<3 sending love to your team as you prepare for launch!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!
<3 sending love to your team as you prepare for launch!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!
From the latest Dev video, Part 1 on story, there is a screen where it shows the Freeplay description; “Explore the world of Bastion”.
Never seen this mentioned before.
The region is Bastion, not the world.
After watching the latest stream, Ben talked about how if the squad all goes down and wipes that you just simply respawn in at the last checkpoint. Now this immediately made me think, because they've already announced that even if you fail content that you don't lose the loot you've obtained. So what if (just for example in relation to the stream) you killed 2 of the lesser ash titans, intentionally squad wiped on the 3rd, just to respawn at the beginning of the encounter again, kill 2 more titans, wipe and repeat indefinitely? I really hope this isn't a thing, it might incentivize people to not explore other content! Maybe the titans you killed already won't drop additional loot when killed again? I don't know but to me this seems like it could be a potential "exploit".
Edit: I see a lot of people saying "Oh well let the people who want to do that do it" realize the more people grinding the same 5% of the game negatively impacts the population of the game for the people tr...
It’s not worth it :)
Dabbing was a very different thing in my day.
Dab all day
The DE team does a great job with their live streams - they have a great relationship with their community and a very funny sense of humor :)
I got this wrong. We do have it for KBM just like we do for controller.
Thanks for watching the stream today!
GOOOOOOOOLD on this post. Crushing it today friends.
Hi, can you confirm that mouse acceleration can be disabled on KB&M? I remember in the alpha there was some kind of drag or acceleration.
Disabled. Many things fixed since the closed NDA alpha
Don’t most people say Mouse and Keyboard.
Are you trying to change the world?
A man can have dreams
You overlooked the setting because it was called "look inversion" instead of "y axis inversion" or similar, didn't you? :P
No. When I tried it I didn’t save/apply settings so it didn’t work....
Do other people not blink ;p
This post is in good humor so all good on my side :)
Hosting stream, playing kbm, showing off ranger, trying not to die, coordinate with teammates, complete mission objectives, listen to the guy reading questions from the chat, listen to Emily, maintain conversation, prepare for issues or bugs, talk and explain stuff while doing all of the above, think of the next question to Emily
Good stuff.
Um, do you know if you can have Invert mouse ONLY during flight?
Click the link :)
I got this wrong. We do have it for KBM just like we do for controller.
Thanks for watching the stream today!
External link →The concern is that at max difficulty people will choose the easiest and/or fastest stronghold to run at said difficulty and ignore all the others. Having specific loot drops tied to specific strongholds is one way people imagine keeping stronghold variety but that introduces a ton of its own issues. All stronghold specific pieces would need to be desirable enough to multiple Javelins to promote a healthy mixed squad queuing for all strongholds. Hopefully there is already some system in place to alleviate this issue.
If an easy missions takes 15 minutes and a normal mission takes 30 minutes, the drop chance / loot for completing the normal needs to be better than if you ran 2 easy missions. This is what we will be keeping an eye on.
Theoretically yes, but u/BenIrvo did state that the harder the content the greater the rewards. So likely RNG percentages for Legendary gear will be greater in said harder even if the loot table allows the chance for that gear to drop during free play.
But yes you’re right. As in all looter type games, we will always look for an efficient way to find that high tier gear with god roll inscriptions that work for our builds.
And we will be on the look out for this stuff and make changes as needed.
Looks great!
This is why I would love to see /u/BenIrvo chime in. His responses at least help me understand why something is the way it is. It would be cool if I could climb the difficulty ladder with my friend, but maybe I'm not seeing the bigger picture. I've just been burned by the whole 3-person fireteam thing; the third person usually just runs ahead and that pressure to speed through kinda takes away from the experience.
You need 4 for strongholds . You can have 1-4 for everything else. We wanted to have some dedicated 4 player content. There is a lot of stuff you can do that isn’t strongholds - e.g freeplay and legendary contracts
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Great post! Again!
Very cool
Hey buddy, any word on players being able to lower special effects in settings?
Several abilities were extremely flashy and causes, particularly lighting abilities. Over all it's very pretty, but also extremely eye cancerous and straining. I don't want to be flash banged by my own allies abilities as there seems to be too much visual clutter and brightness half the time. In general it just felt blinding to watch at times.
If you can’t take the glare, put your sunglasses on ;p