

14 Dec

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So as mentioned in the post, each week we’ll be focusing on areas the community has feedbacked on. We wanted to focus on stability first for this one as that’s our priority.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Bankrotas The patch notes are up, my friend. Community Update #6: Signal Update

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, I can check in on the high intensity engagement zone when I’m back in the office in the morning.

Edit: This does indeed seem to be the same thing and it didn’t get caught in the draft before it went up. I’ve removed this to avoid confusion.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The_Signal_Cover800×450 407 KB


In today’s community update, we’ll discuss our first significant content drop for Darktide. Due to a technical issue we found when testing one of our weapons, we’re targeting this update to arrive tomorrow, December 15th. We’ve been reading your comments ...

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    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That’s what I’m aiming for!

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So this is one of our critical, top issues that has a lot of variables involved in it. We’re working with multiple teams to get this ironed out and are working to push solves each patch.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I see them readying the patch (we ran into some technical issues and had to push the date slightly, and we’d rather have as stable a build as possible), so it shouldn’t be far behind once working hours start again tomorrow. If this changes, I’ll let you all know.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, I have the post written up, just waiting on the go-ahead for it. Poking my nose about to get that to happen as quick as possible!

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is getting hostile. Anyone who wants to appeal a ban should DM either @Fatshark_Hedge or myself via the forum’s message feature.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Dougieboi You DMed someone to call them the r-slur after mods broke up an argument. You were not banned without reason.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve asked if we can do more experimental builds actually, but we’ve been pretty heads down working on fixing crashes and other technical issues in the live build as more people are there. Usually we try to keep the variables in experimental builds quite low so we can more easily pinpoint issues we’re looking for there. Once we get the game in a stable spot, I’m happy to push for more experimental builds for a variety of uses.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, this isn’t NDA, we’re just waiting on further talks on what’s happening there before going out with it. We’re also generally trying to address the larger issues in larger venues rather than 1:1 in various platforms where things are easier to get taken out of context or misconstrued by accident because it’s not in some official announcement that can be easily referenced.

But to your point, this is an issue Hedge and I are chasing up, we just don’t have info to share right now.

Edit: Grammar. “More easy” > “easier”

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, I get the frustration, and maybe this will get me in hot water, and I know people won’t like this answer, but a lot of the times when Hedge and I don’t reply to threads, it’s not because we don’t want to, it’s because we have our own NDAs to attend to, and sometimes we can’t give information until given the go ahead. Every CM runs across this at some point in their career. Part of the job. For now, larger topics we’re generally trying to address when Hedge and I have 100% solid answers on them (see: me sticking my foot in my mouth when the date on console news was supposed to arrive).

So ofc, we’re happy to address this one as we can! We’re still chasing up larger issues this forum has spoken about regarding how things are intended to work, what is changing, etc; we’re just making sure our ducks are in a row before going out with that else, well, this is how we get roasted with accusations of “false promises” when things change. :S

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

So I can answer this.

In general, Fatshark tries to stray away from P2W mechanics. We’ve mentioned this in previous press releases with V2 “loot comes from your gameplay, not your wallet”. Which is why we try to do premium cosmetics vs “buy lootbox, buy level progression, buy boosts, etc.”

However, we have sold weapons and careers with expansion DLC/character DLC in the past (such as Back to Ubersreik, Winds of Magic, and new careers that have cross-over weapons that can be shared between classes), so that’s not necessarily off the table. And in those terms, we generally try not to make those weapons OP by design (SotT not withstanding, we realized she was way more powerful than she needed to be, in the end). We are examining what we have players pay for very carefully and are particularly cautious right now, especially after the feedback we’ve gotten regarding the shop these past couple of weeks.

At least seeing the feedback now, I don’t see us going ...

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    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you DM me your Disccord ID, I can look into it.

13 Dec

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thread locked on request of the OP.

12 Dec

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

haha, no problem, happens to the best of us!

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We never stated we were delivering a patch at the end of last week. Our latest patch was 1.0.14. As mentioned in the community update:

In today’s update, we want to address a few questions from the community, as well as talk about what’s to come in our next community update on Wednesday, December 14.

Our biggest update yet will land next week and will include further improvements, additional weapons, fixes, private sessions, and more.

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Actually, looking into the backend, it seems your characters were deleted player-side. Our support asked you to check once more in case someone came into your account and deleted them without your knowledge or whether you maybe deleted the wrong characters, so we could check in further. Support’s question to you was genuine, but not blaming.

Thanks for reaching out. It looks like you may have deleted a lot of characters over the weekend - could you have deleted the wrong ones possibly?

11 Dec

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can report people via the support portal. We don’t follow up with the reporter to avoid lashback in either direction, but we do act on serious ones (example: someone going around spouting off slurs etc, but not something like “I was kicked” or “this person rage quit”)