

03 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]


Actually Douyin (the original/chinese version of tiktok) launched in 2016

Then Tiktok (the international version) launch in 2017, and acquired in late 2017.

It was pretty big in late 2018, I don't think people realize how big it was/has gotten.

  • Reddit MAU = 330m
  • Twitter MAU = 330m
  • Twitch MAU = 140m
  • Titkok MAU = 850m
  • (and remember, that's not including Douyin, which has an INSANE 600m DAILY active users)

I wouldn't be unreal that if you consider both Tiktok and Douyin as the same app/platform, they have more global MAU than Reddit, Twitter, and Twitch combined.


Okay unrelated, but if you're in LA, get the tsukemen at Tsujita. It's incredible.

If you want more traditional ramen, go to Daikokuya.

Tatsu is for like, late late night ramen.

Mogu Mogu is new and does a dank brothless ramen.

02 Dec


In 2016, Lululemon (the athleisure brand) revealed their strategy to grow their men's business to $1 billion by 2020. The quick version of the strategy was this: if woman want to buy premium athleisure, look good at the gym, and be comfortable, why wouldn't men?

Turns out that strategy (along with the rest of their company's strategies) has done wonders for them. Their stock is trading at ~$370 today compared to like ~$50 in 2016

I love my Lulus. Most comfortable pants I've ever worn, and I basically swore off jeans. Some of my guys friends actually roasted me a bit when I first started wearing them, but I kind of notice that men everywhere are wearing athleisure and joggers now. It's dope.

Anyways, women playing LoL is dope too. People shouldn't be bullied or harassed for their gender, especially related to their hobbies or interests. That sh*t is really cringe.

01 Dec


watching some of those clips brought back amazing memories. The EZ pentas, the lucian teamfight that he turned around vs C9, the Jinx penta vs TSM...

PLUS everyone else is trash, officer caitlyn, etc.

DL delivered some of the best entertainment on and off the rift. I really think that's what makes someone a beloved esports player: the talent + the personality

28 Nov


Originally posted by Mattix46

this rioter probably queues into ranked on his gold acc, picks something troll and says "eh its preseason no one cares :D"

dude just @ me next time SHEESH


Yo, I don't work on League anymore, I've been locked in the R&D dungeon for sometime now (please help meeeee) but y'all typically don't instantly flame me when I post so here's my take on Preseason, the LoL devs, and this tweet:

  • Preseason is always kinda whack. I remember the Runes Reforged preseason, a bunch of champions/runes were way too strong, a bunch were way too weak, there were problems, we actively worked to try to fix them
  • Seems like the same is going on here. I went and played with the new items, overall I like the direction, but my boy yasuo seems weak with the crit changes. I trust they'll adjust things though
  • Now, I could just be a Riot shill (I am), but back when I was on League this was the busiest time of year. I was grinding both in the months up to preseason and especially during preseason (when all the juicy data and feedback was coming in)
  • I don't believe the LoL dev team is just "taking it easy" rn.
  • ...
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26 Nov


Originally posted by Kurisoo

Only Riot would change a character development because it was going to be “too fun”.

Why do you think so many people play Yasuo? Why do so many people find Yasuo frustrating?

Yasuo in may ways is "too fun". He gets so much agency, and so it makes it REALLY frustrating to play against a Yasuo who plays perfectly.

That version of Yone's kit felt AMAZING to pilot, but even if it was nerfed and tuned as much as we could, you would feel powerless playing against someone who played it perfectly.

As a side-note, I do think we've erred on providing characters with more agency, skill expression, etc., and thus more champions that push this (Irelia rework, Akali rework, etc.). Overall, I like that version of League. Zed vs Yasuo, Akali vs Ekko, Riven vs Fiora, these are some of the matchups I prefer to play and watch. But that's just my take, though I do definitely think we've designed more high skill expression, mechanically demanding, flashy, etc. characters in that direction in the last 5 years of LoL compared to the first 5 years.

25 Nov


DL is the most iconic NA player. So many story lines (as hero and villain), so many defeats and triumphs, so many memes.

Really gonna miss him. He was the reason I flipped from being a fan of so many different teams, and emphasized that for esports, player affinity > team affinity.

07 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]


data posts on twitter

1v1 tyler1

cringe tiktoks

Among Us Streamer with xQC, what a journey I've lived

06 Nov

02 Nov


Originally posted by aireil

Blaustoise, you wouldn't have a screenshot of this vertical game by any chance? :)

no but i can draw it for you in ms paint with like explosions and sh*t

EDIT -- Here you go



And, and by the way, you don't want to do that either.

