

30 Jan


Originally posted by Bretsenking

I understand there are a lot of more important stuff being prioritized 😂 but maybe in the distant future? Tnx for answering guys

Yeah especially during launch. But....these are EXACTLY the kinds of ideas we want from the community. So thanks, and we will bring it up once the dust settles a bit :)


Originally posted by BioCamden

Not that I know of at the moment but sounds awesome.

Ditto :)


Originally posted by CowbellOfGondor

Is there a chance we will ever see something about our loot during a run, like slot? Or will we only ever see rarity type until we finish the run?

I'm not too sure tbh, I think if enough people ask you may get something like that added, but it's a different department so I can't speak for them.


Originally posted by RedRupture

They need to remove the pick up / pick up notification delay

Think this is something to do with the server registration for the gear. Not sure it can be fixed, maybe sped up? I'll ask :)


Originally posted by Zaffy_Duck

Loot games without explosions / shiny lights / cool sound that makes your brain release serotonin are bad.

Don’t be bad !

Basically peggle :)


Originally posted by ilgeek

Also, it would be nice to have an audio/visual cue when your shield goes down, like the depolarization effect in star trek :p

We have a shield break sound :)


Originally posted by DoctorJekkyl

Might I recommend sharing a screen shot to the community?

Sorry I can't post content, hit up BenIrvo :)


Originally posted by etham

Not just loot sounds. There needs to be death sounds as well, enemy callouts/taunts (i.e. grenade out!). Fighting the average humanoid mooks is odd that nobody is shouting at each other.

We have fixed this too :)


Originally posted by xk4l1br3

You guys are doing a great job. I really want this game to succeed, best of luck in the final crunch.

Final crunch is over! We are just tuning and responding to feedback on here :) thank you though!


Originally posted by nolas85

Commendations to u/BioWareJer. I know all the devs have been responsive during all of this spin up but I was shocked to see the "BioWare" tag littering the screen as I scrolled. The rate/frequency of your responses is truly impressive. I know it's been said but thanks again for this.

Thank you! Everyone (for the most part) has been offering good ideas and valid concerns. I'm happy to try to answer what I can :)

29 Jan


Originally posted by accombat97

I love how involved you all are! This is kind of a small thing, but the edges of the screen were clipped on my tv (ps4), and I set my screen area to fit, but it didn't take effect in game. Will there be a way to change the screen area in game? Thanks in advance!

That's filed. Will be fixed.


Originally posted by VanillaTortilla

Just gotta give you audio guys props. The sound design, the music, it's all incredible. The sounds are visceral, and the soundtrack has such a great feel to it.

Awesome, glad you like it!


Originally posted by Mordecay1986

I love you guys. I hope your publisher doesn’t screw up your hard work!

Thanks! They have been great :)


Originally posted by ajm53092

Where do you guys stand on competitive PvE. For example, going head to head with another squad in separate instances of stronghold. It is scored based on kills/combos/speed. There are bonus objectives you can complete to mess with opposing teams stronghold instance? It can be a ranked playlist. After the game, you can view your opponents gear. I think it would add a ton of longevity to the game.

Yeah that's a sweet idea. Kind of like the battlelog but team based. I'll pass it on!


Originally posted by Kdogg573

Is there a way to add what we pick up to the visual tag? I dont mean the name if the gun or support specifically but somthing like "Rare weapon" or "Uncommon assault mod". That would make the drops more exciting for me at least.

I will ask around :)


Originally posted by Strayed54321

Thank you, and everyone at Bioware. You guys are the best!



Originally posted by NyuuPingu

Any IT Consultants needed in the gaming industry? haha

Always :)


Originally posted by NyuuPingu

Also the end of expedition screen has had a lot more work put into it :)

Can you make it so that I can hover my mouse over feats to see what the icons mean? Because otherwise I'll never learn that... :D

I'll ask!


Originally posted by SweatyNReady4U

Hopefully they’ve come around on the micro transactions too...

Oh yeah.


Originally posted by Strayed54321

Can you also pass on this?

It would be really helpful for us number people and min/maxers if we could see a total roll up of our stats (health, shield strength, damage bonuses, flight time increase, etc.), or to just see what our total hp and shield strength are.

Yeah that's been a constant request from fans. I'm pretty sure the design team has heard it :)