This is honestly a relief to hear coming from a Rioter. Ever since Heartseeker Quinn's relatively negative reception, I feared the skins team would be dissuaded from making more skins for her.
For skin themes in general, my gut feeling is that players generally prefer high-quality skins that amplify the core fantasy of their main champions and take it up to 11. Spirit Guard Udyr and God-King Garen are some good examples of this. Their themes are relatively similar to the base champion, but taken to crazy epic proportions with the visuals to support that fantasy.
Yeah in the Quinn example, we can get a pretty good sense for how many people play Quinn and estimate what the rough demand should be for a Quinn skin.
So if a Quinn skin doesn’t perform, we look internally at our decisions, thematic choice, and art execution first.
If a skin doesn’t perform, that’s on us. We didn’t make something that Quinn players wanted, and it’s our job to figure out what Quinn players want the next time around.
Also we recognize that the cycle time or time in between skins for low play rate champs is long. We’re working on that as well and hope to talk about that more later this year.