

18 Feb


Originally posted by Mimterest

You can't prime with aura? what's the point of frost aura then?

It will apply the status effect (freeze them) it just isn’t something you can combo off of (priming). To improve aura effectiveness we’re adding stronger ticking damage of the element type you currently have aura’ed.


Originally posted by A_Agno

It's better than nothing, but it's still missing a list of primers and detonators, anything about melee. I still am not sure if normal melee from Interceptor is really a detonator or not.

Every third hit in the melee attack string will detonate primed targets.


This is a known* problem and we’re working on a fix. This one is super annoying.


This is definitely not intended. We’ll take a look. Thanks chaimer123!


Originally posted by SivirLHD

On the topic of ice, whenever I become frozen and I hit jump to break free, my character takes a few seconds to break loose and then repeatedly jumps in one spot continuously being re-frozen until the ice wears off. Is this a bug or intended? Or maybe it's because I mash jump instead of one press?

That is indeed a bug and is super annoying (personal experience). I believe (memory escapes at the moment) that this is one we’ve already been looking into.


Originally posted by hiya89

FYI I assume you've already heard this but these inscriptions are currently not working at all.

I've tested this with about 60% speed on an E ability with a 10 second cooldown and saw exactly 10 seconds cooldown with and without the + speed items.

I also tested "Support % speed", which doesn't change the support cooldown at all either. I'm not sure if this stat is meant to do that though since the word support is used in inscriptions to refer to other things like luck.

Yes this is an issue we’re looking into for stats that are globally applied (javelin icon) from items. Fix has been identified. Thanks for the detailed report hiya89!

17 Feb


Originally posted by Nullifics

What info and how you like this additional info? Reply here, direct message or an email?

Screenshots would be awesome, would love to know if you are seeing exact duplicates of inscriptions on the items. Have you gotten any new Masterworks or Legendary items since? Feel free to DM me.


Originally posted by HandHunter

You've seen screenshots already, just wanted to show how silly it can be sometimes...

Any chance you could ask the team if we can have numeric values displayed on the health bar?

Yeah I’ll pass it on thank you HandHunter


Originally posted by ThorsonWong

Belatedly pinging u/BioCamden for acknowledgement of the issue!

notice me DevManagerSenpai

I see you! And yes I will take this report back to the team. Thanks ThorsonWong!


Hey thanks for the report. Yeah Hard difficultly has the limit of just Masterwork Weapons, but like you said GM1 freeplay does not. Any additional information would be helpful. Thanks nullifics.


Originally posted by lawtwo

About 30 mins ago did y’all send out a server will be shut down in 2 minutes?

No idea, sorry lawtwo


Originally posted by FrozenLaughs

There needs to be more information within the text. Your team is just using too many vague terms. Anthem isn't a newspaper ad, you guys aren't being charged by the letter. We aren't afraid of a few extra words! Look:

  • Shield Recharge Speed (+% is obvious buff) assumption- more shield points per second until full?
  • Shield Recharge Delay (+ or -% are both confusing) assumption- number of seconds safe before recharge starts?
  • Shield Recharge Timer (-% is obvious buff) assumption- safe time required to go from broken shields to charging/full?

See how all three examples are worded "basically" the same? See how all three buff percentages can be misunderstood? See how all three examples are contextually identical, but have different expectations because of a single word? You need to settle on a universal glossary to your terms:

  • If every value on gear/inscription is a...
Read more

Actually UI considerations for space, especially localized text, was exactly the reason many of these are abbreviated.


Originally posted by Stalkrr1989

Shield delay in - would make sense but this makes me think that it’s a bad thing. Would be good to get a dev response.

While this wording is confusing the inscription is indeed a positive benefit to your shield delay time. Meaning you shield starts regenerating 10% earlier than it normally would. Only the base stats (in-line descriptions) on components have the instances of positive/negative traits. All inscriptions are positive benefits. Thank you for the feedback.

16 Feb


Originally posted by Halefire

While you're at it, I just realized prior to what appears to be the final mission in the story, that you're supposed to be able to see your pilot's face in many cutscenes.

How did I not know that? Because I paid nearly ten dollars for the Colossus premium skin, and unbeknownst to me, that skin's visor does not lower. So the entire, entire game so far, I've been having a subpar storytelling experience and didn't know it. I've just been staring at a low res visor when I should have been seeing a speaking, emoting face. And I paid extra to have it be that way. No way to re-experience those cutscenes either as far as I know.

So yeah, another bug to log.

Sorry to hear that Halefire. You can replay the story by creating another pilot if you really wanted to dig into those again.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Loot isn’t shared or split. Armor packs, ammo, and loot are all instanced to each individual player.


Originally posted by blidside

Confirming it's an issue, and a major one. Here are two screenshots on back to back free roam sessions with no changes to my loadout demonstrating the problem:



Thanks for the screenshots blidside. Definitely helps.


Originally posted by MagenZIon

Totally off-topic but a more critical issue, any idea of the scope of random crashes? I had no issue in the closed alpha in early December but in both demo weekends and full release now I crash a lot but am well over recommended system requirements and it's completely inconsistent about when it crashes (at least as it appears to me as the end-user).

Hey MagenZlon please check out this forum post.

A lot of folks have had success messing or updating graphics drivers specifically.


Originally posted by catholicBoio01

What does +speed inscriptions do?

Speed is usually referring to reducing cooldown recharge time, or “speeding up” cooldowns.


Originally posted by Anansispider

Do you know if physical damage means regular damage from guns? I have a mod that says -5% damage on physical damage...

Yes physical damage does apply to guns.


Originally posted by catholicBoio01

So like lightning strike and burning orb get a 35% buff?

The charged up explosion on burning orb would yes. And yes lightning strike as well.