You think you don't, but you don't

There's some weird hotkey in the dev build that causes the map to shift to being vertical instead of diagonal (so imagine that middle lane runs from the bottom MIDDLE of your screen to the top MIDDLE of your screen, instead of bottom LEFT to top RIGHT)

It will give you some of the worst motion sickness you've ever experienced. I legit almost threw up.

OH and any Among Us players, if you've played the Skeld map on reverse... you might have experienced something similar. But this is like... 10x worse. It's horrible. Never ever suggest this again pls pls pls

27 Sep


Originally posted by g0ldent0y

How about stuff like:

  • How to asses your target audience (how to know, who the f**k plays your game).

  • Different ways to gain user data (even before your game collects the data for you) and how to analyse the data itself.

  • When to scrap a concept.

  • How/When to react to player feedback.

  • How to adress toxicity.

  • Different approaches to game Design (there is never just one way to do things)

  • The future of AI (when will league bots be able to compete at worlds)

oh man i would have so many interesting topics i would love to hear you talk about.

now all of THAT stuff is my jam. Easy adds to my backlog of animated video topics or stream discussion ideas.


Originally posted by KoreanApe

Wow thats awesome but why isnt there any tiktok videos on your channel ?

because they're on my tiktok?


Originally posted by Danmoreng

From a first look, none of the videos right now are interesting to me. Topics I would be interested in as a developer:

Server Architecture

  • Server for pre game stuff (client, chat, champion select, matchmaking) - how does all of that work?

  • in Game servers - what technology is used? What do they run on? (OS, VMs/Docker, server hardware, networking) what exactly happens when a player puts in a command? Which kind of network connection is used between client and server?

The Client

I know there are a lot of blog posts about the client already, and I read most of them. I still don’t get why it has such performance issues. I’m a web developer myself and I just finished a relatively big project with vuejs - which runs absolutely smooth. I know the league client is really really big and has a lot of functionality - but still I’m convinced if started from scratch, probably with another frame...

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I know nothing about server architecture or the client.

I work with data, design, research, and strategy in game development :)


Originally posted by TheSeldomShaken

This is nice and all, but anyone could make some youtube videos. How many hundreds of years of game design experience does he have?

zero because I'm not a designer


Originally posted by Stefan474

Thank's for letting us know Mr. Blaustoise



Hey thanks for this man! Honestly I just enjoy content creation on the side even if for a small audience that likes the in-depth stuff. Plan is to keep making more (I kinda wanna try some longer animated vids that go into things like cheating in video games, the demographics of FPS games, etc.)

Outside of actually making and playing games my third favorite thing is just talking about games and trying to bridge the gaps between devs and players. I don't like when players just flame devs, but I also really don't like when devs talk down to players or assume they know something when they might not.

05 Sep


Originally posted by GroundbreakingAlps2

It's quite dishonest to say that this is a mass survey and draw comparisons between regions when n=600 per champion. This data is worthless, it's just random noise (at least quite close to it).

Only 600 people got a chance to rate how frustrating X champion is to play against per region, and then you compare.

Run the same experiment again in NA and you would get absurdly different result. Something that might happen is that the 24th most frustrating champion to play against might become the 78th most frustrating champion to play against when you run the experiment again (and hence ask different people).

Another thing to note that you're surveying completely random people (or I guess it's not completely random, its from people that played the game in october 2019). Sure, that can be good but it can also be bad. It can be bad in the sense that you randomly survey a bunch of people that barely play the game, you survey a bunch of aram only players (who's opi...

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A bunch of other people are writing in RE the statistics... I'll just say consider the business case.

I'm already surveying ~150,000 players. The full list of questions per each champion, plus a demographic block, plus we run some other blocks + questions in this survey means it's already long per person.

Now I can either survey more people, or I can make more people evaluate each champion. Either way I'm putting strain on players to be evaluating more champions or I'm expecting more people to take this survey (remember, we're running surveys on esports, on skins, on other cosmetic content, on seasonal events, etc. etc.).

Also we're not using this data like winrate data. I don't have the confidence to say that if a champion ranks 13th in frustrating with a likert score of 4.25 that the champion at rank 14 with a likert of 4.23 is less frustrating. But compared to the champion at rank 35 with a likert of 3.9? Now I'm more confident. The champion at 1...

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