

07 Sep


Originally posted by QUINN_VALOR_VGU_WHEN

This is honestly a relief to hear coming from a Rioter. Ever since Heartseeker Quinn's relatively negative reception, I feared the skins team would be dissuaded from making more skins for her.

For skin themes in general, my gut feeling is that players generally prefer high-quality skins that amplify the core fantasy of their main champions and take it up to 11. Spirit Guard Udyr and God-King Garen are some good examples of this. Their themes are relatively similar to the base champion, but taken to crazy epic proportions with the visuals to support that fantasy.

Yeah in the Quinn example, we can get a pretty good sense for how many people play Quinn and estimate what the rough demand should be for a Quinn skin.

So if a Quinn skin doesn’t perform, we look internally at our decisions, thematic choice, and art execution first.

If a skin doesn’t perform, that’s on us. We didn’t make something that Quinn players wanted, and it’s our job to figure out what Quinn players want the next time around.

Also we recognize that the cycle time or time in between skins for low play rate champs is long. We’re working on that as well and hope to talk about that more later this year.


Originally posted by Intensolo

Thank you for the communication.

Thank you for caring enough to engage with us and be constructive. We’re nothing without our fans.


Originally posted by TerraRising

Understand your comment and why you might feel that way. Know that we’re trying to do better though.

Please know that I've read this and you may actually be be trying to do better...

But understand that I've heard this a thousand times before from other people on Riot's skins team and it's only gotten worse for niche players.

Understand there’s a history. And you’re absolutely right. I can say a bunch of stuff here on Reddit but it’s our actions and what we deliver ultimately that matters. Going to have to wait and see if we meet expectations on that front.


Originally posted by Rafaap

void hunter jax please i love lore related skins

Other than Void Hunter, are there are lore related themes you’re interested in seeing more of or exploring further?


Originally posted by Predatoratorr

Thank you, i'm sure it'll be worth the wait. Here are some xerath and skarner skins ideas i'd love to share, keep up the good work!

Dark Star Xerath: there's even a wonderful concept ( ) made by SlownD. Dark themes suit xerath particulalry well, due to his personality and story, and shooting deep space energy would fit him like a ring;

The new Dark Cosmic line is also so fitting for Xerath: being so powerful, he could manage the power from both Dark Star, and Cosmic Reaver.

Archlight Xerath: one of the most evil characters in LoL trying to redeem himself? White and gold armor, white particles with symbolism and plummeting dark forces shooting blinding light arcanopulses, or purging them from the skies with celestial arcane ...

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This is an amazing set of feedback and suggestions. I’ll be passing this both to the thematic development team as well as some of our skins teams. Thanks for taking the time to write it up Predatoratorr. :)


Originally posted by SuperSkillz10

more skins for gp >:O

Any thoughts on thematics (existing or new) that you’d be interested in seeing for GP?

Also giving context on why you like the idea is super helpful.


Originally posted by hey-boss

Wish u/bellissimoh can make the panth one true throwing thunders is idea way too epic not to be true, i would buy it on 5 accs just for supporting this epic idea.

Zeus / God of Thunder Pantheon?


Originally posted by zestyclosetutor3

> players beg for Dunkmaster Illaoi, Elderwood Kindred, etc

> riot makes Dunkmaster Ivern, Elderwood Nocturne, etc

> nobody buys the shoe-horned skins

> riot uses it as an excuse that nobody buys skins for unpopular champs

Rinse and repeat.

For any given champion, there’s an expected number of players that will engage with a skin for that champion.

Popular champs have large audiences, less popular champs have smaller audiences.

If a skin for a particular champion doesn’t perform well, we don’t see that as a signal to stop making skins for that champion, we see it as a opportunity for us to reflect on why the audience for that champ didn’t like it and what we can do better next time.


Originally posted by Pappy_whack

You forgot the one unpopular champ who gets a half-baked skin from the same line when they don't fit the theme.

Understand your comment and why you might feel that way. Know that we’re trying to do better though.


Originally posted by Predatoratorr

So you did not forget about xerath and skarner right?

Correct we did not forget about these champions. :)


Originally posted by SpaceAids420

Lightning Storm Malzahar. Please make it happen

As someone who mained Malz years ago I am so down.

Unfortunately I’m not here to make what I want, I’m here to make players want. (And maybe that is a lightning based malz someday, no guarantees) Ideally those things overlap but people are all very different as you already know. :)

Imagine that Nether Grasp tho. Could be a violent beam of lightning that crackles and initiates with a THWAPOW.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Thanks for all the insight so far, glad the PO on Personalization is this open and communicative. You might even give Reav3 a run for his money

Appreciate the credit but we can always be better. ;)


Originally posted by Fluffasaurus89

Balance changes dont make money


It’s true that we’re a business that needs to be supported with revenue. It’s false to assume that every effort we undertake is focused on revenue.

