

24 Jul


Originally posted by Tywacole

Mantra E on whole team with ardent is very strong.



Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

That’s pretty cool. I wonder why it was scrapped

Hey that's me. If it worked like Yone's E, it wouldn't really make sense with the rest of her kit because she doesn't have many incentives to move her body forward like this while being vulnerable, the incentive on this version of the kit was that enemies would be rooted by the tether, but Karma wouldn't engage in this gameplay if she would actually take damage, imagine walking face first into a Zed or ADC. I think this version made you resistant to damage or snap back if your spirit died or something, it was just leading to "Karma walks on top of you for a guaranteed root and Mantra Q's".


Originally posted by jtmk2404

When he auto and does his abilties it just marks the enemies. Only when he goes back to his real body does the sudden burst damage appear as reduced true dmg

It's more like Zed's R, he does all the same damage he'd do without his E, but then when he snaps back it pops for bonus damage.


Originally posted by Surrideo

His body is immune to damage and cc lmao Only the shadow is vulnerable. A rioter mentioned this somewhere below

To be clear, it's functionally similar to LeBlanc W'ing forward, that spirit is Yone who you can damage and can damage you, and the body just represents the point he has to snap back to when he reactivates the ability or it expires. There's no separate health bars or anything.

24 Jun


Originally posted by Anni01

give my thank to whichever beatiful person pitched for ap nunu buffs

your thank has been delivered

23 Jun


Originally posted by Holythreat

Based on the lolalytics and data Nunu seems to be a a really strong champion since he has high winrates. Don't you think these buffs might put him in an overpowered state?

Possibly. The risk here is that hybrid becomes optimal and it's better than full tank is currently. Pure AP was roughly 5-6% lower in winrate than tank was in the jungle if I remember correctly so we figured there was some generous room to make it a more viable playstyle.



16 May


Originally posted by jjay554

u/auberaun 👀 These are the coolest proposed changes I've ever seen for league. Thoughts?

Speaking to the idea of a farming item where the power depends on an ally being nearby (and assuming bot lane ADCs are the ones who use it), the initial thing that jumps out at me that I'm not a fan of is that it puts a burden on the support to play around the ADC so that they can access their item. Maybe not an unsolvable issue, but the bigger thing is I think ADC agency can be resolved without introducing a new item system - they've been okay in the past without this.

There's also the philosophical argument of how much we should be prescribing lane assignments and a meta through the item system. We already do this with the support/jungle item system, but leaving things as open-ended as possible is cool IMO.


Originally posted by CSDragon

Why is it worded as doubled then? Can you change the wording to "New effect: You now also get a smaller speed boost towards enemies an ally has cc'd"

Dunno, probably design craft. I think your brain gets more excited about something doubling under a condition then gaining half of a baseline under some condition ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Total guess though, I am QA!

15 May


Originally posted by Oopsifartedsorry

So it’s a nerf then?

Basically the trade is the current enhanced MS towards CC'd allies for the new enhanced MS towards enemies that your allies CC. MS towards enemies you impair is unchanged. Probably worse for someone like Kench support, but on average I suspect it'll be a little more useful.


Originally posted by SomeMockodile

30% increased movement speed towards opponents who are crowd controlled by Approach Velocity? Massive buff for Tahm Kench, Braum, Nasus, Cho'gath, as well as potentially new volibear. I can't help feeling like this rune will be very op on champs who use it well.

Current tuning is that it's equivalent to live approach velocity if you CC someone yourself. The new part is that you get half of the value if you are heading towards an enemy that another ally CC'd.


Originally posted by S7EFEN

i dont get how you are supposed to trade into guardian in lane now?

like, poking to proc it is the counterplay. the ms it provides is more than enough to run down your enemy in a 2v2.

It doesn't provide MS anymore.

04 Apr


Originally posted by Ai2g

Yeah the "new champ winrate goes up with time" argument doesn't hold water here because there was literally 1 new thing to learn (his E). The rest is old Fiddlesticks+ ghost poro. The playerbase isn't going to slowly bring his wr% up, if anything it goes down as effigy's become easier to spot.

The playerbase isn't going to slowly bring his wr% up, if anything it goes down as effigy's become easier to spot.

The latter point is definitely valid and was a possibility we considered pre-ship, but early data has indicated that's unlikely at this point.

The other thing to think about is that even though there might not be as much to learn on this VGU as there is on a new champ, considering the amount of people playing him now vs. pre-rework, he might as well be a new champion for a lot of them. There's a lot of knowledge soak you can take in on how Fiddle is supposed to play that doesn't exist for new champs, which is worth something because I don't expect his playstyle has changed all that much, but we're still seeing the early WR climb we'd expect on any new champ.


Originally posted by GodlyPain

new champion

but this ISNT a new champion... this is the smallest VGU we've gotten yet. Honestly I'd argue the wukong rework was more of a new champion than the fiddles rework is.

His W is the samething but AoE... His ult? same thing... his Q? Same thing but tuned differently (and with a spooky passive)... E? Okay, that's new but it's still got an AoE silence just now its a skillshot rather than a point and click bounce... and his passive? Completely different BUT! super low portion of his powerbudget eitherway.

The changes might not seem drastic, but the big thing here is that there are at least 12x people playing him this patch as compared to pre-rework (super imprecise numbers, forgive me), and for them it's basically a new champ. FWIW most people already have an idea of how Fiddle is supposed to play since it's a lighter VGU and not an entirely new kit, but there's still some mechanical execution for even experienced players to pick up e.g. doing two camps at the same time.

03 Apr


Originally posted by Prottek

"there's still a good amount of learning the new kit to do before players are accessing Fiddle's full power." like what elo are champ testing Riot employees, if not even Challanger players has not figured out how you mean to play and wreck with him (as it is possible by Scruffy tweet)?

It is like Blizzard WoW test team all over again, having no players capable of clearing high end content and releasing unbeatable/undertuned stuff.

He's been out for 2 days. Every new champion goes through a period of learning where their average winrate increases over the course of ~ week. There are a few exceptions to this like Neeko, where it was harder to learn to play against her than play as her - her winrate on release remained pretty consistent and slightly declined over the week.

03 Mar


Originally posted by Sadarot

Just confused why it was removed from the pbe. I mean it was there, and now its gone.. But yeah guess it will be back tomorrow.

Right before we ship a patch we have to remove things on PBE that aren't actually going to be in the patch is my understanding. I think there's some technical reason.


10.6 remains the current plan


Originally posted by -Haliax

One full tank yuumi carrying the other four

Indeed - I'd also recommend Deadman's Plate and Predator for the mothership Yuumi.