

21 Feb


Originally posted by letsyeetoutofhere

The people who designed this game did a ton of research and are avid Diablo/Destiny/Division players

Then how exactly did you make the same mistakes as those games when they launched?

I wont lie, i have a feeling EA is going to bring the hammer down on you guys. This game's launch is not going well and enough people are sick of the "just wait itll get better" approach to games as a service.

I can't speak to that - I'm only responsible for the audio experience (which has it's own issues we are trying to solve). The only thing I can say is that sometimes things seem very clear once players really start playing...serious end game, serious amounts of hours being put in - it's not always 'easy' to replicate that internally, especially at scale.

We are committed to responding to the community and EA is too. They have invested a LOT of time and money into this project and want it to grow and be successful over time just like the dev team.


Originally posted by hapearson

I had an issue today in freeplay where I ran out of space in my bag. Couldn't pick up a masterwork that dropped after the fact and thought it would be waiting for me in my vault. What happened was I lost it. Is this intended? If so it might want to be communicated as many people believe any loot not picked up, regardless of a full bag or not, will still be collected for you above a certain rarity.

Hmm...yeah that is a good point. Will make sure I communicate it out to the systems team!


Originally posted by Marcavelip

Thank you for all the hard work, and getting this day 1 patch out a day early. However I just updated, and was sad to not see this mentioned anywhere in the patch notes. After logging in and trying to interact with my Javelin in Fort Tarsis, nothing happens at all. I then went into the Social Hub, and also cant interact with the launch expedition area here either. It seems this was in fact not fixed in the day 1 patch???

Doesn't look like it fixed it for everyone - they are still looking at it, as it's being tracked by the design team. Sorry for the hassle!


Originally posted by Xathras1

Thank you for your response, this had exactly the effect I was hoping for. Like mentioned by others it's mostly noticed when doing 'nothing' and exploring and the likes. I'd also like to highlight loading screens as well, as I often find myself staring at a black loading screen with no music while waiting. Personally I got Anthem on a M2 NVME disc, so I can imagine people playing on HDDs has it amplified even more.

Either way thank you for you diligent work, looking forward to see how the game evolves with time.

Thank you! We will continue to listen and improve - we really do value your feedback (and patience!).


Originally posted by denkigrve

I've got some bad news. Audio cut out again. I was doing freeplay. Fighting some outlaws, and then suddenly no audio. This is in the newly patched version. :(

Yeah. This sucks. Short story? We fixed the issue inside one system in the day 1 patch but there is still another (very elusive) case that we need to fix in the reverb system. Working on it!


Originally posted by twitchtvslashfnztv

actually when I entered one of the tombs the narrator told me I were in another one so that got me confused. Point being, I had already been where I was, but the narrator told me I was in the next one.

order: top left, middle left, bottom left then far right.

the bug happened the second time I went in the middle left tomb.

thanks anyway :)

Yeah the order of these (combined with all the tracking bugs) has got a lot of people really confused, and for good reason. Many folks have reported this and it's a tracked issue on the EA answers site. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

can you remove the flash on screen when you shoot with assault rifle please ??? That flash was amazing and burn my eyes after hour.... when i play with my pistol, i have no flash screen and that was enjoyable for my eyes.... when i play with riffle my eyes blooding a lot... Please play to your game for hour in dark area (in game) and tell me how your head was....

Also reported by other folks - VFX team is aware.


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

thanks for new bug... now after loading game, (i start quick play) i'm in game, i can move and shoot... but i can't see the game.... my screen was stuck on loading screen but i'm in game and i can play... without screen... if I was blind that would not be a problem ... I think...

And please fix this ultimate HUD ready, but was no't ready !

Yep, thanks. This is a known issue!

20 Feb


Originally posted by BronzeKnight

Heh, for me I would like that bug!

That aside I think maybe just more “room noise” in the basement area would be good. (What do you even call that area? The Freelancer lounge?) but just some thing like cyphers mumbleling, lucky jack shuffling some papers just, something, more than what is there right now should help with the whole “are my speeders muted?” feel of that log in area.

Yeah 100% :)

It's a mix thing, and should be addressed in the day 1 patch! If not, let me know and we can continue to tweak :)


Originally posted by BronzeKnight

I also feel the music is a bit fleeting. Namely in fort tarsis when I log in it’s so quiet i wonder if my sound is on. Any way to keep the title screen music going in FT?

Hahaha, the irony! We had the most annoying bug where it wouldn't STOP.

Not the title screen - but there will be a lot more score - and it will change/ramp up with different phases and activity levels in the Fort. Also Day/Night affects this behaviour :)


Originally posted by Xithryl

No worries, I appreciate it. I'm hoping the big day 1 patch kicks it back into the right spot, lol

Me too :)


Originally posted by culture_crab

Sure! I can set both speakers and headphones jack. What am I trying to find out exactly? Is the bluetooth headset supposed to be on anyway?

Oh one more - in Windows you can set what you want Windows to do when a communications device is active (like VoIP or Skype) - it can duck other audio. Make sure that is set to 'do nothing'.

Check this out - it may help:


Originally posted by culture_crab

Sure! I can set both speakers and headphones jack. What am I trying to find out exactly? Is the bluetooth headset supposed to be on anyway?

So essentially - Frostbite has a REALLY hard time with multiple outputs that are set to different settings. USB and Bluetooth devices can actually CHANGE windows settings (they do all the time on our work rigs and it drives us NUTS). So, the 'fix' right now (until we can look at the underlying core Frostbite issue) is to set all your devices and outputs to 16/48 and ensure the don't change (especially at runtime). This has fixed the issue for MOST people, but please let me know if you can reproduce it with regardless of doing this. And thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by Xithryl

Only some times, today I loaded multiple times back and forth from the bay to the fort until I was finally not able to exit to the fort either, had to exit the game, reload in, then finally after a few attempts I was able to load a mission :/

Ugh. Sorry for the hassle - hopefully this is resolved soon.


Originally posted by SioVern

There's an awesome soundtrack that I only heard once. It sounded pretty epic, but it triggered when I was doing nothing, like at the start of a freeplay session. It sounded great, and I'd like to hear it more, but it does feel like the dynamic system is not giving us a lot of music variety - for the most part I hear only 3-4 soundtracks, and quite sparsely.

Yeah, in Freeplay it's pretty much randomly selecting from a pool of around 10 - on some areas we pick it specifically. In other areas it's all custom (mostly missions).

We will continue adding more throughout live service :)


Originally posted by BigBad01

Why is Fort Tarsis so silent? Imagine if the Citadel didn't have the awesome background music?!?

We have amped up the music and frequency of the score and the diegetic (in world) music for day 1 :)


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

It might be that it should play more stuff while we're actually doing "nothing", that's when people will notice the silence more.

Noted - good feedback!


Originally posted by culture_crab

I think all the bluetooth devices have fixed mode, I can't change anything. When I use my headset and speakers and switch between them, I still have occasional audio cut off, but it happens like once in 6 hours and might be because I use 24/96? Going back to Bluetooth, is there maybe any way to make the game ignore VoIP devices?

Can you set your speakers to 16/48?