weirdness like the link shared in another reply



Thanks for the video showing this timing oddity. What other skills have you noticed it with, if any? I've seen in the comments comparisons to the Incinerator Turret which has the toggle on/off states that burn through the duration significantly faster... rather than a more standard duration.


This is something we have seen reported before. We are passing on these reports to the team so they can look into this and see where this issue might be coming from.

Thank you for the video!

    UbiT00n on Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by V4MPiR1
My team ran both raids tonight front to back and had both final bosses (Earth Shaker, Razorback) glitch out due to one or more team members using Negotiator's Dilemma.

First we ran Iron Horse and had the same occurrence as described here:
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29 Jul


Been seeing reports of this since the maintenance. Thank you for the additional info!

Have you noticed a similar issue with any other attributes, or has it only been pistol damage?


Originally posted by DahBoulder

cool. I haven't completed the Phoenix Down Apparel content and I don't think I'll have time to complete it in time. Does that mean it's not worth getting those with real money (i.e. credits)?

Cosmetics from previous events circulates through the Legacy and Standard Apparel caches. Items from the Phoenix Down event will eventually make their way into the other caches and store.

You can see the list of items currently in ...

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Originally posted by sadcrocodile

Not fixed. Just ran Pathway with some mates and had a second Kajika spawn at the end fight after getting his health to zero in the previous area. Ghost Kajika even stuck around after we killed his double, don't think he was very happy with us.

Which area or stage of the fight did you kill the first Kajika in and did the second one behave normally? Like were they both running around and still acting like NPCs?

Also, what difficulty were you playing on?