DL, why is your twitter so cursed?
DL, why is your twitter so cursed?
I'm kinda confused as to how your data addresses the argument - Taliyah's pickrate has historically been shown by stat sites to be significantly higher when she's fringe meta, going as high as 6-8% iirc. Where is the data that you provided coming from? If it's current patch, then I think it's a fair point to make that Taliyah held a significantly higher pickrate when she was more meta.
Are you looking at ranked only? I'm looking at all SR queues. I actually think things like blind or normal can be more representative of what people want to play (have fun with) because they're not as worried about playing what's optimal or strong in ranked.
Also this is aggregate for all regions. ALSO you're looking at playrate (higher % numbers, basically saying "did this champion appear in this game") and not selection % (did this champion get picked in this single instance)
Still waiting for some data that track champion popularity vs gender.
Do you not track players gender in your game?
We don't actually collect that demographic data unless you opt into it in a survey.
I have champion affinity by gender from the Mass Champion survey. It's not behavioral data (what champion you're actually playing, etc.), but it's what champions people say are most appealing, either visually, gameplay, overall, a bunch of other Qs too.
Remember that the stats he used were from 2016, hence why Mord was in the bottom 20 (which isn't nearly true post rework).
Yeah to be clear it was Jan 1, 2016 to 2019.
Hi blaustoise
hi :)
I think the reason why lee sin and yasuo winrates are so low is because of the amount of people playing them a bit and doing poorly, and their massive pickrates are because the champs are fun to play. Because lee sin and yasuo aren’t bad champs, their winrates are just dragged down because of the number of non mains just playing them a bit.
I think this is kind of true. And I think it was more true historically.
But then we look into how many games on Yasuo and Lee Sin people have... and even the "casual-just-playing-lee-sin-for-fun" people often have a TON of games and high mastery on them. This gets into our Breadth vs Depth Report that Riot Novaasterix (forgot his reddit name RIP) did that looks at not only how many people play a champion, but how much they play that champ
Dayum, the unpopular champs are REALLY unpopular. Like, looking at it, you could make 10 skins for unpopular champions and a yasuo skin would still sell way more.
What's also interesting is that the distribution of champion popularity changes by region.
NA has less variance across champion popularity (popular champions were played less, unpopular champions were played more relative to the global avg).
Meanwhile regions like China and Vietnam have higher variance (popular champs are played even more, unpopular champs are played even less relative to the global avg).
On an unrelated note I've been on a binge of looking into how different regions and playerbases engage with the game differently, and this is just another example of that. Can definitely lead to a "wtf is riot doing" if NA believes one thing, KR believes something else, and EUW is off doing EUW things... makes it so that the trend of sentiment in NA (on reddit, twitter, twitch, etc.) is super unified where it might not be on a global scale.
I think that it should be asked in his twitter.
I wouldn't be able to answer if you did ask me. I'm just trying to bridge the information gap around champion popularity. I think u/DudeToManz answered it well below: my job is gameplay data, but here was something that had a bit of overlap with skins as they relate to playrate.
Now if you want to ask me about tiktok...
There's also artificial champion popularity.
Example being Kai'sa. She's been meta ever since her release and she's one of the most popular adcs. Put her in the gutter for a patch or 2 and I doubt she'd be picked at all.
A lot of people have said that about Kai'Sa, but there have been times where even if she was still getting picked in pro, her non-pro power/winrate (ranked, flex, norms, blind) was pretty low. Maybe it was the perception that she was meta.
There's more analysis to be done here, but you can look at winrate sensitivity of champions to see how much their playrate is affected when they're high/low winrate. Champs like Yasuo and Lee Sin are played regardless of their winrate, I think Kai'Sa is closer to them than to some of the champs that are more winrate/power sensitive.
It also doesn't make sense to create skins only relative to playrate (that's unfair to the investment players put into niche champs). We do neither, but it's tricky to find a good balance in there.
Explain Kai'Sa then.
If we made skins relative to playrate Kai'Sa would get more actually.
This is a assuming that we don't need to adjust for when a champion was released, how many skins they already have, etc, but strictly "how likely is she to get a skin given her playrate" since her launch per each "skin launch" since then... I think she would actually have more (also I'm not counting the IG skin in here). Last time I looked she was #2 or #3 most popular champion in China.
Does that explain?
okay 😳wow😳 listen here we are trying to run a 💵business💵 here
however you caught me in a 😊good mood😊, so thanks to 👌Your Feedback👌 we will be adding 👍1 free RP👍
never ask anything of us again 😤
make tiktoks with me
I hope you guys send some artwork like you did with T1, but with this quote watermarked across it.
"Fix your f**king game Blaustoise" -Yassuo 2019
Moe is holding someone hostage at Riot , the only reason I can think of
/u/Blaustoise Blink twice if this is true
Hahah relax, that's not the case at all
Even if Moe was hypothetically keeping me hostage, where would he put me? 34.0522° N, 118.2437°?
Listen, even discussing this is silly
Please don't tag me in the future
people just like playing yasuo because he's fun
you don't even play champions simply because they're the easiest to win with, almost no one does
see yasuo post on reddit
people complaining about his high presence
"Yasuo isn't even strong he's just so frustrating I hate him"
"Yasuo is super fun, he's high presence cause people want to play him"
Ah sh*t, here we go again
He is very popular not just for his kit, but his design is literally the "lone wanderer anime protagonist" which is also like really popular
katana man fun
Why is he so popular? I've literally never played him and have no desire too...What is the appeal mostly? Is it the extremely low cooldowns?
he is fun
found a picture of u/Pink_penthere
This is the sound of a man being held hostage by the vitriolic rollercoaster that is the league community.
nah. I think I encounter more love and passion than hate and vitriol.
it's a rollercoaster, sure, but more ups than downs.
You give me energy with your great attitude and shiny Yasuo plays! 8)