

22 Sep


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Hey /u/Bellissimoh, we've talked before about the lesser-played champs, I have a question about the engagement/satisfaction points:

  1. Is there a difference in engagement/satisfaction between older and newer champs who receive a 750 skin? (As in, will a player of an older champ with a ton of pre-existing skins report a different level of satisfaction compared to a newer champion with 1-2 skins?)

  2. Regarding champions with already "beautiful" skins (Cosmic Reaver Kassadin comes to mind), how are decisions made surrounding making newer skins for them? Like, people on this subreddit in particular say (quite often) that they don't see a reason to purchase another Kass skin again because of Cosmic Reaver being so amazing. I've heard the same thing about Muay Thai Lee Sin.

Great questions.

To the first question. No significant or noticeable difference. (Which is why for any low play rate champ skins we make, they will be of at least Epic quality)

For the second question, whenever there is a skin that is high satisfaction for the players of that champion, the biggest influence it has on our decisions is working to understand what about it players liked to inform future skins for that champ, but also taking note of the thematic space it takes up in order to ensure we differentiate moving forward.

Also while people cite things like you mention, not everyone is happy or pleased with every skin. There may be a player or set of players that love Cosmic Reaver Kassadin, but there also Kassadin players who don’t like that skin as well. Hence the difficult job of trying to find thematics and executions of thematics that hit as many players as possible.


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

My issue isn't that I feel locked out of cosmetics because of the higher price thresholds, it's that a result of Riot focusing on higher tiers for skins is up selling.

This is valid feedback. It’s also why we try and regularly deliver lower price purchase opportunities like Your Shop.

Definitely taking note of this sentiment as time goes by. Thanks for sharing it with us.


Hey folks. My name is Bellissimoh and I’m the Product Lead for Personalization on League.

“People don’t want 720s.” Over the last several years we’ve seen really poor engagement for this category of skins. Not only do we not see people engage with them but also in surveys players cite them as being lower quality, being unhappy with them when they purchase them, and wish their champion had gotten a 1350 or 1820 instead. Don’t get me wrong, while there are players do like 720s, they’re just not of a large enough audience size for us to focus on. (As an example, many of our lower play rate champs have larger audiences than the folks who show up for 720s)

Another thing that we look for as far as measuring player satisfaction and engagement on skins is how many times people use a skin in-game when they own it. 720s also really under index here.

So in summary, people don’t really buy them, when they do they generally aren’t happy, and don’t use them nearly as...

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14 Sep


Originally posted by Mawuen

dying game btw

Came here to see this comment. Was not disappointed.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Halfscan

Love those Qs

Yeah I’m a big fan of the Q and the sound effects on hit. :)


Originally posted by DeadBerserker

Morgana flies in her homeguard animation, despite preaching about how she chains her wings and walks the soil to embrace her humanity.

Don't look too hard.

Literally unplayable.


Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

Thanks! The new Nami and Morgana skins are exactly how I imagined the Sakura Kingdom to be and mentioned it to you in above reply.
I am so happy that you guys are already looking into this theme.

One more request - please include Ahri and Lux in this skinline. I really want them to get a beautiful sakura princess skin with pink flowers and petals on their clothes and animations.
Or like they are mermaid princess (not Atlantean skinline), colorful and vibrant, lengthy and voluminous hair. Think Meera from Aquaman movie.

Love you!

Hope you enjoy the Nami and Morgan’s skins. Can’t promise you more in this exact theme but can promise that we’re constantly trying to find ways to deliver more and hopefully hit themes that players enjoy. :)

08 Sep


Originally posted by Xuralei

I phrased that really poorly oof. A while back, there was a blog post about "finding your lunch table" which was about champion correlations and clusters of champions that people would be likely to play if they played a given champion. It's really out of the blue, but I remembered after seeing a post on reddit and kind wondered what would have changed since then in regards to clusters. It was a bit of a longshot but was kinda curious if there was any plans to do a part 2 or something.

I would imagine clustering could change over time. Especially as balance changes or reworks change play patterns or update the champion fantasy.

I wouldn’t know though for sure that would be a question for the champions team. :)


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

In 2017 this blog was posted, which more or less admitted that champs are not getting skins if they are high on rework list. but right now champs who are high on it still get skins like Fiddle, Mundo, Udyr, Corki...

There’s a difference between on the backlog and actively being worked on.

We typically don’t make new skins for champions that are in the process of getting reworked. Those that are on the backlog but won’t start for some time are generally fair game.

It all really depends on the champion, the timeline for the VGU, and how far out that VGU actually is.


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Can I ask how is it decided to "ban" a champion from getting a skin these days because back in the day Yorick, Urgot, Poppy, Taric, Sion were having years of ban, but now we get skins for Mundo, Nocturne, Udyr who are all on the rework list? Isn't that subverting the "put an additional plate on the champion update team workload" statement?

I’m not sure I’m following your point.

