

08 Sep


Originally posted by ThunderousBlade


Maybe Elderwood morde holding a broken tree trunk with roots and moss on tip. With his armor covered in moss and vines. Tattered and broken cape.

Or Worldbreaker Morde (could work for other champs too, olaf, galio, voli , attrox, kayle, chogath, renekton etc


vampire trox (bat creature and spiked bloody mace instead of sword)

dragon volibear with tail long neck and so on post rework or undead/mecha voli

darkin lulu with a horned head similar to aatrox and face similar to rhast. When she uses w she extended wings that fly.

Darkin claimed kayle (if aatrox claimed kayle's powers)

Darkin nautilus (effects similar to aatrox sword on his anchor would be cool)

Dragon/walking venus fly trap kogmaw.

grasshopper kha zix's/tristana

magic flying carpet taliyah (alladin style)

necromancer warlord illaoi (with gauntlet covered skeleton arms sprouting ...

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Thanks for all these suggestions. One thing to keep in mind when it comes to skin suggestions is we have to be careful about combining things to the point where they get too close to another current or maybe even future champions design space.

One example is you mentioned Dwarf Teemo where he has a beard, axe, and exploding barrels. While he’s shorter than Olaf and Gangplank, he might tread too close to what those other champions or even skins of champions already hit.

Also while we want to push the envelope and have a lot creative freedom with outfits, gear, and weapons, we still need to try and stay in the same ballpark of the source material. Two big reasons here, one because League is already a difficult game to learn, and having Teemo throw axes might confuse a new player and make them think it’s a completely different champion. The other reason is because people who are Teemo fans opted into him because they like what he has already, so we want to build on...

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Originally posted by MrMulligan

You've probably already heard it a few times, but thank you for the communication that you have provided in this thread.

Also would love a new Bard skin

Thank you for being a League fan MrMulligan. :)


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

I know I replied to you earlier, but I'm actually curious now: Is there any plan to increase the play rate of particular champs other than skin sales? Is that on the board at all?

Main efforts that would potentially touch on that would be gameplay updates and live balance updates.


Originally posted by Zadorboy

Hm I see. Thanks a lot for the feedback !

Also as a side note, I’ve got over 100k mastery on Taliyah, so I may not be as big of a fan as you are but I’m also a huge fan of our resident Stoneweaver.

That aside, thank you Zadorboy for engaging with League and us here in this community.

07 Sep


Originally posted by Dopp3lg4ng3r

You need to gather informations from said mains for a targetted audience skin, a lot of subreddit mains are willing to provide help as long as you do care listening and discussing.

Ivern's skin has been actually catastrophic in the community it has been a huge disappointment

Yup we definitely heard Ivern mains when that last one came out. Know that we’re going to put more calories into understanding what mains want of a given champ moving forward, across the board but particularly low play rate champs.


Originally posted by Zadorboy

Hello Bellissimoh ! Do you have any news on a potential Taliyah skin ? Is it in the works or some kind of list ?

I can’t fuel any speculation on future skins. I can say that we know it’s been a while since she’s had one and we’re trying to hit all of our skin starved champs in the next year or so.


Originally posted by LeFiery

Interesting to see a rioter actually reply to comments like that and not just ignore it. Thank you.

It can be really hard to sit down and discuss hard issues when there’s a lot of anger or bitterness around some topics. Particularly in the digital age when you be almost anywhere you want to be just in one alt/tab or swipe of your thumb on your phone, it’s easy to opt out of conversations you don’t want to be a part of.

That’s why it’s really important that when folks do engage, they focus on what they want to see, or the desired direction they want to see the game go, as opposed to criticizing decisions or even attacking developers that are just trying to make something that people like at the end of the day.

In short, thank you LeFiery for giving us productive feedback. We need it if we’re going to keep getting better. :)


Originally posted by bazopboomgumbochops

Would you be able to tell me how well Blood Moon Zilean has sold? Because his rework (and the skin's release, his last skin,) were 4 1/2 years ago. Is he just totally useless sales-wise? Or are you holding off on making content for him on the expectation of doing a visual overhaul (that probably won't happen, given that he was reworked 4 1/2 years ago and still never got his splash arts updated?)

Not to sound too bitter - I like y'all leaving him be, kit-and-balance wise. I do wish he had more than 1 decent skin though.

Can’t really speak to any gameplay around Zilean. Can say that he’s just a lower play rate champ generally. We haven’t forgotten about him though on the skins side, there have been a few ideas kicked around but nothing we can really talk about at current.


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Real talk, I've been waiting for a Rioter to be this direct about champions for a while, especially for unpopular champions. I've tried to make cohesive arguments about this, especially with regard to the importance of marketing, and until today (I've been following your responses to this thread, /u/Bellissimoh) there s been weird arguments that either distracted from the fact that unpopular champions got little attention from the lore/skin front or ignored it altogether. I remember talking to a Rioter on here about two years ago about this, and they tried to use Pokemon as a way to make the argument that some champions will naturally be more/less popular than others, but there was no concrete plans to try to decrease the amount of time between skins/being featured.

As one who almost exclusively plays unpopular champs (e.g., Ivern, Yorick, Shaco, Hecarim) because I find them fun, I'm glad that y'all are making an effort.

Hey I’m in the same boat man. Taliyah, Aurelion Swole, Trundle, Kench, Udyr are some of my highest mastery champs.

