

07 Sep


Hey Folks. My name is Bellissimoh and I’m the Product Lead for Personalization on League. Wanted to take a second to talk about thematics broadly as there’s a lot of great conversation going on here.

  1. Thematic Distribution - In any given year we try to have a mix of established thematics that we know players like and newly developed thematics that we take a risk on and hope players enjoy.

  2. Thematic Selection - There’s a lot that goes into this process nowadays. We survey players and try to understand which thematics are the most desired. We also look at how well previous releases did in terms of players purchasing, using in game, and also perceived quality via surveys to skin owners. As someone mentioned earlier, if players don’t show up for a skin line, it hurts the chances of us making more champions in that line. We want to make things that you guys love, or spend time discovering new thematics you might love rather than continuing to spend ...

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06 Sep


Originally posted by TrojanXP96

What a scam, those are just gunnars

Truly a classic. :)

05 Sep


Originally posted by 1v9_Monster

In regards to the zed’s number 3

A potential change to zed’s number 3 should be Shadow related. I think total swaps with shadows would be a poor way of tracking this because it doesn’t require any interaction with other champions or any skill at all. Unless it’s somehow possible to acutely track skill shots dodged with w and r (sounds like a coding nightmare) then I would recommend the following:

PROPOSED CHANGE: replace “total time slowed with e” with ”W cd reduced with E.”

REASONING: this would accomplish two things. 1. It fixes the issue of the current third tracker feeling weird, out of place, and over all not fitting the champions theme at all. Aggressive assassins like zed should track stats like ult kills and tripple q’s, not crowd control. 2. It would allow one of zeds trackers to be directly related to the w, the champions defining ability, while also allowing all 4 (instead of just 3) of his ability’s to influence and be affected in the tracker ...

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This is great feedback. Have shared this with Xenogenic as well and will look at this feedback as we do a pass over Zed.

Love the thought you’ve put into it and your explanation around what’s important to you as a Zed player is super helpful.


Originally posted by Dark-Dragon

Adding my response from the forums here as well for reasons

These already sound way better than the initially proposed ones. Going over a few champions:

Bard: all solid, I'd love to see something interesting done with R, but might be tough to nail that one even if coding for the actual detection wasn't a problem

Blitzcrank: 1 and 2 are solid, 3 isn't as exciting, even in the fully rekindled version imho

Evelynn: I only like 1 here, 3 is 'okay' while I'd say 2 is the most lacking here. Suggestion: Isolated targets taken out. Since Evelynn is often about catching people off guard in their rotation it would be fitting to have a tracker for that imho.

Ezreal: solid, not 100% certain on 2 but I think it's alright

Gnar: solid, future one could include something like initiations through a double bounce transform

Graves: 2 doesn't sound all that exciting, don't exactly have a good suggestion for him though

Ivern: I ...

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Thanks Dark-dragon this kind of feedback is super helpful. Really appreciate you taking the time to think about all of these champions and write up your thoughts. Have forwarded this to Xenogenic and we’ll definitely be reviewing these. :)


Originally posted by unforgivableasian

No one cares about how many thresh walls are broken. I think dashes flayed is a better choice.

Great suggestion. Appreciate the feedback. :)


Originally posted by zeinterrupter

a rioter responded to a question about that in that thread, if a stat becomes obsolete they will keep it as "legacy" and stop tracking it but giving the new replacement one for free.

This exactly. We don’t want to restrict designers from making the right changes for a given champion. For players that have the “legacy” stones, they’ll have a unique way of showing players that they’re and old school main or fan of a particular champ.

03 Jul


Originally posted by 2busyto69

I played 2 TFT games yesterday, 1 win 1 lose and still havent been rewarded my tokens yet.

Unfortunately games that were played yesterday won’t give tokens. Games as of around 12pm today and moving forward will.

02 Jul


Originally posted by MasteaM8

Vaporwave ward

Hype intensifies


Originally posted by lonewolfandpub

Make it easy on yourself, Dutch... Okay, Okay, Okay!