Champions are not banned from getting a skin. They might be put on hold when we know and have confirmed that a particular champion is getting a rework. Ex: Morde


Originally posted by Xuralei

Oh, I wasn't referring to getting votes from Reddit, that would definitely not be representative of what a given plauerbase wants for their character. I was referring to something like the skin creation process where people voted for the Resistance Illaoi and Little Devil Tristana skins. Iirc, for Illaoi, there was even a subsection breaking down the vote specifically for Illaoi mains. Im sure there's a reason why it isn't used, but I've always thought that something like that process would be useful for the niche characters.

In cases where we have a high degree of uncertainty or if there are multiple concepts / thematics that we think are good we’ll often do player labs. Tests where we bring in players across different regions to get a better sense of what they like or don’t like.


Originally posted by sanketower

I have a question regarding the most recent Elderwood skins, hope you can answer. Kindred mains were asking for an Elderwood skin for the duo, due to an amazing skin concept done by VegaColors (I'm pretty sure you guys have already seen it), and Super Galaxy Kindred came out three years ago (May 2016). With that in mind, what was your thinking process when deciding which champions will receive this year's Elderwood skins?

Considering that Ahri got her last skin less than a year ago (with Prestige Edition that's still available with PP) and Nocturne looks more like Coven, it could've been a perfect opportunity to make Elderwood Kindred happen (and release Elderwood Nocturne exactly as it is right now but next year and renamed as Coven).

I don’t know if there’s going to be an answer you’re going to be satisfied with here tbh. You want a new Kindred skin and we didn’t make one for this set of Elderwood skins unfortunately.

We haven’t forgotten about Kindred and I hope that our next Kindred release meets the tastes and needs of as many Kindred players as possible.


Originally posted by Xuralei

On another topic, do you know if riot has anything planned for the lunch table thing? I always thought that tool was interesting and you seem to like a lot of champs that I do, so I wanted to see how the rest of the community is in regards to this.

Sorry I’m not sure I know what you mean by “lunch table thing”?


Originally posted by Xuralei

Do you think that using something like a tweaked variation of the choose-a-skin contest would be optimal for more niche character fanbases?

Voting on something like Reddit, while helpful, only gets information from a narrow slice of the entire global audience.

We’re looking at a variety of tools to help better inform our decisions moving forward.


Originally posted by Zoli_Ben

Can I ask how difficult it is to make a skin for Urgot? I do not want to sound rude, but we do not want to wait 2000 days for another skin. :(

What our discord and reddit server psyched about right now is being divided with the following skins, based on amount of mentions: Evil Star Guardian (serious at this, I want it too, he'd be like Syndrome from Incredibles who IMO is amazing supervillain), Dark Star, Mafia, Burgot, Battle Boss, Pool Party (water gun knees), Snowman (remember Little Elf Teemo concept art? carrot gun knees), and my own personal suggestion: a six-legged Spider themed Halloween skin.

Spidgot: A six legged spider monster who shoots webs from everything. Q would be a larger cocoon drop, W would be rapid spiderweb shooting, E would be same as other skins, just maybe make it look more spider-y, R would shoot a large web into a second mouth that is his stomach and the pulled in victims would be consumed.

Thank you very much, if you at least g...

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We don’t want you to wait 2000 days either. We’re working hard to ship more skins per year, which will hopefully help us cover more champs in a given year.


Originally posted by BluBeatles

Would he be the hardest champ to make skins for? I know rumble and zyra are hard as well but they have more skins.. so I'm guessing Zac has the hardest rig to work with?

I would say he’s more difficult conceptually than technically.

Zyra is hard because of raw amount of assets and animations, Zac is more “what thematic makes sense and can be clearly communicated but also be different than his base / chromas?”


Originally posted by GabrielRR

Last time I heard this in the riot pls we got the joke that is dunkmaster Ivern.

Not holding my breath for this kind of stuff anymore

Skepticism makes sense. Hope we convince you otherwise in the future with our actions and releases.


Originally posted by BluBeatles

Hey is there any update on whether or not Zac is getting a new skin in the next year? I know his model is really hard to work with but his last skin that wasn't world's related was pool party from a long time ago. Something like Ice cream Zac or molten Zac would be cool and the chromas could be cool as well.

You called out the challenge and I’ll agree with you there. Making skins for Zac can be challenging. Can’t speak to unannounced skins on the roadmap but know that we haven’t forgotten Zac players. :)


Originally posted by MidChampsWhere

do you guys explore themes like Sakura Kingdom - A place where princesses and swordsmen dance around on pink sakura flowers. A sakura princess Ahri is what i meant and so many others like Lux, Kaisa, Janna can all fit in this theme = pink flowers and petals in their clothes and animations.

There can be a mermaid world where these girls are like Mermaid princesses with very colorful and vibrant outfit and hair.

Butterfly kingdom - large wings with patterns

If you play Chinese or Japanese or Korean MMOs you will notice these are the outfits everyone is wearing and running around completing missions

I hope you guys create these beautiful, elegant and mystical lines. I am sure Western players will like them if not absolutely love them

This is a great suggestion. Also we definitely consider some of the source materials you mention. :)


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Oh yeah another question, could I ask for your thoughts on variants, did meet product goals since we haven't seen any since Leona

There will be more variants in the future. :)