

03 Mar


Originally posted by Murdunk_85

i just want to say, You guys are awesome and i have fallen in love with this game. I don't know if you'll see this but thank you very much for the hard work.

I'll see it! And love it :)


02 Mar


Originally posted by JupiterRyse

Did you figure what cause the sound problem on Ps4 and Box yet? I play on pc and dont have any sound issue but as soon I play on console many sounds problem. And im pretty that why the game has terrible fps.

FPS and audio are actually unlinked, but yes audio performance is worse on both consoles and we are actively trying to improve it in future patches!


Originally posted by awritt

Fun throwback but this is the buggiest game I’ve ever played. Can we focus on fixes? I just had the following in one stronghold. 1. Masterwork marksmen once stacked to 3 does not fire on reticle. Fires at 45 degree angle. 2. Sound bug. 100th time. 3. Shows me in a different javelin then I played on mission complete screen. 4. Gives me masterwork for end mission for that javelin. How do I know that? Only masterwork I got.

I love this games mechanics, but this game needs massive bug fixes and a loot table with depth and logic that matters (yes, still uninteresting post patch)

I have been hyped for this. I dragged people into playing it. I’m almost ready to give up because how broken this is.

Yeah this was added quite some time ago - everyone is still working very hard on all the issues you have mentioned, thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by wampastompah

Huh, good to know, that's super cool! Thanks so much!

Thank you!


Originally posted by Cannon_Fodder_

Whoever over there decided to include this, I love it!

Edit: I need this across the entirety of the game now!

Hehehe it was a few of us :)


Originally posted by tortilla7

Amid all the hate, all the bugs, all the negativity, things like this give me such joy in the gaming world. The joy this brought me gives me motivation to continue working harder on being a developer myself. I want people to experience the little things like this is my work. Keep up the great work all of you men and women at Bioware. *edit: spelling



Originally posted by wampastompah

...Is that common? I've never heard of a system like that.

It's common during cinematics mostly - it's a means for the keyframes from the cinematic timelines to ensure sync (sample rates are more granular and you notice if dialogue is off AT ALL - human brains are amazing :))

01 Mar


Originally posted by Zeepjes

This is still an issue in the final game btw, I just tried switching audio devices, and it actually sped up everything, not only the audio. The animated intro went at double the speed, along with the sound speed increase, and horrible static.

Yeah, the game uses the sound system as a 'clock' so that makes sense. Are your audio devices set to the same sample rate?


Originally posted by theplaguezzz

Just thought I'd throw in that I am also having audio distortion issues during combat + the Tarsis doors. I am using Razer Man'O'Wars

Thanks, we are looking into this right now.

27 Feb


Originally posted by HeartySalmon

Happens through headphones (Sony Golds) or the TV. It sounds like static I guess. Like I said, hard to describe. It does it almost every time I walk through the big doors to my javelin in Tarsis. Or whenever there is a BUNCH of stuff going on out in the world. I can try and capture a video if that's helpful

I think I know what you are referencing - it is most likely performance related. We are continuing to optimize!


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

Bug on commando on his skill : seeking missile

The legendary bonus recharge your skill instanly if you kill someone with... but if you kill it with this skill from combo, this doesnt recharge your skill... why ? for me it's a bug, if no't this bonus was useless.

I can compare this with one other skill. "Pulse blast" if you kill ennemy with it you win % dmg on melee, and all the time i kill guys it's with combo ! and it's work ! So why the other skill doesnt work if you kill him with this combo attack ?? This is stupide so i think it's a bug

I'll let design know :)


Originally posted by cannibalssoup1

Same here, digital. Using HyperX Cloud Alpha with HyperX 7.1 sound card if that helps at all.

PC? Can you ensure all 'enhancements' are disabled and all your audio outputs and devices are set to the same sample rate @ 16/48?


Originally posted by Kodiak003

I'm getting the same thing on my PS4 Pro (downloaded digitally). It's not that the sound cuts out completely, but certain sound "channels" become choppy (or cut out momentarily). Eventually, it goes back to normal once most the action has subsided. For example, I was doing a Legendary Contract against Scars with 3 randoms and when the second Colossus did his Ultimate, it made the Scar gun sounds stop working for about 5-10 seconds.

I feel like it's almost as too many sounds are trying to happen at once that the game prioritizes some over others and the ones left out end up becoming choppy.

Sounds like performance - which is strange. What are you listening on?


Originally posted by HeartySalmon


Sounds like performance - which is strange. What are you listening on?


Originally posted by HeartySalmon

/u/biowarejer Any insight on audio for PS4? It's hard to describe but when there's a lot going on in-game audio will get "jittery" - for want of a better word. I'm guessing it's a Frostbite thing b/c it happened in BF4 a lot as well. I've missed significant chunks of mission dialogue and enemy bullet sounds disappear which sucks in the heat of battle. Thanks.

Are you playing off disc or digital download?

26 Feb


Originally posted by badcookies

It's odd I swore one time walking through town when it was about night time I did here a lot more but then other times it was quiet again.

Anyway looking forward to more/fixed sounds :)

Yeah night time is when the party starts :)

25 Feb


Originally posted by badcookies

Great! I figured it was missing or incorrectly happening since it was so quiet and usually your games have good ambient noises.

Also enemies hardly make sound as well any attack cues and such might be missing as well?

Really enjoying it overall though!

Thank you! We have taken this feedback and will incorporate it.


Originally posted by culture_crab

Some delayed info: changing output to 16/48 didn't help Bluetooth. On the opposite: something made it worse. It was either one of the game patches or new nVidia drivers. Before I could turn on Bluetooth after I log in to the game and it would work, now the sound disappears immediately. On the other hand, changing to 16/48 fixes the issue with the sound when it sometimes glitches. For example, 24/96 made the theme on title screen sound like Squarepusher's remix of itself, and I even thought it was intentional until I changed the parameters and found out that it's not. It still won't fix a bug with the sound disappearing entirely and only coming back after game restart, I have this one once in 4-5 hours. Or sometimes the sound becomes 2x faster or 2x slower, also only fixed by restarting. I also tried to put everything to 16/44.1 which is my headset specs, didn't work.

like Squarepusher's remix of itself

Hilarious! If it wasn't a bug :(

So yeah sounds like you are hitting multiple issues - the sound dropout bug is being worked on (it's actually multiple things that can cause it) - we hope to have it totally fixed in the next couple patches.

For the sample rate thing - the official word from Frostbite is that anything higher than 16/48 is not officially supported. Can you double check that ALL possible 'enhancements' are disabled and ALL output devices (speakers, onboard sound, headphones, everything) is set to 16/48? I know switching while the game is running caused total badness so I'm not surprised by that.

Also do you have wired headphones or the ability to disable USB/Bluetooth and go ol' school analog to test that?