

02 Feb


Originally posted by MNSUAngel

I am not very knowledgeable about this terminology, Ben.

When you say "Raw Mouse Input Fixed," that, "Raw Mouse Input is now achievable in PC Flight," and that "By setting Flight/Swim Response and Precision settings sliders to 0% you can now achieve raw mouse input" are you meaning that the mouse will essentially work like the controller now - like when I move my mouse, my javelin will move with it - instead of slowly catching up to my movement?

I'm sorry if I just did a terrible job asking my question, but this one thing - literally - is the only thing that is stopping me from pre-ordering lol. I just want it to work how it works on controller for my mouse - I move the stick, the javelin turns, I move the mouse, the javelin turns. No delay, just 1:1 or whatever development term is appropriate.

Mouse and controller are different.

It basically means there is no acceleration. For every inch you move your mouse (at the same speed), you move the same amount.

Sometimes there is acceleration that can speed this up as you move. That makes things like aiming hard for people.


Originally posted by fleetze

Not sure who this insider is but I'll go with it based on faith.

Gotta have faith. If it helps, I work on the Dev Team.


Originally posted by Smirk125

Perhaps consider another demo then, because I will not be buying a game where important PC gaming features such as raw input were apparently an afterthought during development.

If the game doesn't even have raw mouse input prior to launch, something tells me that there are many other PC gaming unfriendly surprises lurking in the game.

It was a bug


Originally posted by venlafaxin

Underwater is still god awful. Takes me at least 10 seconds to finally orient myself properly.

Fixed for launch bit for demo


Originally posted by BenIrvo


Some of you have been asking about more details when it comes to our Alliance System, Guilds and general awards for playing together. We believe Anthem is a game best played with friends and to make that experience awesome, we need to have social systems to make playing with friends easier.

With that in mind, I figured I would drop in here and offer up some extra details on what that experience will look like at launch and beyond.

The Alliance System – “What is That & How Does it Work?”

The Alliance system is a way for you and your friends to be rewarded for playing the game. Anytime you complete an expedition (Mission, Contract, Freeplay, Stronghold) you earn experience. That experience also goes into the Alliance system. Even better, the experience from the OTHER people in your group also goes into the alliance system. Even better STILL, players on your friends list who...

Read more

You all are in good hands with Chris Schmidt, I’ll bow out of this thread for now :)


Originally posted by ffxivfanboi

Hey Ben, can you provide any insight into any console performance options for the Xbox One X or PS4 Pro? Having a performance mode on One X would be awesome if possible. I don’t know how it would work for PS4 Pro since that console can already force 1080p and a slightly better performance.

And if not at launch, do you think something like this could be a feature eventually?

Not at launch is the only thing I have for you today :)


Originally posted by dineapplepick

"investigating adding an FOV slider"

That's not a huge confidence builder. Game literally makes me motion sick on PC unless I use controller (which I'm perfectly fine doing but other players aren't and I also would prefer not to). I don't give a damn if the cutscenes aren't affected by the FOV slider, but the game is so hard to play without a larger FOV.

FOV slider should be like a #1 priority, PC versions of games without a FOV slider are generally considered horrible. Not having it not only makes it unplayable for some players but would immediately ruin the public perception of the PC version. Like, FOV sliders shouldn't be a problem with PC gaming anymore, it has become the standard for such a long time and is a must when developing a PC version of a game.

We are looking into it. It’s unfortunately very complicated because we have many different cameras - normal, tight aim, flight, swim. We believe it is important, please bare with us while we see what we can do.

01 Feb


Originally posted by GruffGames

Hmm this is disappointing, sounds like you're not fixing the core issue with the flight controls. Which is that you've seemingly just emulated the analogue stick system over to mouse, instead of giving mouse it's own native control over flight.

I can barely use a controller, but after trying it out, zipping around feels great and immediately makes sense. Mouse should be smoother but muscle memory goes out the window when you have to struggle within the confines of analogue stick boundaries.

The mouse doesn't have a dead zone, yet you've given us one anyway.

It’s worth trying it. It feels good.


Originally posted by toshjillery

Can we please get rid of the ‘y’ and ‘u’ controls to navigate the menu and make it the more traditional ‘a’ and ‘d’ or ‘q’ and ‘e’? I’ve never played a game with such weird navigation controls for the menu.

Yes. We did this. I made a second thread.


Originally posted by ravnos04


What about the flight controls? The negative acceleration is something that almost all PC players are not a fan of.

Yeah it’s fixed. And you can have raw input by using the settings for flight/swim


Originally posted by DawnBlue

Space bar already stops flying though? Or do I remember it wrong, haven't gotten to the Open demo yet

It does also


Originally posted by darth_infamous

It really worries me that anytime they use the words 'raw mouse input' it's in relation to aiming. u/BenIrvo, please tell me this is just a phrasing and that raw mouse input is applied to everything, not just aiming (ADS).

I mean it as when on ground as opposed to flight / swim. There are ways to do that also but it’s different.


Originally posted by DawnBlue

Navigating Menu tabs with Q and E instead of old keybindings fixed for 15th Feb

/u/BenIrvo What about getting rid of Enter in... everything? Nobody is going to want to press Enter to do ANYTHING in a game where your hands rest comfortably on WASD and Mouse.

You can click it also


Originally posted by Kemaro

These are great improvements and I am happy to see you working with the community to fix these issues...but I have to ask--How did this stuff make it past internal testing? The UX on the PC was pretty horrid between the controls and the menu/UI. Was all of the internal PC testing done using a controller? It just seems very confusing to me.

Mainly just time.


Originally posted by ForHonorViking

Flying feels weird but I’m getting used to it. One question tho, how do I barrel roll? I’ve seen clips of it, but the evade button just seems to do the default evade that you do on the ground and when hovering. What am I missing?

When flying push evade and hold left/right on left stick (or A,D)


Originally posted by pJuice_99

Yo I dont now about you but I am so sure there is some sort of negative acceleration still in the game. I noticed something feels off with aiming just a few minutes into the game. Its my first time playing and I didnt have any idea there was a similar bug in the VIP Demo so it doesnt have anything to do with my 'mindset' going into the game.

If its not that it has to be something else that makes aming feel off for me. Any ideas what it could be?

It’s fixed for launch not demo :(


Originally posted by EltarielInMordor

Is there controller support on PC?



Hey All,

Similar to the PC controls thread, thank you all so much for your feedback on the UI for PC players. Below are some changes we are making for LAUNCH. We were unable to get these in for the open demo this weekend


We have made numerous updates to menu and Forge navigation with mouse and keyboard on PC since the Demo build. In Early Access (15th Feb), you will see improvements like using Q and E to navigate tabs and being able to drill into menus by clicking the visible options on the right side (except Social menus which are coming for the Worldwide Launch 22nd Feb). In the Forge you will notice that rotating and zooming your character are more responsive.

We are also working on improving our graphics options on PC. For Worldwide Launch (22nd Feb) the issues with Motion Blur will be addressed along with adding an option to toggle HDR on or off. We are adding the ability to adjust camera s...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by fleetze

Huge if true. Can anyone confirm such wild claims by the OP?

Confirmed :)