The Division 2

The Division 2 Dev Tracker

10 Aug


What a cool little guy!


Had to do a double take on this shot, wasn't sure if it was cosplay or the in game photo-mode.

The lighting is really nice.


Originally posted by Siem946

It's a known bug that happens if you wear the Agent Sutton jacket, should be fixed soon

You are correct, we have a fix coming with the next update. Thank you Agent , team-work is always appreciated.


If you're World Tier 5 you should be super ready, I'd recommend Coney Island before the move over to New York as it's set up as a prequel mission.

Please note that once over there, you won't be able to return to Washington until the main story has been completed.


Happy to hear that you're enjoying the game agent!! Any particular favorite missions yet?


I do not know the details of your case however I would suggest bringing this up on the forums to see if someone can find out why this was closed for you.


Looking good !
The canvas in the background works really well with these photos too.

We look forward as a team to see what you come up with on your photo-shoot.
Good luck Agent!


Giggity, as someone who loves clean head-shots .... This was super satisfying to watch.

09 Aug

    UbiFate on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Imtamir! You will need to reach out to the original retailer for a possible refund, as there isn't a way to deactivate a code once it has been used.

Everyone here pretty much nailed it! There's also an FAQ on the Support website that goes over how the SHD levels and watch work. :)

08 Aug

    UbiFate on Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry to hear you guys ran into this issue! This issue seems to have cropped up since the last update, and has been reported to the team. I'll go ahead and make sure this thread is added to that report. Could you confirm what platform you are playing on?
Hey Red, for the Field Research, try putting on another field research or pinning another objective if you're able, then swapping back. Let me know if the issues persists after killing Outcast Scorchers.

As for the Huntsman Exotic issue, do you happen to recall specifically what Exotic you had seen drop on the ground after killing him?

07 Aug


I'm so happy to hear you've been enjoying the raid! It can definitely be daunting to get into big team-based raids in any game, so I can definitely relate to the feeling of not wanting to be dead weight.

I'm glad you were able to find a group who were willing to show you the ropes. :)


I love all the phone screen posts! Great source of inspiration for my phone. :)

    UbiFate on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey all, I'll be closing this thread due to the naming and shaming. As I mentioned earlier, posting videos and naming players is against Forum Rules, as we do not want to encourage witch hunts.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM a Forum Mod or a member o... Read more
Been running into these supply rooms in various regions... though having a Diamondback helps reduce the surprise factor. How do these hidden away enemies change Control Points for you all?

Originally posted by BekkaPramheda

I don't think I've seen this issue occur in full/standing cover; the character seems to throw it around corners fine when standing in cover.

It seems to mostly/only occur in crouched cover, throwing left or right.

I've passed along the info - thank you very much! If you happen to come across this issue again or have a recording of it, please send details my way.


Originally posted by DrewRanger18

Yeah. Got a fresh one. Just farmed The Mast few minutes ago. Where should I send it?

Have you got it hosted on a site such as YouTube? If so would you mind sending me the link to it in a DM?

If you don't DM me and we can work on some alternatives :)