Let me use Dark Star Shaco as an example. Shaco is one of the lower popularity champs in League. This means that if we chose to make a Shaco skin, the possible number of players who would be interested in the skin is significantly lower than other champions like the recent meme-fuel examples Lux and Ezreal.

That being said, if we were a company that only valued revenue and was trying to min-max for that, you wouldn’t see skins for Ivern, Shaco, Udyr, Galio, etc.

We believe that the audiences for those champions need to be served still, but so when we choose to make something like Dark Star Shaco, our top goal isn’t revenue, our core goal is to make something that Shaco fans really love.

Sometimes we succeed at this, sometimes we don’t.

I’ve worked at several game companies over the course of 15...

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Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Thanks for the insight! Could I also ask behind some of the thinking behind SGs being a bit darker this year, since it doesn't look to be everyone's cup of tea tho I think it's rad

So this year we wanted to expand the SG universe a bit and introduce an evil force / villain. Zoe is the ultimate evil power in the SG universe and even has the power to corrupt other Star Guardians. (In this case, Xayah and Rakan)

When we have ideas or concepts like this that change or alter the core of a thematic, we usually test and do player labs where we collect feedback from players in different regions. In this case most players really dug the direction we were going with our villains so we decided to trick forward.

Glad to hear you like it. Excited to hear everyone’s feedback once all the skins are released and folks get to experience them for themselves. :)


Really appreciate the suggestion and you laying out why the theme is interesting to you. Will definitely pass this onto our Thematic Development team as we’re always looking for new ideas and trying to develop thematics that you guys will hopefully love.

(I also completely agree that the SFX for something in this space could feel super powerful and satisfying in-game).



Originally posted by BADxW0LF1

What about skins that just didn't reach the market for that specific champ? Just because it didn't work for one champ doesn't mean it won't for another. And vice versa.

Take dunk master line. Worked great for Darius, but I'm pretty sure, from the outcry, probably only one person (that person probably being a rioter) wanted dunk master ivern. Sounds may not be great on one champ but would work great with another.

P.s. reaper bard for hallow event please. Please Please Please Please Please Please

We definitely that that into account. We absolutely see that some thematics perform well on some champions or even classes (tank, mage, etc) than others.

Notes on your Bard suggestion but can’t make any promises. :)


Originally posted by scentedkepyas

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but is there a list of banned skins for pro play right now?

Skins are reviewed for competitive gameplay clarity and some don’t make the cut for pro play. Some of that is based on pro feedback, other cases it’s because a skin might be confusing for a new player of League who’s being exposed to it through watching a pro game for the first time. I unfortunately don’t have that list on-hand.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Hey Bellissimoh could I ask if you can share some insight on how you match a champ with a theme

Historically we would do a spread of concepts and and then pick a few champions we thought were the best fit.

Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. Dunk master Ivern is an example where we think we could have done a better job of understanding what Ivern mains wanted before selecting that thematic.

Today we do a lot more. We survey mains of a champ and try to understand what thematics interest them as an example.

Our goal moving forward is to work harder to understand what players want for any given champion and do our best to really deliver, particularly for mains of any given champ.

All that being said, everyone still likes different things, and we’re not going to be able to please everyone all of the time, but know we’re trying to do our best. :)


Originally posted by bradenluvzlax

Only popular champs get skins unfortunately :(

It is true that we make skins for popular champs. These skins reach the most players and our goal is to serve as many players as we can.

It is not true that lower play rate champions do not get any skins. In 2019 we’ve hit Anivia, Nunu, Ivern, Shaco, Udyr, Shen, Galio, Veigar, Nocturne, and more to come.

As a side note. We’re trying to build more skins per year with the goal of reaching as many champions and players as possible. There are more than 140 champs in League now so it’s getting harder to serve large groups of players with a single skin, but we’re doing what we can to scale up to meet the needs of players.


Originally posted by SignalRegion

Nope they don't, players are allowed to use whatever skin. They just prefer using them because they're new skins and generally nicer than the older ones.

This. As Product Lead for the Personalization Team, we do not have any influence or say on what pro players play skin wise in any League.

The onus is on our creative teams to make awesome skins that pros then choose to play. In our view this is good as it serves as a forcing function to push us to make better and better skins.