

19 Feb


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

In all that research you guys didn't find the absolute necessity of having a character stat screen at all? Because that is a HUGE fundamental flaw in the game.

Honestly, I can't speak for UX and Design - but I do know it's very much on their radar.


Originally posted by TitaniumDragon

Please be sure to remember that just because people complain about some things doesn't necessarily mean that most people are bothered by them.

In particular, while I think that the game needs to do more to notify people that teammates are down (a HUD indicator would be nice, as well as an audio cue), I don't think that letting people auto-revive in the no-respawn areas is a good idea - beyond the fact that it will lead to people zerging the objective, it also discourages people from reviving their teammates, and encourages people to just fly around and dodge until people auto-revive. That's bad.

Totally agree! We are working on polishing up the entire downed experience :)


Originally posted by c0howda

So there appears to be a really easy way to farm MW and legendary gear. Putting game on GM3 and doing free roam and farming a route with likely chest spawns. This seems really bad for the game if the best way to get gear is not doing strongholds, contracts, etc. you can see this at

Thanks, we will look at this!


Originally posted by fearthelettuce

Can you pretty please move the out of mission bounds message so I can see my heat meter? Like, emergency hotfix for this?

Also, I'm not sure the answer but the whole out of mission bounds thing feels too overbearing. I get it if I'm lost or wondering around on my own but it comes up when I'm just a little behind. Maybe add some delay (20 seconds?) before it appears and shorten the countdown itself (5-10 seconds shorter) so it comes up less frequently but still accomplishes the goal of keeping the mission on track.

Yep - many people have brought this up. It's on the list of things to address, although I don't know what the exact plan is.


Originally posted by Thagyr

You make it sound like herding cats.

Just find one when its distracted. Tie a rope around it and drag it to reddit!

I have two (lovely) cats - I'm pretty sure they would destroy me if I tried to rope them though lol!


Originally posted by winterds001

Please check if white/green or even blue items are really supposed to be dropping from GM2 dungeon chests, seems a little ridiculous.

Yeah that was brought up on the tuning side - not sure what the plan is but it's been called out numerous times. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Felix_Von_Doom

While we're on the subject of whose responsible for the Audio....when I played the public demo, something struck me as amusing: The sound file that plays after you 'fix' a relic sounds awfully similar to that of what I recall is an obelisk in Andromeda being reactivated.

Ironically, that sound file fits in Anthem better than it did in Andromeda. I'm glad that Andromeda, or at least the good parts of it, live on in other projects.

Hehehe - yeah it's hard not to 'steal' from yourself - we often forget exactly what we did and partly replicate it again in newer games :)

18 Feb


Originally posted by c0howda

If Path of Exile was on that list, I would feel more comfortable. They are the best in the business in creating fun short-term content that blends in with the core game to add to the repetitive gameplay loop. One of their founders is giving a talk at GDC about how they designed Path of Exile to be played forever. Hopefully some BW devs can take notes.

I really enjoy the moment to moment gameplay of Anthem, but time spent in Tarsis feels bad. Slow movement and the amount of npc interaction feels overwhelming. Also, I feel like the feedback the player receives when taking damage is lacking. So often I find myself missing health with no feedback as to how

That's good feedback - I have not played PoE personally, so I didn't mention it. Again, I am really only speaking for myself and trying to respond for other folks who aren't on here, and am definitely not the right person to speak for the entire design of the game :)


Ok - this is the latest from our design team. These steps are not fully confirmed to fix the issue yet - they are working on that and coordinating with and will update everything once it's confirmed.

Thanks to your feedback. We have identified several issues causing problems for players in the Finding Old Friends and Tombs of the Legionnaires missions. Fixes are currently in progress but there are workarounds for each issue.

If you have encountered an issue after Finding Old Friends where the Challenges required to complete the mission are not unlocked, a server side fix should unlock the...

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Originally posted by marximumcarnage

The team should have delayed 6- 8 months and launch in fall. No Destiny expansion and no division in site. Would have gotten the time the game actually needs to flesh out bugs and end game content. It’s unfortunate that after so many games as services that have launched some with sequels that these problems for anthem seem like Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 year one issues. Which shouldn’t have happened given the public Out cry yet here we are again.

If I had the POWWAAAA - then yeah I agree. I think most devs want more time, tbh.


Originally posted by BioWareJer

I think we feel like that on every game we make.

For clarity - wishing we had an extra 6 months.