Never know when to quit.


Originally posted by hastalavistabob

Not working in EUW atm
Edit: working now

This issue has been resolved. Appreciate the patience everyone.


Originally posted by Traunfugil

Thanks you and the team for your good work <3

This should now be resolved and working properly.


Originally posted by JonasGangsta

Do you know where I can find out when it's solved? Any twitter account I should follow?

We’ve identified the problem and are working to resolve now. :)


Originally posted by ARedditUsername_

Hm tokens are delayed completed games in tft (all have ended) and no tokens from TFT. Have restarted client. Hopefully I have them later.

Currently looking into an issue where they’re not being rewarded correctly.


Originally posted by hastalavistabob

Not working in EUW atm
Edit: working now

We’re in the process of looking into this and resolving. Apologies folks.

30 Jun


Originally posted by Umarill

I'm really glad to hear that, thanks!

I have high hopes and faith in the team for TFT as I know one of the many reasons I have been playing League for 8 years is because the game is kept fresh and innovative patch after patch along with constant community interactions from Rioters, so I look forward too all the stuff you guys have planned.

We’re nothing without the support of our fans. Umarill, thanks for your feedback and also your faith in our teams here at Riot.

29 Jun


Originally posted by Umarill

Additional feedback if you're still looking for it, but as someone that has grinded every single pass that you guys have put out, it really is a weird spot to be in.

On one hand, I'm an ADC main and really want the Caitlyn Prestige, because I'm a collector and it feels nice to get. But I know that Event Passes require a lot of games played, and it's totally fine, I like that.

However, with TFT Ranked coming up and me loving the gamemode and wanting to take it seriously, it's really difficult to do both.
I understand that it's the same as if I was interested in two different games, but one of the main reason why I love TFT is how integrated it is with the League IP and I wish we would have a bit more crossover progression between those two, at least for those Event Passes.

It doesn't help that the 25 Prestige Points we get with the pass will expire in February, so hard to just skip this one without being stuck without enough to get a Prestige Skin after...

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Really well written and extremely thoughtful feedback. Appreciate you taking the time to write it up and I assure you that as a player myself, I share a lot of the same sentiments and can assure you that we’re looking into ways at making this experience better for players of League and TFT alike. Seriously, thanks for sharing your thoughts in a productive way.


Originally posted by xenefenex

Just some individual feedback here:

As a person who would be playing league regardless, it feels bad that I can't enjoy the content of a new game mode (TFT) and the latest event.

It feels punishing that I can't enjoy the latest League content without giving up another portion of limited League content.

Really appreciate the feedback, also the way you’re laying out your perspective in a super productive way.

100% hear you and we’re looking at ways to make this better moving forward.


Originally posted by MCKarum

This makes so much sense and should be way more up. Imagine all the flame you would get for the "server crashes" and long Q-times for TFT if there was money involved.

You hit the nail on the head. It can already be a frustrating experience when there’s a new mode that you want to play and it isn’t available. The frustration levels definitely go over 9000 when you’ve paid money and the mode isn’t available or if there are long queues.


Originally posted by Fabfibonacci

Seems understandable, thanks for communicating with us! :)

No problem. Thanks for playing League and TFT. We’re incredibly grateful to have fans that are passionate enough to give us feedback and help us improve.


Hey Folks. (Responded in the other thread but also writing it up here as a reply)

Given that TFT is a new product, we had some uncertainty around coupling it with the Arcade Event. (Ex: If you bought the pass with the expectation of playing TFT for tokens and then we had to take down TFT for some reason, that would be a pretty frustrating.). Given TFT is in beta we decided to err on the side of caution here.

Note: TFT is still not out in every region, and the team still has a lot of work to do in order to make it available globally along with following up from a stability of service perspective.

Regardless, we absolutely hear you, and we are looking for ways to adjust other event passes this year to include and accommodate for TFT.