The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

29 Jul


The connectivity issues should be resolved.
If you encounter further errors with connectivity please reach out to us with your error code, location and ISP so we can have a further look.

Thank you all for your patience

We are also receiving reports of FOXTROT issues and we continue to investigate this.

We are seeing reports of DELTA-04 and team is currently investigating this.

We will keep you updated in this thread, thank you for your patience.

//The Division 2 Team

Originally posted by MysticExile111


That is correct. The RPG issue for both the 2nd and 4th boss would have occurred after the first wipe as we took multiple attempts to clear. However its occurrence as to when would be random. Hope this helps!

It does, thank you very much for coming back to me on that!


Originally posted by elusive_cat

I don't have any video of my own, but this one by Russian clan THE showcases the issue quite well:

1st attempt: (the train health bar completely disappears) (Morozova dies, her health bar disappears and nothing happens)

2nd attempt: (train health bar disappears) (Morozova dies, nothing happens - you can see the right turret is actually up)


I just came across this in the forums too! It's fantastic and I can see that a lot of work has gone into this <3

I hope the community appreciate it and it gets the up-votes it deserves


Originally posted by ZeroUnderOne

According to users in the discord, the issue occurs when the artillery round is damage by weapons instead of the rpg. Negotiators dilemma possibly complicates this further.

Thanks for tagging us in this,! It would be superb if anyone has any videos to link about this or screenshots?


Originally posted by squanchaay

Or if the Devs are aware that exotic guns/shotguns messing up the red panels on 2nd boss (shooting panels with these give an error code when panel is correct), or scanner pulse givng blue screens on PS4?

after the update my raid team can clear the whole raid up to the final boss. After the third phase, Iron Horse seems to lose it's health then the health bar disappears. After killing Morozova the last bullet doesn't appear so we can't finish the raid at all. We tried wiping but it doesn't seem to solve the issue. Is this happening to other teams as well?

We have raised issues with the mortars in the raid, but have now raised the above. Any videos or extra info/ screenshots would be highly appreciated from people if they have them please?

28 Jul


Now that is something! Congrats!


My favourite (obvously biased) is the second mission of Coney Island with the haunted house.


Originally posted by AlphaRomeo18

u/Ubi-Lucipus just in case this hasn’t been investigated. There’s another one where Morozova wipes everyone with her rockets without doing her animation. Another one where she does the animation but she shoots instantly at the start of her animation, so no time to stagger her.

EDIT: sometimes she also shoots after she is staggered.

Appreciate this, thanks for the heads up!


Originally posted by MysticExile111

Much appreciated!

Hello again, I hope I can grab some more information about this for the team.

Are you experiencing the RPGs falling through the floor only after the first wipe?


Originally posted by AlphaRomeo18


So far from my tests, only shotguns that reload with individual shells instead of mags are affected:

• Super 90 variants

• M800 variants

• SPAS-12 variants / Sweet Dreams/Lullaby

• Double Barrel / Boomstick

• Double Sawed / Back up Boomstick

• KSG / The Send Off (not included in video because I didn’t have the gun anymore when I made these clips.)

Other shotguns with Mags like SASG-12 variants, ACS / Rock’n Roll etc seem not affected so far my test unless it’s more rare to encounter. (I emptied so many mags and nothing happened, so I gave up).

Hope this was helpful.

Than you so much for this! I appreciate that you took the time to record a video for me 🙂


Originally posted by AbrielNei

You can buy it in the apparel store.

You can get a similar outfit from refer a friend program:

Spot on! What u/AbrielNei said :)


Really loving how you have put this all together! Totally appreciate the time and effort <3

I've shared with our social team because it's fab :) The music definitely gives it the eerie feel that is needed with the footage.


As cool as the effect looks when he runs on by, I've reported this back to the teams to look into. It's weird that he's not stumped by the shock.


Would you be able to let me know your Uplay Username and platform that this happened on?
If you are able to get a video of this happening as well the team would appreciate it :)