Originally posted by marximumcarnage

Did you guys and gals feel like maybe you could have used an extra 6 months to really pump out a more fleshed out experience or was it more or less the gameplay is finally good and the content that is there is hopefully enough to hold over?

I think we feel like that on every game we make.


Originally posted by heliumguy12

Don't you love it when people say 'dont want to sound rude' in order to get away with being rude?

Anyway, one thing I think us gamers note is that sometimes devs stumble on what looks like obvious roadblocks, because they were 'trying something new' from their perspective, but from the player's perspective it doesn't seem like a new take, it just seems wrong. Especially in a genre that's had as many false starts as the ARPG with later adjustments. There's certain things that we just expect to be baseline by now, not a 2.0 patch. Like: no layered RNG. Can mitigate RNG with effort. Playstyle changing loot. Diverse levels of rewards (things that give hardcore players something to aim for, and things that casual players can aim for). I'm sure there's more but I'm just going off the cuff here.

Honestly wouldn't be afraid of tossing out what the dev team is thinking in weekly updates like Bungie does with their TWAB.

Well said - thanks and I'm sure the live team has ideas that are similar to TWAB.


Originally posted by Insane_Unicorn

Have you run into the bug where the voices get higher or lower pitched when you switch the audio output device during the game? It's weird as I never have encountered anything like this but pretty hilarious.

Yep! I covered that in another post - I'll recap:

Basically the sample rate can be changed by USB/Bluetooth devices - this causes Frostbite to either play to fast or slow depending on what it was.

The fix is to set ALL your audio devices to the same sample rate (48k recommended) - then when you switch back and forth it should no longer occur! Hope that helps!


Originally posted by my_name_isnt_clever

What a roller coaster that must be between each game launch. Everyone seems to think that it must be obvious during game development if a part of a game is good or bad, but it must be more complicated than that. No one wants to release any part of a game in a bad state.

While there are some who love to point fingers when they dislike something (and being active in the community makes that worse, they have an actual person to point at) I fully support you guys behind the scenes, even acknowledging that the game has flaws.



Originally posted by Drinknrun152

I just wanted to say that I love the mindset shown here. Being willing to try things, but also being willing to take feedback and fix things if they don't work.

I sunk a bunch of time into Heroes of the Storm, but after recent events there I'm looking for something new and I'm really hyped for Anthem. With HotS Blizzard wasn't very good about communicating with the players, taking feedback on ways to improve, adding in badly needed features, or admitting they made a mistake on something. That game had the potential to be great but dev mismanagement sunk it. So far I really like what I'm seeing from you guys, and I really hope you guys are able to follow through.

Thanks! Me too :)


Originally posted by Owlikat

Just chiming in here to say that for me, as long as you guys don't give up on the game and work on making it awesome, I'd be perfectly happy to stick around to see how things go. I'm content with the game as it exists because it is what I expected it to be based on what I played from the demos, but it would be very nice to see it built into a fully featured experience with a very positive reputation.

I've been there before.. Many years ago, I backed a little game that was in closed beta called "Warframe". Bought in because I liked the idea of what they had going on, and.. Well, you may have seen how well it's been doing. Those devs never gave up and despite issues I hold with the game nowadays, it's still an awesome creation. I hope you guys can stick to Anthem and do something cool like that too.

That is EXACTLY our goal, so thanks for the support!


Originally posted by Woolfus

Sorry for all the sourness you must be experiencing. As fans, it's hard to see BioWare's latest game not live up to it's notably lofty expectations. When your pedigree has KOTOR, Mass Effect and numerous others, people expect a lot. Hope you don't take any of this personally and that you get some time off this long weekend.

Hey it's all good - it's been more fun than the Andromeda launch at least :)

I've worked on every game since ME1 - so I feel ya. We have high expectations for ourselves too, and thanks for the kind words I really do appreciate it!


Originally posted by achmedclaus

Why are these changes slated for the day 1 patch? Our day 1 has come and gone yet we get to play the worst version of the game during it's most crucial time (the hype is high.) It sucks that we don't have any patches coming during the week and we have to wait until friday to get anything fixed

Short answer? Certification process and testing.

Kind of like there are 3 or 4 'buses leaving the station' at different times, but buses wait for more people (features/fixes) in order to maximize each trip, not every bus takes one person. Kind of crap analogy but the best way I can explain it.


Originally posted by Woolfus

Ah yes, 5+ years of development time but it takes the last month to learn significant, game changing lessons.

Probably more true than it should be.