

31 Jan


Originally posted by GrumpyPan

Maybe people would confuse it for spirit visage or warmorgs if it was green.

Yeah I recall this was part of the consideration. There were a lot of different factors involved in all of the item icon updates, like consistency with function (like you identified that anti-heal is green), overall clarity, and keeping callbacks to the old icons so that you didn't feel totally lost as a veteran. In a constraint-free world it probably would be green today.

08 Jan


Originally posted by 100WattCrusader

“Hecarim, hold on just a second, need to get to this one spot… okay, let me just aim it… got it, LOL CANT GANK ME”

As someone who does this on Bard too one thing you don't appreciate until you try it yourself on Zeri is that you can fail the E cast and dash two inches into the wall, while Bard's portal won't cast if it's not a valid angle.

Signed, someone who dashed two inches into the wall and died.

05 Nov


Originally posted by DanielDKXD

Here is how it looked ingame, it has been removed now.

I don't see why this needs to go when gragas E-Flash is still in the game.

We intentionally removed that before releasing Rell because of how low counterplay it was to force the enemy to preemptively flash, similar to what you see with Gragas E. We had the benefit of the champion not being released with a precedent yet, unlike Graggy, and like you see with Cait it's a big deal when we take something away from a champ that's had it for a while. So these are just bugfixes to Rell and Galio.

17 Sep


Challenger. My 9-5 might have uh...some overlap with that though.

10 Sep


Originally posted by Naerlyn

Can you share what the wildest or funniest thing you playtested was? :D

At one point when Kayle hit level 16 in development she could permanently just fly through walls and such, no terrain collision. Because she's an ascended angel, ya know. I had a good time splitpushing with her, and then when the enemy tried to collapse on me, I would just fly off the map...It was the first time someone seriously asked the question "if you go all the way off the map on one side, do you come out of the other side like Pacman?"


Originally posted by UsernameAndAPassword

question: where under the career options would we find playtest team? (like the first drop down with QA and Admin roles and stuff like that)

It would be a QA Engineer role in the Los Angeles office - not currently posted.


Originally posted by Rexsaur

The fact that this was even considered in the first place speaks volumes.

Wtf are those designers thinking, then again looking at how most new champs turn out its not surprising.

The fact that this was even considered in the first place speaks volumes.

In my opinion, what it speaks to is that developers feel comfortable that they have space to experiment and that they have resources around them that can give them confidence in what their designs are able to do. Like mentioned in the article, we want to empower designers to take risks like this - and they can do so in part because GAT is able to demonstrate what the potential outcomes will be.


Originally posted by gothsole

prowler's with a blink is the nightmare i never even knew i had

dunno if any of the team members are reading this, but if you are: what's the most design iterations you've gone through on something before finally just trashing the idea completely as unworkable?

Hi there.

Just to first create a clear distinction: it's the designer who would decide if an idea is unworkable or not, we'd provide them data & evidence with which to make that decision. Since Pyke is on my mind, for a long time in development his W was true stealth, which we tried to make work in a number of ways before changing it to camo. At one time it was a toggle that consumed a unique secondary resource (he was manaless), eventually we made it a fixed duration, and eventually we made the warning indicator that lets you know he's stealthed nearby (which remained when we converted true stealth to camo).

28 Jul


Originally posted by PrincessCuculina

i can't use that skin because of the splash

I can only use this skin because of the splash

08 Jul


She doesn't cross the 50% banrate threshold in our internal data for the elite (D2 - Challenger) tier. She's close, but not quite there.

13 Jun

01 Apr


Haha looks like a mobile game

17 Mar


Originally posted by GreenKnighto

I love that they pretend it was done for "visibility".

Welp, i was confused by that tweet. Apologies.

I don't interact with the skins team, but internally at Riot when we say "for visibility" it often means "hey just want to let you know about this thing" and isn't specifically referring to visual clarity. That's how I'd understand it in this context anyway.

19 Feb


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Thanks for the response, hope my comment didn't come across as flamey! I suppose my comment made it unclear but I WAS referencing the PBE +300 and not the OP Meme Global here haha. Maybe in ARURF tho :P ? Still not a fan as even though this doesn't eliminate ALL risk (that'd be silly to suggest), it still eliminates a good margin of risk involved. I agree Enchanters needed help tho, and this was a creative way to not Buff Ivern in the process haha. We'll see how it shakes up! Also! "But this was found to be the most promising" This was a perfect moment to say "the most Enchanting" instead lol.

I didn't interpret it as flamey at all, and good call on "enchanting" hehe. Unfortunately we probably aren't going to be shipping this soon due to tech constraints, but it's on the table for later.


Originally posted by AmWhaleIRL

Damn you guys are actually considering this then? Imo Enchanters having to take a risk to Ward felt right; an exchange of risk for information. Here's hoping this doesn't lead us back to "Better Bot Wins" Meta. Not that I think this is THAT drastic that it'd singlehandedly put us there. Just not a fan of the direction this might take us. Have you explored other possible Enchanter buffs? Not asking for a replacement, just more curious then anything. Edit: I guess I should have clarified but my comment isn't in reference to the Meme Pictures in this Post, but rather to the actual +300 Range on PBE.

We considered 300 additional warding range, not the global that's going on here :P. What we've found in testing is that Enchanters still need to take risks, unless they want to ward every single unwanted brush on the way to where they're going, and still have vulnerability to tank engage in and outside of lane.

We did explore some other stuff but this was found to be the most promising. Just looking to help Enchanters in high MMR and maybe see some more in pro, not flip the meta.


we expect this will be a helpful change for enchanters

10 Feb


Originally posted by TheForrestFire

I assumed it was drawing tiles from a bag.

We all go to our match history and choose one champion we've lost to in the last two weeks, then roll dice to determine the nerf magnitude. For buffs I pick champions I play to inflate my elo


Originally posted by Redsfan42

I wish this was how it actually happened hahahah

this is exactly how it works, how else would it work?

20 Jan


Originally posted by Elidot

Wasnt there supposed to be a ravenous nerf this patch?

It's in this patch, missed it in the notes, sorry!

18 Jan


Originally posted by sanketower

Any chance that's related to this first Clash tournament of the year not requiring players to be ranked in order to play + the start of the season having most players in an elo inferior to their previous season MMR?

Not related to that, had to do with other matchmaking changes a while ago that Clash wasn't 100% configured for.