

25 Feb


Originally posted by Strickers95

u/biowarejer Is it deliberate that we can't bind Left-Alt or the key above tab on PC in custom key bindings? As far as I can tell they're unused, and bindable in other games without issue? ( `¬¦ key is the one above tab)

I have no clue, sorry. I will ask around though :)


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

When you use "Nahimic 2" sofware for boost your sound, the game work good after your last patch... Now when you start your game with it, you have no sound on your game... You need to stop Nahimic 2 sofware before start Anthem if you want to play with sound...

Good to know - I have no idea how that will affect it but we will check it out!

Thanks for the info :)

24 Feb


Originally posted by unkyrona

Generally when I lose my audio it's because too much stuff is happening at once. Multiple explosions and skills going off, so it almost feels like the audio is overloaded and just blips out. That's what happened my last two times.

Yeah that's exactly the issue - we have identified FOUR things that can happen in the audio system code that can cause this. We have fixed 2 (1 in Early Access and 1 in the day 1 patch) and we have a third fix ready for the next patch. The final issue we JUST managed to 'trap' to reproduce and should have a fix soon. Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by DatSoySauce

I had my audio go out once today or yesterday, forget which...Was during a stream too if I recall so I could clip it for you...Also using CD Quality audio, 2 channel with the 46000 rate or whatever it was

So there are two separate types of issues - one is the audio dropping out while the game is playing (which is sounds like you hit, a video would be awesome for us to look at) - and another where switching audio devices with different sample rates can break the output (we are still trying to determine what is happening here, it's likely a Frostbite issue too).

Thanks in advance!


Originally posted by badcookies

Thanks for fixing this, its really annoying when it happens especially in a stronghold or somewhere that takes a while before you can restart the game.

Since you are the audio guy, do you know if there is supposed to be some background music/audio while in Fort Tarsis? It is way to quiet, there needs to be some noise like you'd expect to hear when walking around a living city. The mechanics making noise when near the javelins, random background chatter from people (that we can't really understand or needs to be really voiced out, just mumbling and such), something like this:

It seems like it should be in the game so not sure if it was an oversight or missing audio files or something causing them to not play, but its just... so quiet which is why I think a lot of people think it feels lifeless.

Yeah it shouldn't be quiet - there is a bunch of exactly what you are describing - I think we need to take a look at the mix again. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by LordK4G3

that patch hasn't went out correct?

Since I'm constantly losing audio after 1 or 2 missions.

We have patched 2 - and need to patch 2 more - it hits different folks on different setups at different times. A real pain to reproduce - if you could describe the problem in detail or capture video I may be able to help more. Sorry again. Thanks for putting up with this, we will fix it, I promise you that.


Originally posted by Ocyon

No sound with Headphone.

Speakers is run by Realtek and this shit of Sonic studio 3. Windows setting is ok but Sonic studio 3 don't detect the game. I'm sure the problem is here but no solution find on the web :w

By the way, i don't have the "disable all sound effects" option in sound setting, i don't have the enhancements tab in fact, this will be include in Sonic studio 3 i suppose.... And Sonic was bug like a tard

Edit: Solved!!! After reading my comment, i juste realize i don't test the best simple way: delete Sonic Studio 3... And it's work!!!!!! Alleluia!

For other guys with the same problem: Just delete this shit of Sonic Studio 3 and all was good!!!!



Originally posted by the3rdharold

I am also having on problem with the tomb on my xbox, my gamertag is RedDrangonRanger Unfortunately I cannot attach a screenshot since I do not own a computer and I use reddit on my phone. Hopefully it can get fixed soon!

I'll look into it tomorrow.


Originally posted by VoxMendax

Thank you all for the amazing communication! Knowing that the bugs are being addressed in a timely fashion gives me even more hope for the future of this game. Btw, was there an accidental loot nerf? I feel like I'm barely getting any gear now even in GM2... still missing the masterwork flak cannon too :'(

No idea, hit to quote the great BenIrvo, 'balance is forever' :)


Originally posted by Ocyon

I have unstall/install and no change. No sound in game.

Yeah this is likely not an ingame setting. How about you hardware setup?

Headphones, speakers, windows settings, etc?


This is my most favourite post on here. Thanks for sharing!


Originally posted by afterdarkgtx

it usually happened when there is massive amount of combo bombs going on and you are the receiver.

maybe can relate what was going before the sound bug.

the fact they cant fix that probably points to an engine issue.

Nailed it. It's an engine issue (actually multiple). We have fixed two, one in early access and one in the day one patch. We have actually successfully trapped the worst one (yesterday!) and expect to have that one in one of the next patches. As well, frostbite gave us a preport of a fix for another instance with the reverb system.