These champs will all get skins at some point. (Just as Udyr did recently). But I’m not here to prioritize my needs as a player. Our job is to look at all champions, and more importantly the audiences of those champions (you, players) and make sure we serve them the best we can.


Originally posted by B3bby

Speaking of Star Guardians, will Poppy get some Pyjama's? I was very sad when everyone form that set got some but Poppy didn't and Lux got some instead :'(

Pyjama guardians were definitely beloved by a lot of players. Know we’re not in the business of making promises until we know something will happen for players, but your feedback is noted. :)


Originally posted by spyborg3

~8 months?

So to be real, I thought you were trolling / poking fun. Imagined you bring much younger or decades out from having a grandchild.

As some else here mentioned congratulations! And you know what I can’t concretely answer whether or not we’ll beat your grandchild to the rift, but know that we want players of all champions to count the time since their last skin in months and not years.

We’re not there yet but that’s where we want to go.


Originally posted by HeWhoBringsDust

Thank you for communicating with us. I know there’s a lot of hate and unkind words being thrown around regarding Riot on Reddit lately, so I (and other Redditors) are thankful you decided to actually comment on this.

I wanted to ask though, would it be possible to have a sort of compromise with the skins? I know Riot is a business, so it’s only logical to focus on skins for champs that sell well, but could you maybe try to slide in one or two unpopular champ skins into every skin set release? That way they get some love as well.

The commitment we can definitely make is that we’re going to be making more skins in total. The result of that will be more skins across all buckets (both low, medium, and high play rate champs). The ratio of low play rate to high play rate though we can’t make any hard commitments there.

Also to your comment on the recent bias towards critical feedback over constructive. Be the change you want to see.

We can always be better about informing players about what we’re trying to do, and everyone here has the power to be constructive if they want to be.


Originally posted by spyborg3

Will Xerath be getting a skin before or after my 1st grandchild is born?
Asking for a friend.

Depends on when your 1st grandchild is being born.


Originally posted by Random_Stealth_Ward

tbh when I played Quinn a reason I didn't craft heartseeker was because the skirt looked very weird with Quinn's posture. It just felt so strange when I saw it in-game when attacking.

Helpful feedback thanks.


Originally posted by funnyboyee

I'd sell my soul to riot for a Warring Kingdoms Lissandra. She could be powerful chinese empress for sure :D

(Coven is great tho)

What is it about Warring Kingdoms that gets you excited to see Lissandra in that world?


Originally posted by Sakkara1

Hi, not OP but I was thinking that it would be cool if there were skins of the Darkin before they got corrupted. I think it would be interesting to see their Ascended forms, with new particles, maybe voiceovers, I don't know.

For a cheaper option I'd also love to see Ashe's outfit from the Marvel comic, it looks way better than her default, kinda skimpy look in-game. She can keep the same particles etc, it could be a simple 750RP skin and I think it would satisfy a huge portion of Ashe players and lore enthusiasts.

Really cool suggestions. Thanks. :)


Originally posted by xXnYuuXx

Woah, I didn't expect a Rioter Answer. It was just something I thought about in bed a few hours ago and I was like "well, I could do a Reddit post". I know that there are so many themes and there is only a handful of skins released every year, but I was just confused why are there electric skins lacking. The last I remember was Orrn and before that... I don't even know. Also if you know the guy who did the Robot Amumu skin... That e (especially after the little update) is something to worship. It's just really crisp. Also lightning is something that can be displayed in a white/yellow/babyblueish hue and I think these colors really match well.

As a jungler I completely agree with your thoughts around the Robot Amumu.

As soon as I read your post I thought to myself. “Yeah I agree with this.”

Can’t guarantee we’ll make something here but can guarantee it’ll be part of some upcoming conversations with our thematic development team. :)


Originally posted by Floppuh

Just please make cool new morde skins, hes probably the most skin friendly champion in the whole game

We had a big pause on him for a while as the Champions team was hard at work with his VGU. Now that his VGU is out we’re definitely exploring some ideas for future Morde skins. Agree he’s got a lot of potential thematics that make a ton of sense.

Plus his Death Realm ulti has a ton of interesting creative surface area to explore. (But also adds complexity and scope to any Morde skin to be fair)



Originally posted by TheAlmightyChanka

Hello Bellissimoh, I assume you're part of the Skins team for LoL and I would like to give a skin suggestion for Jax, It's part of the Bee themed skins, like Beekeeper Singed for example.

For his weapon I imagined his lantern being a Beehive stuck on a tree branch, when he would hit someone It would splatter honey from the enemy.

Since his mask has a lot of "eyes" those eyes would be hexagon shaped and orange

For his Q, when he jumps on someone he would leave a honey trail behind him

For his W, when he hits someone It would make a squishy sound

For his E, when he rotates his weapon, a lot of bees would be surrounding him

and for his ult, his shield would be made of orange hexagons from the beehives

sorry for any typo, english is not my main language :/

We’re currently exploring some ideas for Jax but unfortunately none of them are bee or honey related.

Will definitely note this though should we decide to revisit the bee keeping sub universe of League. Thanks for the suggestion. ;)


Originally posted by Predatoratorr

thank you for being so kind, i'm happy you appreciate it =)

Our creative teams thrive off of productive feedback like this. So thank you.