You guys had me right on the line right to the release ticker and I really hope you guys turn it around, big ME fan - and then ME3 co-op fan, wish Andromeda's co-op would have had more time / updates, is what that is.
I had such a bad time in VIP Demo (on with EA support, level 0 bug, didn't play), played on a different account Open Demo (problem persisted) and then early release, I couldn't pull the pre-order trigger. Once I hear some key things are going better I may check in, but buying EA Access to spend half my time with bugs (tried EA support again) and no way to see if the game works any better for me outside of $60/$80, time to put it on hold.
There is a lot cool here, but here's just one example of a viscious cycle -
I had bad problems, I missed story, I can't replay solo / private and even if I could it'd be difficult as its designed for mulitplayer, I've heard of replays playing again on a much more difficult setting -> likely that much more difficult to...