So yeah, we know it sucks and are really unhappy with having to have shipped it - we just weren't able to repro this multi faceted bug quickly enough to fix all instances before ship. It will be addressed, if it's the last thing I do before I die :)

Sorry, and thanks for your patience.

23 Feb


Originally posted by Ocyon

Bug still happening. I start game this morning and no sound... No one sound... Restart, check audio property, all thing that already be saying for fix it, and no one clear the bug. I'm playing with no sound until this morning....

Yeah this should not be happening. Can you send me screenshots of your audio settings, both in game and in the windows control panel?


Originally posted by dukenukem89

The total audio dropout bug is still happening even after the day one patch. I just played a Stronghold where I had no audio for half of the mission (quite annoying, considering the length of Strongholds).

Yep - we fixed one code path and actually yesterday trapped another! We should have it fixed and patched asap! Thanks for you patience!

22 Feb


Originally posted by CKazz

You guys had me right on the line right to the release ticker and I really hope you guys turn it around, big ME fan - and then ME3 co-op fan, wish Andromeda's co-op would have had more time / updates, is what that is.

I had such a bad time in VIP Demo (on with EA support, level 0 bug, didn't play), played on a different account Open Demo (problem persisted) and then early release, I couldn't pull the pre-order trigger. Once I hear some key things are going better I may check in, but buying EA Access to spend half my time with bugs (tried EA support again) and no way to see if the game works any better for me outside of $60/$80, time to put it on hold.

There is a lot cool here, but here's just one example of a viscious cycle - I had bad problems, I missed story, I can't replay solo / private and even if I could it'd be difficult as its designed for mulitplayer, I've heard of replays playing again on a much more difficult setting -> likely that much more difficult to...

Read more

Thanks! Appreciate the feedback and hope join us!


Originally posted by Wellhellob

Hello. Off topic but i need to know:

I have Creative soundblasterx ae5 soundcard and Beyerdynamic dt770 pro(250ohm) headphone. I'm using soundcard software for surround effect and it works very well. Probably best virtual surround software out there. Only dolby atmos can beat it but it needs support from game. This one works for every game. My question is: Which dynamic range setting you recommend for my setup ? What is the difference between them ? I saw ''headphones'' setting but i think it's intended for stereo. I'm using home theater currently.

Also i'm wondering your opinions about game audio, soundcards, virtual surround topics. Some say soundcards are useless, game audio worse than old games etc... I heard ray traced audio is becoming a thing. Sound is big part of the experience but people ignores it imo.

Soundcards are NOT useless - accurate sample rates/clocking/outputs are essential. Plus 1 for live encode cards - they give you the ability to output DTS/Dobly encoded from any output on your PC.

For your setup - Home Theatre will have the least compression and best EQ. It's the 'ideal' mix on great, full range speakers. Hope that helps!

21 Feb


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

someone can help me please, I have a question for the ranger. Before this day one patch i have more than 15 bars of armor (green hp), but after this one i have only 5....

It's a new bug or it's a fix for something ?

My friend play interceptor and have win more bars of armor after this patch...

Thanks in advance

PS : question for dev, how i can unbind switch weapon on scrolling mouse ? on config file (i can't ingame setting)

someone can help me please, I have a question for the ranger. Before this day one patch i have more than 15 bars of armor (green hp), but after this one i have only 5....

It's a new bug or it's a fix for something ?

My friend play interceptor and have win more bars of armor after this patch...

Thanks in advance

Please file it at the EA help site -

I will post to our internal messaging as well.


Originally posted by Geilokowski

Okay, thanks. I appreciate all the hard work you guys put into the game. I was able to fix it by simply going into another tomb and was then able to completle the tomb of Yevenia there. This fixed it for me but i think it's not intended to be that way so you might want to still look into it :)

Glad to hear you solved this, and yeah it's being looked at!


Originally posted by Geilokowski

So, what if i did 3 of the 4 tombs but can't activate the last one? I am standing close to the tomb but there is no Pop-UP telling me to press a specific button. Nothing happens. I cant do anything without opening the tomb so this is kinda gamebreaking for me... I can go inside Yvenias tomb but i am unable to activate the tomb and complete the quest I tried restarting the game and all that stuff. Nothing helps.

They are tracking instances of this per user on the help site - please go file it.

It's actively being worked on!


Originally posted by denkigrve

Fixing bugs is super hard. Sometimes you fix one, but there are 2-4 others that behave the same. I get it and feel sympathetic with the work you guy have ahead of you. It's super frustrating when your project has issues for users. Just keep up the hard work. This game has potential to really shine, and I think you guys have the passion behind it to make it happen.

Thank you! That is precisely the plan, to adapt and overcome!