

03 Aug


Originally posted by DetoxYourMind

Honestly, it must be hard for you guys.

If you focus on low-elo, and try to solve the issues there, people will laugh at the patch notes and say “who at riot is losing against x champion “

If you focus on high-elo, the majority of the players will feel like they are not important

If you focus on tournaments, everyone calls you guys out for only caring about the 0.001%

If you nerf a champ (that everyone complains for months), you get shit-talked on reddit.

If you buff a champion (that many people complain that is weak) you get shit-talked on reddit.

When a champion is reworked, and you need to nerf it, they say “its always like this dogshit company, reworks and nerfs” When you don’t tune it down they will say, “now they wont touch the champion “

If you don’t rework them, people will complain about their win rate..

On behalf of people who play this game and have worked to try and please people, i just wanna say that i d...

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I love it. The passion from this community and LoL players around the world gives me energy.


Originally posted by MisterEggo

The secret to understanding the community's feeling towards the meta is to know this: The community will always cry and complain about what is strong, because what is strong will always be prevalent. Riot devs do what they can, and we cry at their efforts, no matter what. Just the way she goes.

I love you.

31 Jul


Happy wind (wo)man :D

16 Jul

11 Jul


Reddit is dead catch us on the gram or tik tok 😎👌🙌😝🤪🙈🙈🙈


Originally posted by ZVengeanceZ

is it really surprising?

every time reddit doesn't like some balance change or the kit of a newly released champ there's threads and comments about firing the people who work on them and how much ppl hate their work. The actual positive feedback threads are an extreme rarity. It's borderline masochism for a sane person to hang around when their work is being bashed daily

Someone on EUW name changed to “Fire Blaustoise”. That was an honor for me.

I don’t speak for all devs at Riot or game devs in general, but I can tolerate the flame towards our work and actually lowkey appreciate it. It means you all are passionate. Sure, a lot of “feedback” is just people being unreasonable and nasty, but at the same time I think some game devs/studios expect their players and communities to behave with the same decorum as their professional environment.

All the hate we get is the result of love and passion for the game, and if you frame it from that perspective it makes the flame bright enough to push you harder without burning your ass all the time.

Then again I played 700 ranked games this season to be hard stuck high plat, so maybe I’m a borderline masochist like u/zv...

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09 Jul


Stoked for Moe/Revenge, and really happy to see that me coaching him on how to play Irelia was useful!

23 Jun


I think their team’s yasuo vs your team’s yasuo doesn’t exist though. He’s finally just a happy (one hex over) wind man

20 Jun


I'm a simple man: I see Faker + Yasuo, I watch

11 Jun


I've seen some people saying "it's just a meme" and OP mentioned "group think" and I could see how memes or the mores of the western communities give the perception of "katana man bad", but I think that players fundamentally engage with League (and other games) differently across the globe.

Another high n survey that we recently ran didn't focus on champions, but rather on core gameplay perceptions that I would have expected would be more universal than champion preferences. We asked a sort of "Goldilocks" question about damage in League of Legends: is damage too low, just right, or too high (the actual question was more specific; also on a 5-point scale).

Taking a look at the results, we saw pretty substantial differences in the perc...

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06 Jun


Originally posted by curingboo

A 3 for 1 deal?! brb coming back rn :) I would LOVE to Akali/Eve duo shot because that's my kind of ship. But only if you do a genderbender KDA Akali cosplay...



Originally posted by RiotAugust

whoah whoah whoah

August, your champions are hard carried BY ARTISTS, and I just sh*tpost and fake data to make Riot seem smart, and even that backfires.


It’s an easy trade.


Fantastic as always. Makes me want to see her do a KDA Akali piece (my bias) or an ensemble.

Also way to remind us that she’s no longer RIOT Curing. Offer still stands, will happily trade myself, u/RiotAugust, and u/RiotJag to get her back.

30 May


Stoked to see this framework being communicated publicly. It's been really exciting to see Repertoire and team developing this project internally, and I've always been a proponent of us sharing more of our data and data decision-making with players to foster discussion and transparency.

Also HUGE SHOUTOUT to Riot Benobo (his name is ben, literally the bonobo of the balance team) for all of his dank data. Whenever you see me discussing data publicly, half the time it's from his internal reports.

28 May


Originally posted by _Badgers

my favourite part about accounts like yours is when they blind pick their tried and tested turbofeed irelia instead of playing a champion they can win games with like maybe at some point you just have to accept that being good at irelia is not your destiny


22 May


Only occasionally got to work with Janelle (though she loved the dank data), but more importantly I've always appreciated her engagement with the community for the skins team. She was a huge inspiration to me to engage more around gameplay, balance, and data!

It's always tough when a talented and passionate coworker moves on, and it's even harder when they're your friend too. BUT I'm super stoked for whatever is next for her, and I'm sure she's always welcome back in gaming and at Riot specifically.

21 May